Gananda Blue Panther Gazette
Weekly Newsletter of Gananda Central School District
Important Information Regarding Student Chromebook Distribution.
Students in 2nd - 12th Grade will soon have their very own Chromebook for learning
Gananda Central School District will be providing a Chromebook to every student attending classes in 2nd through 12th grade beginning Friday, November 2. Chromebooks are compact laptops that run and store cloud-based applications and data. They are inexpensive, easy to use, and will provide our students with a more personalized learning experience.
Parent User Agreement Forms:
Additionally, we need to have a User Agreement Form submitted from a parent/guardian of each student in 2nd-12th grade by Friday, November 2 to participate in the Take Home portion of the program. User Agreement forms can be submitted in two ways:
1. Print the form out, initial and sign the document as indicated on the form, and return it to the main office of your child(ren)'s school.
2. Sign and submit the Online User Agreement Form electronically.
As part of this program, we will be providing training workshops to parents. The training dates are as follows:
Tuesday, October 30 at 6:30pm
Friday, November 2 at 7:30am
Friday, November 2 at 2pm
Wednesday, November 7 at 6:30pm
Register today for your training workshop!
We look forward to rolling out this program to bring our learning into the 21st century! Please visit our website for more information.
Sectional Games
Come out and support our Blue Panthers who will be competing in upcoming sectional games.
Number one seeded Girls Volleyball will compete home on Saturday, October 27 at 4:00pm. They will be playing the winner of the North Rose-Wolcott/Addison game.
Number one seeded ER/Gananda Football will be playing number five seeded Attica on Saturday, October 27 at 4:00pm. The game will take place at Honeoye Falls-Lima High School.
Girls Sectional Swimming prelims will take place Thursday, November 1 at the Webster Aquatic Center at 5:00pm. The finals will be on Saturday, November 3 at the Webster Aquatic Center at 7:00 pm.
A $5 admission fee will be charged for all Section V games.
Pre-K Possibility in Gananda?
District Communication
Gananda Central School District communicates information through a variety of ways to ensure our parents and community are informed. As a reminder, if you are not receiving phone calls, emails, or text messages from the district and you would like to, please contact the public relations office directly at GanandaPR@gananda.org. The contact information that we have on file in the parent portal is what we use to contact you, so if it isn't up to date, you may not receive our communications. You can also receive information on our Facebook page: www.Facebook.com/GanandaSchools and/or our Twitter handle at: @WeAreGananda.
Community Open Forum Ideas Needed
Hidden In Plain Sight Parent Information Seminar
Welcome the New Gananda PTO!
Registration Now Open for Winter Sports
Freshman Class Fundraiser
A special thank you to all of our Board members for their commitment and countless volunteer hours
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week, an awareness campaign to address alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence related issues within our community begins next week. This week-long campaign provides multiple opportunities for students, parents, teachers, and other community members to join together to help stop drug and violence in our community. Be sure to hang a red ribbon or your door or mailbox during this week to help spread the word to our community. In addition, these other great events will be happening in our schools:
Wednesday October 24 - "Let's ERASE Illegal Drugs" - Wear Black and White
Thursday October 25 - "The Truth About Drugs is HAIR RAISING" - Wild and Goofy Hair Day
Friday October 26 - No School for Students; Staff wear Red
Support for Mr. Flansburg
Gananda Education Foundation Seeking New Members
November 13, 2018
December 18, 2018
January 29, 2019
February 12, 2019
March 12, 2019
April 9, 2019
May 14, 2019
June 18, 2019
Gananda Dollars for Scholars News
Gananda Dollars for Scholars is a nonprofit organization that raises money for scholarships that go directly back to graduates. Last year, our small but mighty organization of hardworking volunteers gave over $36,000 to 24 students of the Class of 2018. It's never too early to invest in the future. The time goes by faster than you know. There are many ways you can help! Two are highlighted below.
Help GDFS by giving to the United Way: Many of you are probably receiving United Way Fall 2018 Campaign forms from work. Did you know that if you put Code#3323 as your charity of choice, you can support GDFS? Last year, between donations and matching company donations, over $1,000 was raised for Class 2018 scholarships through the United Way!! Let's send off the class of 2019 with a bang! Select Donor Code#3323 as your code of choice this year!
It's a new shopping season! Did you know that you can help GDFS by shopping online? If you use Amazon, you can help raise money for scholarships! Simply start off by going to AmazonSmile, and select Scholarship America, Gananda Dollars for Scholars as the organization you want to support. From then on, you just go to AmazonSmile to shop and you have access to the same site as Amazon or Amazon Prime. That's it! About 0.5% of your purchase before tax will be donated to GDFS.
Gananda Dollars for Scholars, Rewarding Achievement, Supporting Potential
Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
Gananda Central School District is proud to announce the selection of six inductees to the 2018 Gananda Athletic Hall of Fame. Those being honored include:
Christine Isselhard (soccer, basketball, track)
Dan FitzSimons (soccer, swimming, golf)
Ben Finn (Soccer, Golf)
Trevor Stearns (soccer, basketball, track, baseball)
Rick Wadsworth (volleyball, basketball, softball)
Dennis Greco (football, basketball).
An induction ceremony will be held at Blue Heron Hills Golf Club on October 28th at 10:30 am.The deadline to order tickets has passed, but if you are interested in attending email Bob Caulkins to see if spots are available.
Rules About Dogs On School Grounds
a child with a temperature greater than 100 degree fahrenheit will be sent home from school, and should remain home until at least 24 hours fever free.
Helpful Documents
Gananda Proud
Working together to get ready for the first chess tournament of the year
#Driven #Outstanding
#Unity #PracticingSelfControl
Macedon Community Christmas Program
The Macedon Community Christmas Program is getting ready for another year of helping local families during the holiday season. For 35 years, Macedon and Walworth families in need have received assistance through this program. If you, your family, or organization is interested in donating time or items to this year’s program, there are various ways to help:
v Donate canned and other non-perishable foods to the Macedon Food Pantry, or ask for a family assignment and fill-up a food box with a nice holiday meal.
v Buy gift certificates to local grocery stores for the purchase of perishable items like milk, eggs and meat.
v Buy gifts for children or senior citizens (we can provide ideas).
v Donate gift cards from area stores for items like clothes, gas and toiletries.
v Tuesday December 11th, volunteers will meet downstairs at St. Patrick’s Church at 7:00 PM to organize all of the donations, and help is always welcome. There will be food to sort, gifts to wrap, and many hands make light work.
The Macedon Community Christmas Program has been successful every year, thanks to the united efforts of the Macedon Food Pantry at St. Patrick’s Church, of St. Katharine Drexel Parish; and other area churches, schools, civic organizations, businesses, scouting groups, and individuals. In 2017, 146 families totaling almost 450 individuals (including about 190 children and over 50 seniors) received holiday support.
If you would like to be a part of the Macedon Community Christmas Program, or are a family that resides in the Macedon or Walworth area and is in need of assistance this holiday season, you can send an e-mail to: macedoncommunitychristmas@yahoo.com.Gananda Alumni Association Presents the One Stop Holiday Shop
Walworth Library Book and Bake Sale
Monte Carlo Night 2018
GRAT Flapjack Fundraiser
GRAT Registration
About Us
Email: ganandapr@gananda.org
Website: www.gananda.org
Location: 1500 Dayspring Ridge, Walworth, NY, USA
Phone: (315)986-3521
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GanandaSchools/
Twitter: @WeAreGananda