Meadow Brook Magic
Week 16: December 3rd-14th
Springville Mayor's Youth Award Recipients
Mustang Monday Message
I hope each one of you is enjoying this holiday season!
If you would still like to participate with our Giving Tree, we are going to push back the deadline to Friday. We have several ornaments left on our tree and hope with a little more time we will be able to help all of our families in need during this holiday season.
Our PTA, has extended their fundraiser for an extra day. See information below.
Thanks for being so wonderful to work with! Warmest Wishes,
Miss Balli
* Tuesday, December 11th: 6th Grade Field Trip, 10 am PTA Meeting, Springville Junior High Concert K-3rd Grades 2:35, & PTA Pizza Fundraiser Due
* Wednesday, December 12th: 6th Grade Field Trip
* Friday, December 14th: Giving Tree Presents Due, Last day for after-school clubs
* Tuesday, December 18th: Reading Carnivals throughout the day, 2nd Grade Market Day
* Wednesday, December 19th: MJHS Band Christmas Concert 4th-6th grade @9:10, 2nd Grade Christmas Program 1:30, 1st Grade Christmas Program 2:30
* Thursday, December 20th: Mustang Stampede 2:50
* Friday, December 21st: School is out at noon!
* Christmas Break Friday, December 21st @ Noon- Tuesday, January 1st
The Giving Tree
Help make the holidays a little brighter for some of our Meadow Brook Families. Ornaments are available in the school's entryway.
-Choose an ornament from tree
-Purchase the gift on the ornament and go to the link on the ornament.
-Mark the gift you purchased on the form at the link provided
-Turn in the gift - unwrapped- to the front office
-All gifts are due on Friday, December 14th
*Parents, please help your student choose ornaments from the tree*
From our PTA:
Dear Parents,
The PTA Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser orders can still be made online TODAY. Please have all physical orders and money handed in by TUESDAY, December 11th.
If you haven’t checked out the fundraiser yet please see the link below. It’s great food to have on hand especially during the Christmas break.
Thank you,
Meadow Brook PTA
This past week's adventures:
The Double Sweater!
National Anthem Singers
Student Council Conducts Assembly
Principal Mustang Club Winners
School Orchestra
Our school orchestra is recruiting more players...especially violinist!! The orchestra meets Tuesdays, Thursdays, and every other Friday at 8 am. If you are interested in joining the orchestra, please contact the office.
If you cannot afford to have your child participate, there are a few scholarships available. Please contact me if you are interested.
Have you ordered something & not received it?
About us
Email: heather.balli@nebo.edu
Website: Meadowbrook.nebo.edu
Location: 748 South 950 West, Springville, UT, USA
Phone: 801-489-2897
Facebook: facebook.com/MBelementary
Twitter: @meadowbrookmagic