The CTAE Connector
From the Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education
September 2022 • Preparing Today for Tomorrow's Workforce
Charting a Course to Student Success!
On August 4th, the Career, Technical and Adult Education team welcomed almost 200 teachers to the 2022-2023 school year! For the first time since 2019, we had the opportunity to meet face-to-face to celebrate the accomplishments of the previous year and to set the stage for CTAE student success as we continue to chart a course focused on educating and certifying workforce-ready graduates.
We are ready to support more than 36,000 students currently enrolled in 246 CTE courses throughout Pasco County. More than 30 new CTAE teachers have joined us, either in established programs of study or as inaugural staff members at the brand-new Kirkland Ranch Academy of Innovation. We continue to partner with school-based administrative teams and industry partners to ensure that standards-based teaching and learning is infused with real-world relevance. It is an exciting time to be a part of career, technical and adult education!
As always, we are "Preparing Today for Tomorrow's Workforce" and we appreciate your support of our students and schools!
Please feel free to contact us at 813-794-2204, join us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @PascoCTE!
Stay safe, keep it simple and be well,
Lori Romano, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education
2021-2022 In Review
Wendell Krinn Technical High School Achieves National Certification
Wendell Krinn Technical High School (KTECH) has been recognized as a Nationally Certified-Demonstration Magnet School by Magnet Schools of America (MSA). Nationally certified magnet schools provide high-quality, innovative educational options to families and students that promote choice, diversity, and academic excellence.
The national certification process is based on the Magnet School Standards of Excellence and the five pillars of magnet schools (diversity; innovative curriculum and professional development; academic excellence; high quality instructional systems; and, family and community partnerships). These pillars and standards define the essential elements and characteristics of high-quality magnet programs.
To become nationally certified, MSA member schools submitted a detailed application and participated in a rigorous evaluation conducted by MSA. The application process required schools to submit evidence demonstrating how they met each of the multiple indicators included in the Standards of Excellence. This included providing specific examples of how the school was promoting school diversity, closing the achievement gap, integrating a theme-based curriculum throughout the school, and encouraging parent and community involvement.
Nationally, there are currently less than 60 schools that uphold these Standards of Excellence.
- Pasco County Schools
CTAE In The News
CTE Business Partner Recognized by FLDOE
Pictured: Superintendent Kurt Browning, Keven Barber, CTAE Program Specialist Jen Batchelor, and School Board Chair Cynthia Armstrong
Photo credit: Andy Dunn, Pasco County Schools
Fivay High School JROTC Recognizes Police Memorial Week
We want to hear from you!
• Please share information about your program that you would like considered for the CTAE monthly newsletter (photos, awards, events, certifications, etc.).
• Don't forget that you can email Pam Willoughby ( with news and photos you want posted on our social media platforms at any time throughout the month.
FFA Steers Join the Barns at Zephyrhills High School
River Ridge High School Teacher Shares the Spotlight at Governor's Press Conference.
Pictured below: Superintendent Browning; Mr. Vashon; Governor DeSantis, Commissioner Diaz and other special guests
Photo credit: River Ridge High School
Fivay High Chefs Treat Staff to Culinary Confections!
Land O' Lakes High Student Wins Top Honors
- photo by Andy Dunn, Pasco County Schools
Cypress Creek High Brings Home Public Service Awards
CTAE Facebook Page
CTAE Teachers Lounge
The CTAE Teachers Lounge is a closed group for Pasco County CTAE educators. Think of us having a virtual teachers lounge where we can share ideas, thoughts, and even a little humor in our days. Please join and become part of our online community!
@PascoCTE Twitter
Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education
Location: 7227 Land O' Lakes Boulevard, Land O Lakes, FL, USA
Phone: 813-794-2204
Twitter: @PascoCTE