Leopards News
September 2022

February 2024
Dates to Remember
1/31 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
2/7 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
2/9 1st Grade Field Trip to OMSI, 11:15-1:35
2/14 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
2/15 3rd Grade Field Trip to Newmark Theater, 11:00-2:00
2/16 5th Grade Field Trip to Newmark Theater, 8:45-11:45
2/16 PFO Valentine Dance, 5:30-7:30
2/19 NO SCHOOL, President's Day Holiday
2/21 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
2/23 PFO Bingo Night, Gr. 1-2 5:00-6:00 pm; Gr. 3-5 6:30-7:30 pm
2/28 Early Release, 1:20 p.m.
3/1 Everybody Reads Day
Notes from the Principal
Dear JWE Friends and Families,
As we begin the month of February, it marks the end of another progress reporting period. It is hard to believe we are halfway through the school year. The students have formed strong communities in their classrooms and throughout the school. It is incredible to see the students learning. Whether it is seeing the joy on a child’s face the first time they can read a short story on their own, reciting memorized math facts, or watching a student give a speech on a topic they are passionate about, students are finding success.
While we are proud of the work happening at John Wetten Elementary, our school is always looking for ways to become even better. This fall our school Site Council met several times to review data in the areas of student achievement, attendance, and school climate and culture. The Site Council has been working at drafting a 3 year School Improvement Plan, based on this review. Below you will find information about our school improvement plan and a link to a Google form "School Improvement Plan Feedback Form" that asks for you to provide feedback on the School Improvement Draft. Family input is incredibly important to this work and value your thoughts. We appreciate your continued partnership and look forward to a great second half of the year!
John McAndrews
John Wetten Elementary
School Improvement Plan Feedback
At the beginning of this school year the John Wetten Elementary Site Council began developing a draft of a school improvement plan. Our team reviewed academic data, student attendance, school climate and culture data. Based on this process we developed 3 primary goals, which are listed in the form. The plan was shared with our staff and we were provided feedback.
At this time we are asking for you to share any thoughts you might have on the current goals for our school moving forward. We value your input! You may also review the draft of the improvement plan in its entirety by clicking here. Thank you for your continued partnership.
Important News
Erin's Law
In 2015, the Oregon legislature passed SB 856, also known as Erin’s Law. Erin’s Law requires the development and adoption of child sexual abuse prevention programs for students in kindergarten through 12th grade in all Oregon public schools. As in year’s past, our school has adopted a health curriculum that meets Erin’s Law requirements, as well as, the Oregon Health Education Standards.
In the next few months teachers and our school counselors will be teaching a minimum of 4 instructional lessons that are age appropriate and address the requirements of Erin’s Law which include:
1) healthy relationships,
2) the difference between appropriate touch and inappropriate touch,
3) knowing who a trusted adult is they can talk to,
4) refusal skills, saying “no” and identifying and recognizing sexual abuse.
The Gladstone School District acknowledges that parents and guardians are the primary health educators for their child and we are committed to partnering with you. In an effort to do this, you have the option of excluding your child from the Erin’s Law lessons. If you choose to do this, please complete the Erin’s Law Opt-Out Form by February 15, 2024. Students who are excused will be given an alternative assignment.
Parent Faculty Organization (PFO) News
JWE Parents and Guardians,
The make up dance has been rescheduled for February 16th 5:30pm-7:30pm and is now Valentine themed so please wear pink or red! Snacks will be available for purchase. Cash only. This is not a drop off event, please stay with your child/children.
Family Bingo Night is February 23rd! Come join us for fun and prizes! Grades 1st and 2nd are from 5pm-6pm and grades 3rd, 4th and 5th are from 6:30pm-7:30pm. There was a mistake in the printed calendar so please disregard the information on there. Please refer to the JWE Google Calendar (link in this email below the Dates to Remember) for the most recent information. If you have siblings in multiple grades you can go to either slot. This is not a drop off event, please stay with your child/children.
Thank you to The Brew on Portland Ave. for donating coffee to the staff last month for their return from winter break!
Lastly, box tops are at $358.40! So great!! We’d like to encourage you to download the Box Tops for Education app if you haven’t yet. When setting up your account enter the referral code: JE3T4GU0 It’s as simple as scanning your receipt after you shop!
Thank you,
The John Wetten PFO
A Change of Clothes
At this time of year, we have more students than usual needing a change of clothes because they fall and get wet or muddy. If your student brings home clothes from the school please wash and return them. You may consider keeping a change in their backpack so they don't have to borrow clothes from the school.
We also take donations of easy on/off pants (no jeans please) and tops for both boys and girls of all sizes.
Gladstone Shows Up
John Wetten has an improved attendance rate of 16% from last year. This is higher than any other school in the Metro area. We have lots to celebrate! Our students are working towards a school wide bubble gum party,
We announce weekly class attendance winners, and celebrate attendance at our monthly assemblies
Regular attendance is important because it:
Helps students make and maintain friendships
helps students develop a sense of connection and belonging
Reduces students stress of falling behind and missing learning
Helps students build relationships with staff
increases students' chance to graduate high school on time
Thank you for helping our students improve their learning by getting them to school every day!!!!
Fatherhood: The Art of Being a Dad
Connect with other father figures and learn how to support your child's growth! As parents, we all want the best for our children. Tuesdays 6:00- 7:30 pm @ GCCF, Jan 9th-Feb 27th.
End of Day Transportation Changes - Walker, Pick-Up or Bus Rider
Is your child scheduled to be be a Walker, Pick-Up or Bus Rider? Here's the difference:
Walker - required to leave campus without adult supervision.
Pick-Up - required to stay on campus to be picked up by an authorized adult
-- Car Pick Up is when someone will be driving through the turn around
-- Walk Up is when someone parks and walks up to the school
Bus Rider - required to ride the bus home or to designated location
Every student has a pre-determined plan for the end of the each day. If you have any change to your child's end of day transportation plan please email us at jwetransportation@gladstone.k12.or.us no later than 12 noon (M, T, Th, F) or 11:00 a.m. (W). We will reply to your message by 2:00 p.m. or 1:00 (W) to confirm receipt of your message. Please include the student's name, teacher and details of the plan.
Platinum Level Sponsors ($500+)
Mosley Dental
O'Neill Family
Hollenbeck Family
Gold Level Sponsors ($250 - $499)
Carlson Family
Silver Level Sponsors ($150 - $249)
Johnston Family
Bronze Level Sponsors ($75 - $149)
Bell Schedule
- 7:30 a.m. - Building Opens for Breakfast
- 7:50 a.m. - Classrooms Open to Students
- 8:00 a.m. - Learning Begins
- 1:20 p.m. - Early Release (Wednesday's ONLY)
- 2:20 p.m. - Dismissal (M, T, Th, F)
Gladstone, OR 97027