Hall's Corner, Back to School.2
September 6th, School Day: 7:45 a.m. through 2:47 p.m.
WELCOME TO BHS and the 2022-2023 School Year!
Dear Families and Students:
We are excited to welcome you to Brighton High School in its 82nd year of servicing the Brighton Community. Doors will open at 7:00 AM on Tuesday, September 6, 2022. ALL students may use door 1 or door 20 until 7:40 AM. After 7:40 AM, we will go to a single point of entry at door 1. Door 20 is our staff and accessible entrance and is monitored throughout the school day. First period starts at 7:45 AM. Our first two days of school, students will report to homerooms at 7:45 for a BRUIN WELCOME BACK, a review of new policies, and a review of expectations for the year. We are looking forward to a successful and positive year ahead!
Attention EMCC Students and Families – EMCC Classes Start on 9/7
BHS starts classes on 9/6. We will have an extended homeroom on 9/6 and 9/7. All EMCC students should report both days for a review of new policies, procedures, and expectations for the year. On 9/6, seniors will have free periods until after FLEX and may go home periods 1-4 with parent permission. Juniors may sign out after FLEX with permission from their parents. We will also have a senior class picture in the gym on the morning of the 7th before kids head out to EMCC. Students will report to homeroom and then proceed to the GYM for the picture. The bus for EMCC students will not leave until 8:00 AM. On a normal school day, seniors will go to the attendance office to check in and then head to the bus by 7:45 AM. The bus leaves shortly after that. Seniors will be dropped off at DOOR #1 and must enter through DOOR #1. Juniors will have a normal school day in the morning and get on the bus at 11:15 AM in the BHS parking lot using DOOR #1 to head to EMCC.
The following information is contained in this week’s Hall’s Corner.
- Schedule Link
- Back to school Document Link
- School Schedule
- PTSA Events
- School Pictures
- Homecoming 2022 Events and Activities
- VPA News
- Drivers Education
- Community Education Offerings
- Crew Club
- Calendar of Events for September
- Counseling News
- Cell Phone Reminders
2022-2023 Student Course Schedules
Available via the SchoolTool Portal!
New Cell Phone Policy
Brighton Parent Teacher Association
PTSA calendars
BHS Loop
(Wed. 5:30pm - 7:30pm)
FRES Bus Loop (during Popsicles with the Principal
(Tue. 6:00pm - 8:00pm)
CRPS Bus Loop (during Meet the Teacher)
(Thu. 11:45am - 3:15pm)
BHS Front area (during Food Truck Rodeo)
(Tue. 5:00pm - 7:00pm)
The will also be available at R's Market.
School Pictures... first week of school!
School Pictures will be taken by Inter-State Studios this year
Brighton High Schools are taken during the student's gym class, Picture Days are:
****Thursday, Sep 8 for Sophomores and Freshman
****Friday, Sep 9 for Seniors and Juniors
This event's Order Code is 71412GF.
Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day.
Order before Picture Day to receive free shipping to the school. Order online at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/71412GF.
Homecoming/Spirit Week...second week of school!
Spirit Week for Homecoming will be September 12-16!
Click HERE to see the full schedule of FUN events that will be taking place all week, including the Sports Assembly schedule for 9/16. Join with your class in dressing in school themes and color days. It is going to be a great Bruin start to the school year!
Visual & Performing Arts News
Performing Arts Informational Meeting - Overview of the 22-23 BHS Theatre Season.
Wednesday, September 7 at 3:00 in the Auditorium
Fall Play Auditions - Thursday, September 8 - 3:00-5:30 in the BHS Auditorium
Call-backs - Friday, September 9 - 3:00-4:30 in the BHS Auditorium
Driver's Education, Fall Offering
College Essay and SAT/PSAT Prep classes
Writing Your College Application Essay is open to seniors. It meets October 24 - 28, 3:00 - 5:30.
See this link for more information.
Preparing for PSAT and SAT Exams is open to al BHS Juniors and Seniors. See link for more information .
Join Brighton Crew
Come row with us and have fun! Meet new friends! Have great experiences and new stories to share. Learn new skills you’ll use throughout your life. All grades 9-12 are welcome. No rowing experience necessary! Most rowers don't start until HS or college. Interested Athlete and Parent Meeting 7pm Wednesday 9/14 at 140 Office Parkway Pittsford, NY. Novice season begins the following Monday. https://bit.ly/3vKinP2 RSVPs are very helpful. Send questions to amelia.swing@gmail.com.
Calendar of Upcoming Events at BHS
BHS Counselor Assignments 242-5000 ext. 4803
Administrator and Counselor Information
Click here for names and contact information.