Dolphin Family News
September 16, 2022

October 7, 2022
Upcoming Dates:
10/19: Hearing & Vision Screening for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th grade
10/21: PTA Trunk or Treat Event--- 6-8:00pm
10/28: Homecoming Parade for 5th graders
Hearing & Vision Screening
We will be conducting hearing & vision screening for 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th graders at Daffodil Valley Elementary on 10/19/22. Please be sure to send glasses with those students who wear them. If you do not want your child screened, please contact our building nurse @ robin_jowell@sumnersd.org.
Support Sumner High School Theatre Company
Come join us Friday, October 21st from 6:00-8:00pm for our Trunk or Treat and DANCE!
We are looking for Volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the front office for a volunteer form! 253-891-4600
5th grade Homecoming Parade Participation!
Our 5th grade Dolphins have been invited to join the Sumner High School Parade to represent our school. 5th graders will be bringing home permission slips this week for you to fill out in order for them to participate.
Want to Volunteer? PTA would love your help!
Our PTA would love volunteers for our Room Parents, Popcorn, Bookfair, and other upcoming events! If you'd like to volunteer, here's some updated information for you.
- All volunteers that were approved during the 2021-2022 school year have been approved to continue to volunteer through December, 2023. Moving forward, we will be approving volunteers on a two year cycle.
- The Volunteer clearance cycle will now be from January through December, instead of September to August, to better support the beginning- and end-of-year school needs.
- Online Volunteer Application
- Volunteers will now upload their proof of Covid-19 vaccination directly into the Volunteer Management System. If they are seeking an exemption, they will be directed to the form to complete and our office will be notified. Our staff will work with those requesting an exemption in order to approve them.
Here is the facebook link to share with families. PTA often updates it with upcoming events and information.
Playground Locked
To ensure student safety, we will be making sure all playground gates remain locked until student dismissal. Thanks for understanding!
Parent Drop-OFF
Just a reminder- we open our doors at 8:10 am. Please do not drop off students before that time. Drop-off car line is in the loop in front of our school. Those parents parking and dropping their students off, please use appropriate sidewalks/crosswalks.
Daffodil St is not a car drop-off location. We have seen students getting dropped off on Daffodil St and run across the street in-between the buses! Please help your child stay safe and use the crosswalk!
Cold and Flu Season
With school starting, and the weather starting to turn cold, our students are coming to school with the sniffles! Sending your child with kleenex would be super helpful and any donations would be helpful!
Remember to bring your WATER BOTTLE to school!
Please send a reusable water-bottle with your student. It is very important for your students to stay hydrated throughout the day.