Fife High News
2020-21 School Year: Remote Learning Edition
September 21-25, 2020
Remote Learning Week 3!
Students, Monday be looking for an email that will provide you with all our club and activity information during remote learning. We want to get you involved, and you don't have to wait for in-person instruction for you to be able to do that.
Last week we asked our Fife students to identify the one challenge in their life that if they can push through, persevere, and overcome, could lead to a major life accomplishment. Students as you think about your "mountain to climb," you don't need to think on a large scale... it can be small. Have you been engaging in class with comments and dialog? Taking the step to raise your hand, have your camera on, give commentary, and answer questions? If your struggling with remote learning, choosing to engage can enhance your remote learning experience significantly.
Have a great week!
Mr. Bakke
Important Events and Dates This Week
Mon Sept 21
- Family Class 10:30AM
- Book Return for Seniors Juniors 11:30-3PM bus loop red gate (see below for more info)
Tues Sept 22
- Regular schedule: 1st period 8:30AM, 2nd Period 10:15AM, 3rd Period: 12:15PM
Wed Sept 23
- Regular schedule: 4th period 8:30AM, 5th Period 10:15AM, 6th Period: 12:15PM
- Senior Parking Painting registration- 2-3PM (see below for more info
Thurs Sept 24
- Regular schedule: 1st period 8:30AM, 2nd Period 10:15AM, 3rd Period: 12:15PM
Fri Sept 25
- Regular schedule: 4th period 8:30AM, 5th Period 10:15AM, 6th Period: 12:15PM
Reminders and Info for this Week!
Juniors and Seniors: Have books that need to be returned?
A staff member will take your name and your book(s) at the red gate. Remember to wear a mask.
We need novels and textbooks back for specific classes so please make an effort to drop off any books you have.
Thanks Trojans!
Seniors who Signed up for Parking!
- This will be a Drive-Thru event with no need to leave your car.
- Students will enter the parking lot off 23rd Street and we will have people there to collect paperwork, check license, and select your parking spot.
- Before you leave we will have you tentatively sign up for painting days that will be dependent on the weather.
- There will be no painting on Wednesday.
Look forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday! If for some reason you are unable to make it to registration on Wednesday we will have opportunities for you to come to one of our scheduled painting days and turn in paperwork and pick a location. Please email Mr. Meyer if you are unable to attend.
Athletics Town Hall Meeting
FHS Alethic Director Shane Nixon held a town hall meeting regarding athletics. The audio had a little difficulty the first minute or so but it improved after that. If you missed it feel free to watch the recording, it provides update on athletics for the 2020-21 seasons.
Good To Know Info
Parents and Students Get Signed up For FHS Remind!
How do you get signed up?
Sophomore Parents and Students click this link: https://www.remind.com/join/fhstrojan3
Junior Parents and Students click this link: https://www.remind.com/join/fhstrojan2
Senior Parents and Students click this link: https://www.remind.com/join/fhstrojan1
Be Logged Into your Fife Account to access zoom!
If you are on your chromebook, you will NOT have an issue getting into our zoom classes. If you are on a different device, remember, if you are not logged into your Fife Account, you will not be admitted into class. Best way is to:
- Go to https://zoom.us/signin
- Click the Google Sign in Button
Fife "Bell" Schedule- Remote Learning (click image below)
How do you get Breakfast and Lunch?
Fife Public Schools will be providing our regular lunch program for the 2020-2021 school year. During remote learning, meals will be provided at several locations throughout the district delivered by our transportation department.
Link to Bus Stops and route times for Food delivery
For further information about the Free & Reduced Food Program contact Toni Barnett @ tbarnett@fifeschools.com or call (253) 517-1000 ext. 25121.
For information regarding bus routes, contact the Transportation Department at (253) 517-1060.
Catherine Bowman Director of Transportation @ cbowman@fifeschools.com
Elaine Lee Assistant Director @ elee@fifeschools.com
Free & Reduced Meal Application Information
Both new and returning students who wish to apply for free and/or reduced meals should click the link to the application below. Completed applications must be either scanned and emailed back to Toni Barnett at tbarnett@fifeschools.com or mailed or delivered to Fife School District office.
The English & Spanish version of the Food Program application and the household letter can be found @ Fifeschools.com, Departments, Food Service, Free and Reduced Lunch Info
Returning Students
Returning students maintain their prior year’s free or reduced eligibility for the first 30 school days, or until a new application is processed. If a returning student does not have a new application processed by October 15, 2020, they will automatically be transferred to a paid account on the next school day. Families are responsible for any charges incurred.
Please notify Toni Barnett, Manager of Food Services (253.517.1000) if a returning student has a newly enrolled sibling so that we may extend the 30 school day eligibility to the new student. Families will still need to complete a new application to avoid any unnecessary charges.
World Language Proficiency Testing for Credit
Students can earn up to a maximum of 4 high school World Language credits. These credits will apply toward World Language high school graduation credits. Two (2) or more credits earned meet the college entrance requirement of most universities for the two years of world language.
Registration form due to counselor: November 2, 2020
Testing date: November 23 with the time & location to be determined.
Tests are provided during the school day and may take up to 3 hours to complete.
Put the following link in your browser for registration & testing info: https://sites.google.com/a/fifeschools.com/world-language-testing/
Helpful Info and Links
Fife Transportation
For any questions regarding bus routes, bus stops, etc. please contact Fife Transportation at 253.517.1060.
Student Accident & Sickness Insurance Plans
Fife High School
Email: tgieck@fifeschools.com
Website: https://fhs.fifeschools.com/
Location: 5616 20th St E, Fife, WA, USA
Phone: 253-891-5500
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fifehigh/
Twitter: @fifeHSTrojans