Principal's Update
Welcome Back to School! August 17, 2021
First Day of School is Wednesday, August 18, 2021
Hello Parents,
Would you please share this message with your child?
Thank you,
Principal Maria Brady
Dear Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Graders,
Tomorrow is the first day of the school year! Our teachers and staff are eager to see you on campus. As your principal, I wish to share a few words of advice for your first day of school. For many of you, it will be your first day on our campus. Crocker is a caring community of learners. Our educators and students will help each other tomorrow and every day. For example, If you need directions, there will be students and adults to guide you.
Tomorrow is an exciting day! Tomorrow is a Blue Day. At your first-period class, you will receive a paper copy of your schedule. As you learn your schedule we are here to help. If you need help, stop in the office or at the counselor's office. We are happy to help. Additionally, to prepare for tomorrow, please read the important information section below.
Finally, come to school with a growth mindset. Be open to meeting new people and learning new routines. Be kind to yourself, there will be challenges, and there will be successes. It will be ok if something does not go exactly as planned. Instead, focus on what goes right. Most of all, don't forget to smile under your mask!
Go Vikings,
Mrs. Brady
Important Information
First Day of School, Wednesday, August 18, 2021, 8:25 am to 12:00 noon.
Click here Crocker Bell Schedule 21/22 School Year for daily start and end times.
Pick up and drop off is on the Crocker blacktop. Students can arrive at school no earlier than 8:15 am. Bikers, please park at the bike rack in front of the GYM.
Please pick up student(s) promptly after dismissal. There is no after-school supervision.
Our Crocker students will be welcomed by student ambassadors directing students where to find their first-period classrooms.
Recess and lunch 6th Graders will have assigned lunch tables on Blacktop. 7th and 8th Grades will eat at Blue Gold Tables, Center Courtyard, and Blue Gold Tables near the band room. During recess, please consume snacks in the same areas.
Our blacktop or play area will open 15 minutes after lunch begins.
Students are encouraged to wear masks outside when not eating or drinking.
Lockers will not be used on the first day of school. Instead, students will bring their backpacks from class to class.
Chromebooks will be distributed Thursday, Friday, and Monday. Students should not bring any other device besides their Chromebook and cell phone to school.
Students may bring a cell phone to school. However, cell phones may not be used during school and should be silenced and secured from the first bell until dismissal.
Health and Safety
COVID protocols will be shared during your first-period class.
William H. Crocker Middle School
Email: mbrady@hcsdk8.org
Website: https://www.hcsdk8.org
Location: 2600 Ralston Ave, Hillsborough, CA, USA
Phone: (650) 342-6331