Timber Wolf Times
Neil C Twitchell Elementary School - 3/10/23
Spring Break! No School 3/13 - 3/17 - Classes Resume 3/20/23
Safety Reminders
March Character Trait of the Month
Upcoming Events
3/13 - 3/17 - Spring Break - No School
Classes Resume Monday 3/20/23
3/20 - Be Kind Shirt Day - SSA Bottoms
3/21 - Grade 4 & 5 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 am
3/21 - Twitchell Tech Club - 2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
3/21 - Cub Scouts 6:00 pm
3/22 - PTA Mix and Mingle - See Flyer Below
3/22 - Chess Club 7:00 am
3/22 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
3/23 - Pickle ball Club 6:45 am
3/23 - Grade 4 & 5 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 am
3/23 - Spring Picture Day
3/24 - Family Picnic Day (Come have lunch with your child, picnic style on the field)
10:15 am - 10:45 am - Kindergarten & First Grade
10:55 am - 11:25 am - Second Grade & Third Grade
11:35 am - 12:05 pm - Fourth & Fifth Grade
3/24 - Family Engagment Day (Pre-K)
3/24 - Lobos Rehearsal 7:00 am
3/24 - PTA Fun Friday at the Park 2:30 pm
3/27 - Be Kind Shirt Day - SSA Bottoms
3/28 - Grade 5 Science SBAC Testing
3/28 - Grade 4 & 5 Choir Rehearsal 7:00 am
3/28 - Grade 5 Pizza Fundraiser Lunch
3/28 - Twitchell Tech Club 2:15 pm
3/29 - Grade 5 Science SBAC Testing
3/29 - Chess Club 7:00 am
3/29 - Good News Club 2:15 pm
3/29 - Student Council Meeting 2:15 pm
3/30 - Pickle Ball Team - 6:45 am
3/30 - Grade 4 & 5 Choir Rehearsal
3/31 - Lobos Rehearsal 7:00 am
3/31 - Field Day
Summer Acceleration 22-23 - SIGN UP NOW! - The Window Closes 3/24/23.
Twitchell ES/CCSD is hosting a summer acceleration program from May 30th - June 16th. Students may sign up for individual weeks or the entire 3 weeks. Attendance will be taken, so if you sign up, please make every effort to attend. Students must have been enrolled at Twitchell for the 22-23 school year to be eligible to attend. (Pk-Grade 5).
School hours will be from 8:00 am - 2:11 pm, exactly the same as the regular school year. School breakfast and lunch will be provided free to anyone that wants it.
This is a Face to Face learning opportunity only (there will be no distance learning option). Parents are asked to continue to screen their child each morning for any COVID symptoms and keep them home if they are not feeling well.
If you are interested in having your child(ren) attend our summer program, please take the time to complete this short survey by March 24, 2023. If you have more than one child who currently attends Twitchell, please complete the survey for EACH child.
Transportation will be provided for students that qualify. Safekey WILL NOT be provided.
Survey Link:
Family Picnic Day 3/24/23
Family Picnic Day - Volunteers Needed!
Family Picnic Day Lunch Schedule for Friday, March 24
10:15 am - 10:45 am - Kindergarten, First Grade, & KIDS Program (Miss Eden & Miss Nicole's Class)
10:55 am - 11:25 am - Second Grade, Third Grade, & Autism
11:35 am - 12:05 pm - Fourth & Fifth Grade
Click the link to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0f4ea8a722abff2-twitchell58#/
Pizza Fundraiser - Last Day to Order 3/27/23
Dear Twitchell Families,
We have the next 5th grade pizza fundraiser on March 28th. Attached is the link for the online ordering through 8:00pm on 3-27th. Please note we cannot take orders on the day of the event.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
The 5th grade team.
Field Day! March 31st, 2023 - We need volunteers!
8:30 am - 10:10 am - Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd Grade
12:20 pm - 2:00 pm - 3rd, 4th, & 4th Grade
We are in need of parent volunteers. Please click the below live link to sign up as a parent volunteer.
PTA Paw Print Newsletter
PTA Mix and Mingle Event
"The PTA invites you to join us for an informal "Mix and Mingle" at PKWY Tavern at the District on March 22, from 4-6 p.m. This is an adults only event where you can meet other Twitchell families, enjoy good food and drinks and even better company.
Please RSVP: Twitchell Mix and Mingle RSVP
This is an off campus event organized by the PTA. You do not need to be a PTA member to attend, however we always welcome new members!
Hope to see you there!"
SBAC/CRT Practice Link - Grades 3-5
SBAC/CRT Testing Dates - Grades 3-5
Grade 5 Science - March 28 & 29
Grades 3 - 5 ELA - April 18, 19, 21
Grades 3-5 Math - April 25, 26, 27
Order your Yearbook NOW!!!
Purchase a beautiful hardcover 2022-23 Twitchell Yearbook for your student! Delivered directly to your student during the last full week of school in time for the PTA Yearbook Signing Party on 5/17/23.
Purchase your Yearbook via Member hub at: https://twitchellpta.memberhub.com/store/items/825224
Or Use the QR Code
Purchase with Check or Cash using the form below. **Please make checks payable to Twitchell PTA**
Breakfast and Lunch are Free for All Students
Timber Wolf School - Wide Incentives and Recognition
How to Report a Student Absence
Once logged on, click the yellow button on top of our home page.
Beginning March 1st, all attendance notes will need to be submitted electronically through the website.
Grade Level Music Performances Schedule 2022-2023
Twitchell Elementary School
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NeilCTwitchellElementarySchool
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/twitchelles/