AMMS Lions Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Dr. Mimi Gamel, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Laurie Chans, 6th Grade Assistant Principal
Calendar of Events
September 8th Phase 1 Begins
September 10th Football Spirit Day
September 11th Patriot Day Wear Red, White and Blue
September 22nd 1st Day of Fall
Join The PTA!
Phase 1 Begins on Tuesday, September 8th
Dear Parents,
Please see the Fulton Schools’ Reopening Matrix below. Phase I begins on Tuesday, September 8th and is optional. What does this mean for middle school students?
- Specific groups of special education students may attend face-to-face sessions for 180 minutes one day per week. (Autrey Mill MS does not currently have any special education students in any of the specific groups). Please email Donna Rhein, Instruction Support Teacher (IST), with any questions at
- However, any of our students may request a 1:1 by Appointment with their teachers or counselors. (These appointments are OPTIONAL). Please note that actually 4 students can attend a face-to-face teacher session at one time. Also, masks are required for both students and staff. Student temperatures will be taken in the lobby/rotunda and parents MUST remain in their vehicles. Please email your student’s teacher directly if you would like to request a face-to-face help session. They will occur during his/her office hours- 8:25 a.m. - 8:55 a.m., 4:00 p.m. - 4:25 p.m. or a time that your teacher suggests. Please know that virtual help sessions are available as well.
J.E. Trey Martin
Principal | Autrey Mill Middle School ï Fulton County Schools
4110 Old Alabama Road Johns Creek, GA 30022
470-254-7622 ph 470-254-7630 fax ï
September 11th Patriot Day
Wear Red, White and BLUE!
Thursday, September 10th NFL Kick Off
Go Falcons!
Adjusted FCS Year 2020-2021 Calendar
Attendance Notes
All notes should include the following:
- First name
- Last Name
- Date(s) and period(s) they are out
- Grade level
Please also include a Dr. Note whenever possible. These can be scanned or emailed to or faxed to 470-254-7630.
Attendance will be adjusted within 24 to 48 hours.
Daily Student Assignments
Dear Parents,
All courses are accessible through Microsoft Teams using the Teams APP. Students should be able to locate all assignments and resources in their Course Class Teams.
Also, an overview of daily student assignments is posted on our website at Once you land on our site, click the tab at the top named, “Universal Remote Learning.” Then, click on the appropriate grade level lesson plans on the left side of the page. Finally, click on one of the subject icons.
Mr. Trey Martin
Pre-Approved Absences
6th Grade Laurie Chans,
7th Grade Dr. Mimi Gamel,
8th Grade Anita Erickson,
FCS Universal Remote Hotline
For any student who is missing accessories or has any device issues (ex: password issues or broken devices), the parent/guardian needs to contact our student technology helpline at: 470-254-2300. They are open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Fulton County's Student Code of Conduct
Parents, did you know each year parents and students are expected to review Code of Conduct issued by our district? A copy is available on the District Website which can be accessed using the link below. If you would like a paper copy, you may pick one up from AMMS. Please complete and return the form within the link to Acknowledge Receipt of the electronic version of the 20-21 handbook.
This is a requirement of Fulton County. It ensures we all understand the behavioral expectations as outlined by our district.
Please note:
- The publicity release is now located in the FERPA section of the code. Parents, you are only required to “opt out” if that is your preference. If you are choosing to “opt out”, the process is the same as last year - which states that written documentation MUST be submitted to the school. Email Carman Anderson at for questions.
Our goal is to have 100% of our families signed off on the code of conduct by September 30th!
We can do this! Thanks for your support!