Crestview Spring Conferences
Crestview School of Inquiry | February 8, 2021
It is hard to believe that we are already at the point in the 2020-21 school year where we are planning our spring conferences. We received positive feedback regarding our fall virtual conferences, so we look forward to repeating the process for our spring conferences.
We will be holding virtual conferences on the following FOUR DATES:
- Friday, Feb. 19 - 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (no school day for Crestview)
- Tuesday, Feb. 23 - 3:30-7:30 p.m.
- Wednesday, Feb. 24 - daytime (students learn online)
- Thursday, Feb. 25 - 3:30-7:30 p.m.
On Wednesday, Feb. 24, we will have ALL ON-SITE STUDENTS learn online that day. This decision was made to help teachers have time to schedule video or phone conferences throughout the entire day.
Conferences notes were sent home, Tuesday, Feb. 9. If you can not make conference time assigned please contact the office at 633-5700 by Friday, Feb. 12.
We look forward to connecting with you through our spring conferences. Please remember you can always reach out to your student’s teachers any time you have questions about your student’s learning.
Tamara Tjeerdsma
Independent, At-Home Learning Day Details: Wednesday, Feb. 24
What Does Learning Look Like for My Student That Day?
On Wednesday, Feb. 24, students will work independently on tasks for reading writing, and math. These three key subject areas will also integrate social studies, science, and other core subjects into the learning that day. Students will need to log into Canvas to work on tasks outlined by their teacher.
Amount of Time Planned for Independent Learning
- Kindergarten/First Grade: 1.5-2 hours
- Second/Third Grade: 2-2.5 hours
- Fourth-Sixth Grade: 2.5-3 hours
Students will need to log into Canvas and complete a specific task the teacher provides to let students demonstrate they have completed learning for that day.
Do Students Need to Log in at a Particular Time?
No. Students can work on the tasks in each Canvas class at any point throughout the day, but students should have logged in and completed the task prior to 3 p.m. to be counted present for the virtual day.
How Will My Student Get Meals?
Students can pick up their boxed meal for Wednesday at the end of the school day on Tuesday, Feb. 23. They will receive directions on where to get their breakfast/lunch boxed meal prior the end of the day.
What about Kids West and After School Activities?
Kids West child care will be open at full daycare sites for current participants. Pre-registration is required. Kids West will email more detailed information this month.
All regularly scheduled after-school activities will be canceled for Wednesday, Feb. 24.
Conference Details
Conference letters will be sent home Tuesday, February 9. All changes need to be made through the office 633-5700. Conferences will be held virtually. Conferences will be accessed through your student's Canvas page. Please make sure you talk with your student.
How Long Will Each Conference Take?
Individual teacher conferences are scheduled for 25 minutes.
Where Else Can I Find the Link for My Student's Virtual Conference?
A link will be added to your student's Canvas page.
Should my student participate in the conference?
Yes. We would like your student to be part of the conference, if possible.
What if I don't have Internet at home or don't want to do a video conference on my phone?
Parents can come to Crestview's Media Center for a virtual conference. You can request to come to the school when you sign up.
What If I Need An In-Person Conference?
Due to COVID-19 and the timing of conferences, we are unable to offer in-person conferences. Parents can come to Crestview's Media Center for a virtual conference. You can request to come to the school when you sign up.
Do I need a Google account to participate in a virtual video conference?
Yes. Please click HERE to view how to set up a Google account if you do not already have one. A Google account is NOT needed for phone conferences.
Crestview School of Inquiry
Tamara Tjeerdsma, Director
Location: 8355 Franklin Avenue, Clive, IA, USA
Phone: 515-633-5700