October 2021
A Message from the Superintendent
Dear Families, Staff, and Community Members,
Restoring Connection and Belonging has been our return-to-school focus this fall. When students feel connected, they are more confident and motivated to learn. As learners, we thrive on positive relationships that help us feel safe to learn from and socialize with others. This concept is equally true for adults, including our staff and families.
Our community’s commitment to reconnect is a powerful catalyst as we restore beloved traditions and gatherings we missed over the past two years. Currently, teachers and families are in the midst of conferences, which offer another valuable opportunity to connect on behalf of our students. Our PTOs and families have been tremendous partners in making sure connection occurs both in and out of the classroom.
Thank you to all who helped make the following events a reality this school year…
Greeley families gathering for a PTO-sponsored movie night out on the blacktop at Greeley School
Kindergarten students engaging in our beloved annual Butterfly Migration
Washburne students raising over $3,000 together on behalf of Pickles Group at the return of Autumnfest
Skokie students and staff building a sense of school spirit with a new Pep Rally tradition
Hubbard Woods families and staff celebrating at their Parent Party
Over 300 families attending Crow Island’s annual Runathon in support of Misericordia
From the educators who helped Kindergarten students paint their monarch wings to the PTO members who served teachers lunch this week, our daily efforts to support each other make a lasting difference in our inclusive school community.
Dr. Trisha Kocanda
Movie night at Greeley School
Runathon at Crow Island
The Butterfly Migration at Greeley
Pep Rally at The Skokie School
Preparing for the Butterfly Migration at Hubbard Woods
Autumnfest at Washburne
Board Meeting Preview
School Board Meeting on Tuesday, October 19, 2021
The next School Board meeting will be held at the Carleton Washburne School Band Room on October 19, 2021. Those attending can enter the meeting through the Band Room entrance door accessible from the Hibbard Rd. parking lot. The Regular Meeting is scheduled to start at 7:15 p.m. The following presentation is on the agenda:
2021-2025 Strategic Plan & Annual Goals
Seating for the public is on a first-come, first-served basis. All guests must wear a face mask* and social distance inside the meeting room. Any individuals who arrive after the room is full will need to join remotely.
To participate via Zoom:
Passcode: 353337
Or Telephone: 312 626 6799
Webinar ID: 880 9070 7037
Passcode: 353337
Public comment for the meeting will occur both in person and also by email. Those joining remotely and wishing to make public comments should email board@winnetka36.org prior to 6:45 p.m. on September 21st and note if they want the email message read at the meeting. The Board may need to limit the amount of time dedicated to public comment (maximum of 30 minutes) in order to efficiently conduct business; this is in accordance with temporary rules adopted by the School Board.
*A mask mandate for Illinois schools is law. Pursuant to the Governor’s Executive Order, the wearing of a mask in school buildings is now legally required for all teachers, staff, students, and visitors who are two years of age or older and medically able to tolerate a mask, regardless of vaccination status.
Panorama SEL Survey
The Panorama Student SEL Survey will be administered in grades 3-8 between October 18-20, 2021, as part of our District-wide goal to support SEL for all students. The survey will provide data to help inform our efforts to support the well-being of all students. The survey focuses on five areas: sense of belonging, engagement, emotion regulation, positive and negative feelings, and supportive relationships.
From the Village:
Winnetka Futures Community Workshop:
Wednesday, October 20, 6 - 8 p.m. at the Winnetka Community House
The Village needs your input to better understand and address the changing times and their impact on our community, such as the radically changed retail environment; transportation; mobility; an aging population; evolving housing preferences; increased focus on environmental issues and sustainability; and changing work and commuting habits in order to create a long-term vision for the community that serves as an official policy statement to guide the Village’s future. Please stop by our open house on October 20 from 6 - 8 PM at the Winnetka Community House (620 Lincoln Ave). Masks are required for attendees. Learn more about the Winnetka Futures Plan here.
Parent Education Sessions from District Partner Family Action Network (FAN):
For upcoming events, access FAN’s website here.
From our Partners at The Alliance for Early Childhood:
We are excited to share with you The Alliance's Fall/Winter 2021 Newsletter to learn more about the organization’s offerings to families.