Should have been saved as October
JSD's Elementary Math Newsletter Nov. '22
Happy Fall, Awesome Coaches and Teachers!
Included in this month's newsletter
- The Power of Moments - students' INSIGHT into their math work
- Where do I find resources for high-quality interventions?
- Kaplinsky Problem Solving Template
- Downloadable Posters
- Quote of the month
- Suggestion box
- Coaches' Corner
The Power of Moments
Our EPIC theme this year (Elevation, Pride, Insight, Connection) focuses on the element of insight this month. Insight is a deep understanding.One way to increase our students' insight is to increase our own. Try playing around with a math concept yourself to develop your insight and to craft questions you might ask the students so they can discover those same insights for themselves. (
Find resources on JSD's Mathematics website
A Graphic Organizer for Problem Solving
Quote of the Month
Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations, or algorithms: it is about understanding. (William Paul Thurston)
Orla Hurley, Math Specialist Grades 3-5
Contact me:
801 567 8668
I believe in math....
click on image to view
Melissa Garber, Math Specialist Grades K-2 & 6
Contact me:
801 567 8170
Suggestion box
What would you like to see in our next newsletter?
Click on the button to access a suggestion form
Support is available for coaching mathematics - please reach out to us. We love to help!