Back to School Edition
July 2021
We invite you to view the Back to School Newsletter for a smooth transition into the
2022-23 school year!
USD #263 Enrollment Information
If you are a returning student, please follow the link provided or find the information on our District Website.
If you intend to register a student in grades Kindergarten through 12 for the 2022-23 school year AND are new to Mulvane Public Schools, please contact buildings starting on August 3rd to make an appointment. New student enrollment will begin on August 3rd.
Munson Primary: 316-777-0151
Mulvane Grade School: 316-777-1981
Mulvane Middle School: 316-777-2022
Mulvane High School: 316-777-1183
Immunization Requirements 2022-2023
Click on the picture to the right to enlarge the chart.
Please double check your immunization records before you receive your physical this summer.
Immunizations K.A.R. 28-1-20 defines immunizations required for any individual who attends school or a childcare program operated by a school. Each student enrolled in Mulvane Public Schools must file documentation of his or her immunization status. This is done by providing a copy of immunization records or filing a Kansas Certificate of Immunization (KCI) form signed by a physician or local Health Department official. All students entering Mulvane Public Schools must have completed the full series of required immunizations and a health assessment form in order to enroll in school. The required series consists of:
• 5 DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus) The Tdap booster is required at 11 years of age if more than 2 yrs since previous dose. All students in the 7th -12th grades are required to have 1 dose of Tdap regardless of the interval since the last dose of Td (tetanus/diphtheria). This is to improve pertussis (whooping cough) immunity due to increasing outbreaks.
• 4 OPV (oral polio)-The last dose of the OPV inoculations must have been received after the fourth birthday.
• 2 MMR (measles, mumps, rubella); state mandate requires student to have a total of two.
• A tetanus booster is required ten years after the last DPT.
• 2 varicella (chicken pox) or proof of prior varicella disease is provided. (1 prior to preschool and 2 nd prior to Kindergarten)
• Hepatitis B series vaccination.
• 3 Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) required for children less than 5 yrs of age in early childhood programs.
• 4 PCV7 (Pneumococcal conjugate) required for children less than 5 yrs of age in early childhood programs.
• 2 Hepatitis A The state requires children to have a total of 2 doses.
• Meningococcal-Serogroup A,C,W,Y (MenACWY): Two doses required. Doses should be given at entry to 7th grade (11-12 years) and 11th grade (16-18 years). For children 16-18 years, with no previous MenACWY, only one dose is required. 14
Medical or religious exemptions are the only legal alternatives allowed by the state and must be filed with the school annually. Children who are exempt from immunizations will be excluded from school in the event of an outbreak or suspected case of vaccine preventable disease.
Please Note: Any new students coming into the District will have 90 days to provide us with such information. Current students with incomplete or no immunization records after 90 days will be excluded from school.
Attention Incoming 7th and 11th Graders
Incoming 7th Graders
TDAP-Booster, Meningococcal (Serogroup A,C,W,Y) and 1st Booster is required for 2022-2023 School Year.
Incoming 11th Graders
Second dose of Meningococcal (Serogroup A,C,W,Y) is required for 2022-2023 School Year.
Find School Supply Lists Here
- Munson Primary
- (Grades PreK-2)
- Grade School
- 3rd grade supply list
- 4th grade supply list
- 5th grade supply list
- Middle School
- (Grades 6 - 8)
- High School
- (Grades 9 - 12)
District Calendar
Click on the link below to view the school calendar,
Open House
We can't wait to see you!
Open House for all buildings on August 11th from
4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Come and go!
Free and Reduced Meals for 2022 - 2023 School Year
Free & Reduced Consent for Disclosure
You will notice changes in the Free & Reduced Consent for Disclosure application process during the on-line enrollment process. You should find this year shorter and quicker.
Please have the following information available once you start the on-line enrollment process. Remember on-line enrollment begins July 6, 2022.
- How many people are in the household, including all children and adults?
- What is the name, assigned school, grade for the 2022-2023 school year, and date of birth of each student?
- What is the total annual income for all people in the household?
You will only need to complete the Consent for Discloser link above one time per family.
The following is a link for Menu's and the Titan Payment Program:
MRC - Before and After School Program
A one-time enrollment fee of $30.00 is required for all participants. KDHE paperwork completion is required prior to children attending the program. DCF and Kaw Nation will provide financial assistance.
For more information, you can call 316-777-0858 or e-mail Brittani at: bforgey@mulvanerec.com
Fees are based on enrollment, not on attendance.
1 - 2 Days: AM or PM Only $20.00
3 - 5 Days: AM or PM Only $30.00
1 - 2 Days: Both AM & PM $25.00
3 - 5 Days: Both AM & PM $40.00
Activity Passes
MMS and MHS.
Family Pass - $100.00
Individual Pass - $50.00
Senior Citizen Pass (age 60-69) - $25.00
Golden Pass (age 70+) - Free
Child Find Clinics 2022 - 2023
Site Council
- Provide advice and counsel to the school in developing, implementing, and evaluating school performance goals and objectives.
- Provide ongoing support for the students and staff of the school.
If you are interested in serving on a site council, please contact the respective building principal.
Mulvane School District Harassment Policies
The Mulvane School Board of Education is committed to providing a positive and productive working and learning environment free from harassment. Sexual harassment, racial harassment and/or disability harassment is strictly prohibited. The Board has adopted policies to protect our students and employees. These policies can be found in the Board Policy Book located on our webpage.
Title 1 Information
In accordance with federal guidelines, this notification is provided to inform you of your right to request the following specific information concerning the school and teachers:
Parents may request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child’s/children’s classroom teachers and paraprofessionals.
Professional qualifications include:
· Whether or not the teacher has met Kansas licensing criteria of the grade levels and subject areas being taught:
· The baccalaureate degree and any other graduate certification or degree in the field of discipline of both;
· If services are provided by paraprofessionals, their qualifications:
· If the teacher is teaching under an emergency or professional waiver.
We are pleased to inform you that all teachers at Munson Primary School and Mulvane Grade School meet the above criteria. Each one is licensed for the grade levels and subject areas being taught. Each one has a baccalaureate degree and none are teaching under an emergency or provisional waiver. The paraprofessional (s), who work under the direction of the Title 1 and classroom teachers, meet required qualifications for the position. As a parent you will be contacted by the school if your child is taught by a “non-highly qualified” teacher for four continuous weeks or more.
As a parent, you have the right to request your child’s state assessment scores. You have the right to obtain the school and school district’s state report cards. This may be found here.
Mulvane USD 263 Mission Statement
The mission of the Mulvane Public Schools is to prepare all students with academic and life skills while respecting the diverse social, educational, and cultural characteristics of each individual student.
The core values of Mulvane students and staff are based on a foundation of:
Respectful, positive relationships
Safe learning environments
Competent, knowledgeable staff
Appropriate social skills and citizenship
Professionalism with integrity
Open and honest communication
Website: https://www.usd263.com/
Location: 628 East Mulvane Street, Mulvane, KS, USA
Phone: 316-777-1102
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mulvanepublicschools/
Twitter: @MulvaneSchools
School Hours
MPS: 7:50 AM-3:05 PM
AM Session: 7:45 AM-10:55 AM
PM Session: 11:55 AM-3:05 PM
MGS: 8:05 AM-3:20 PM
MMS: 7:55 AM-3:10 PM
MHS: 7:45 AM- 3:00 PM
Wednesday Late Start Hours
MPS: 8:50 AM-3:05 PM
ECH/PREK: No School on Wednesday
MGS: 9:05 AM-3:20 PM
MMS: 8:55 AM-3:10 PM
MHS: 8:45 AM-3:00 PM
Administration & Directors
Munson Primary - 777-0151
Renee Sweetwood, Principal
Grade School - 777-1981
Erica Mize, Principal
Middle School - 777-2022
Colin Cathey, Principal
Shawn Bennett, Asst. Principal/Athletic Dir.
High School - 777-1183
Jeromy Swearingen, Principal
David Fennewald, Asst. Principal/Athletic Dir.
Chantel Johnson, Asst. Principal/Activities Dir.
Superintendent of Schools - 777-1102, Fax 777-1103
Dr. Jay Ensley
Asst. Sup. of Educ. Services - 777-1102
Trista Cuthbertson
Director of Operations - 777-1102
Brad Canfield
Financial Officer Director - 777-1102
Carolyn Young
Special Education Director - 777-1102
Trista Cuthbertson
Jodi Copeland-Baker, Assistant Director
Glenda Cowell, Special Services Director
Technology Director - 777-1102
Thomas Schmitz
Food Service/HVAC Director - 777-3003
Richard Hampton
Board of Education
Steve Fry, President
Stacy Gear, Vice President
Jeff Ellis
Destiny Myers
Fred Heersche
Chris Heersche
Crystal Smith
Board of Education meetings are
held at the Mulvane
District Office at
7:00 p.m. on the 2nd & 4th
Monday of each month.
Mulvane Public Schools USD 263
Website: www.usd263.com
Location: 628 E Mulvane St, Mulvane, KS, USA
Phone: (316) 777-1102
Facebook: facebook.com/mulvanepublicschools
Twitter: @MulvaneSchools