Kindergarten Parents' Weekly News!
Week of August 28-1, 2023
Thank you to those students that were here and on time each day for MAPS tests!
- Check and empty the side "Keep at home" from your child folder EVERY DAY.
- Please check and empty the side "Keep at home" from your child's daily folder EVERY DAY.
- Please check and sign the behavior chart report on the back of the daily folder...
Green or Pink = Followed the rules and had a great day!
Yellow = Needed extra reminders about following the rules.
Red = Had a difficult time following the rules.
- Please send healthy snacks or full lunch in your child lunch box if they don't eat the cafeteria food.
- Keep practicing tying their shoes and send them with tennis shoes, we want to make sure they are prepared and safe.
- Keep practicing writing and spelling their names and the 5 digits number. The goal is that they can mark it independently when they go to the cafeteria and media center.
Our students!
This is our Kindergarten Team!
Meet our Kindergarten Teachers...
Mrs. Barbara Hoffman
Sra. Lenis Lopez
Mrs. Katie Fitzgerald
Mrs. Erica Gondek
Mrs. Navarro
Mrs. Plunkett
Teacher- EIP 1-3
Mrs. Amy Cheney
Mrs. Stephanie Sims
Mrs. Lucero Castro
EIP Spotlight (From Mrs. Plunkett, EIP teacher)
What is EIP?
The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is one of Georgia's educational reform initiatives to improve student learning and academic success. The primary goal of this program is to offer immediate assistance and additional instruction to help students succeed academically in the areas of reading and mathematics. A student's EIP status is determined on a number of factors depending on what grade the student is entering.
Learners who qualify as EIP will receive a letter home in the next few weeks. Parents should read the letter, sign, and return it to school indicating that they are aware of their child's EIP status.
For more information please us the QR code to visit www.gadoe.org.
How can I help my child succeed in reading if I do not speak English?
- Read to/with your child (20 minutes) minimum at home (even if in their home language).
- Borrow bilingual or English books from your local library.
- Purchase bilingual or English books at the Book Fair (information will be sent home when Park Street has a Book Fair!)
- If you need additional resources for your child, please contact their homeroom teacher or ESOL teacher.
Ann Rakestraw, MAT, TESOL
ESOL Team Lead
What they will learn next week?
- Listen stories and answer questions.
- Identify letters and sounds.
- The form and function of nursery rhymes.
- Write the alphabet letters.
- Practice and spelling name.
- Practice 5 digits number.
- Using shapes to add details to and illustration and adding labels.
- Letters: M, A, S
- Numbers Identification from 1 to 10.
- Count from 1 to 50.
- Count, read and form numbers from 1 to 10.
- Lessons 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 and 3.7, Volume 1
- Five Senses
DLI (K1 & K3) information...
- As an extension from what they are learning in Math class, your child will be working on Math books volume 1 and 2 that you received at the Sneak-A-Peek meeting. Practice the Topic 3, Volume 1 (Numbers 6 to 10), Lessons 3.1, 3.2, 3.3., 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7.
- Please, If your child still does not have the Math books to practice at home, let know to Mrs. Hoffman or Sra. Lopez. Thank you.
- MAP ELA Assessment in Spanish will be on Tuesday and Wednesday, August 29 & 30, the attendance is VERY IMPORTANT!
Videos to practice at home...
DLI Spanish Math and SLA for K1 and K3 (DLI) students
9/4 Labor Day (NO SCHOOL)
9/14 DLI Math Family Night- 5:00-7:00 p.m.
9/20 Fall Pictures
9/25-9/29 Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)
We are Panthers!
Location: 105 Park Street Southeast, Marietta, GA, USA
Phone: 7704293180