ADE Math Standards
October 2022
ADE Math Team
Eboney McKinney
Director of Math and Ed Tech Standards
Laurel Cherry
K-12 Math Specialist
Marisa Tualla
K-12 Math Specialist
Math Newsletter
Our goal is provide engaging and meaningful learning opportunities and resources to support mathematical growth for Arizona educators.
Find More PD Opportunities
Check out our Math PD calendar!
Stay in the know!
Join the ADE Math Listserv to get updates on news, professional learning, events and resources.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022 from 3:30pm-4:30pm
We will meet online, more information coming soon!
Professional Learning Series and Book Study
It's not too late to register!
Join the ADE Math Team as we embark on a statewide journey into the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) publication of Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All. This will be a combination of different learning experiences; we will incorporate elements of a book study, professional learning, panels and office hours to best support educators in their learning.
Principles to Actions - Executive Summary
We will unpack the reading from Principles to Actions over 12 professional learning sessions. This will be coupled with 10 office hour sessions where educators can drop in and talk about how they are putting learning for Principles to Actions into practice, ask questions, share cheers and challenges.
Our next scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, October 4th - Session 4: Mathematical Teaching Practice #3, Use and Connect Mathematical Representations
Tuesday, October 18th - Session 5: Mathematical Teaching Practice #4, Facilitate Meaningful Mathematical Discourse
Tuesday, November 1st - Session 6: Mathematical Teaching Practice #5, Posing Purposeful Questions
Tuesday, November 15th - Session 7: Mathematical Teaching Practice #6, Build Procedural Fluency from Conceptual Understanding
Click here for the full flyer which included the list of meeting dates.
Graham Fletcher is SOLD OUT! But get on the waiting list!
Things come up and people who are registered may not be able to attend. So be sure to register today and will notify you if a slot opens up!
ADE will be hosting a visit from Graham Fletcher for a special professional development opportunity for educators.
Graham Fletcher has served in education as a classroom teacher, math instructional lead, and currently as a math specialist. He is continually seeking new and innovative ways to support students and teachers in their development of conceptual understanding in elementary mathematics. He is the coauthor of Building Fact Fluency and openly shares many of his resources at gfletchy.com.
November 16th - Grades K-3
The Power of Progressions: Untangling the Knotty Areas of Teaching and Learning Mathematics
As more teachers look to add high-yield tasks to their repertoire, the struggle to make it all work becomes real. Let's examine how problem-based lessons can be used throughout the scope of a unit and how we can harness their power to move student thinking forward. We'll identify strategies and explore some tasks that help us find a healthy balance between application, conceptual understanding, and procedural fluency.
The Power of Progressions: Untangling the Knotty Areas of Teaching and Learning Fractions
- Let’s explore some key understandings involving fractions by examining the developmental progression of models, strategies, and concepts and how they all build on one another. Many times, as our fraction units near, the emphasis on teaching and learning mathematics shifts to rules and procedures, which shouldn't be the case. To avoid this approach, we'll identify how simple changes in everyday practice can leave a math residue that builds solid reasoning and makes student understanding stick.
- 100 N 15th Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85007 - ADOA Building (This is the ADE North Building)
- This is an IN-PERSON event.
- $100 per session
2022 Fall ADE ESS Math Professional Learning Offerings
Fall Professional Learning Opportunities:
The following virtual sessions are being offered via Zoom and are free to attend. Click the session link to view the session description and to pre-register.
Virtual Sessions:
Take a D.I.P. into Desmos’ Marbleslides for Grades 7–12
Wednesday, October 26th from 4:00–5:00 p.m.
Putting the L in S.T.E.M. for Grades K–12
Tuesday, November 29 from 3:30–5:00 p.m.
Take a D.I.P. into Three-Act Tasks for Grades K–5
Wednesday, November 30th from 4:00–5:00 p.m.
In Person Sessions:
Please view the conference link to see when the session(s) is offered and for registration information.
CMC South 63rd Annual Conference (November 4–5) Session Title: “Adapting Middle School Tasks for Deeper Learning”
Please email Jenifer Fernandez or email Rob Hilliker with any questions.
FREE Trainings for all Arizona educators until August 31st, 2024!
The Arizona Department of Education has partnered with the Center for Recruitment and Retention of Mathematics Teachers (CRR) to offer free professional learning opportunities until September 2024. The goals of the institute are to provide teachers an exciting opportunity for professional growth, to establish a rich community of teachers on which to derive support and encouragement, and to create ongoing support for lasting and durable changes to teaching and learning in each classroom.
October Events with the CRR
- Oct 1, 8:30AM-12:30PM: IMPACTS Building Fraction Sense (Grades 1-4)
- Oct 1, 8:30am-12:30pm: IMPACTS-MS: Ratios, Proportions, and Proportional Reasoning (Grades 5-9). PART 1 of 2
- Oct 1, 1:00pm-5:00pm: HEMS-HS: Increasing Student Learning and Engagement through the use of Active Learning Activities with Andy Jeanson
- Oct 22, 8:30am-12:30pm: IMPACTS TBD (K-5)
- Oct 22, 1:00pm-5:00pm: IMPACTS Level 2: Small Group Instruction and Centers in the Mathematics Classroom (Grades K-5)
- Oct 22, 1:00pm-5:00pm: HEMS-HS: Co-Teaching: Making It Work with Mary Beth Cristian & Donald Willoughby
- Oct 29, 8:30am-12:30pm: IMPACTS Digging Deep into Fraction Operations with Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication (Grades 4-5) Part 1
- Oct 29, 8:30am-12:30pm: IMPACTS-MS: Ratios, Proportions, and Proportional Reasoning (Grades 5-9). PART 2 of 2
- Oct 29, 1PM-5PM: IMPACTS Digging Deep into Fraction Operations with Multiplication and Division (Grades 4-6) Part 2
Join the Data Sciences Academy
The UArizona Data Sciences Academy (DSA) is looking to hire an educator with quantitative competencies to plan and facilitate the monthly Data Science Circles, through a virtual platform. They will create opportunities to engage with the larger population of educators along with interactive activities. Additionally, the candidate will coordinate with a student worker for social media support.
The DSA team will provide essential technological assistance and training to the University partners. As a UArizona Data Sciences Academy educator, the candidate should be available to work up to 10 hours per month during the academic year with a competitive compensation and an expense fund. This position is scheduled to be filled as soon as possible - apply today by email at dataacademy@arizona.edu.
Math Opportunities Around the Globe
Are you looking for professional development to empower economic thinkers?
Click this logo.
Looking for a way to expose students to STEM?
Learning Blade is a complete toolbox of online lessons, projects and activities designed to grab your students’ attention while introducing them to the careers, tools and technologies found throughout STEM fields.
Get your free teacher account today.
Earn PD Hours Online!
Please click on the picture above to register for the course in ADEConnect. Each course requires you to answer 4-5 questions and score an 80% or better to earn credit. Once you pass the assessment you will be asked to take quick survey and then will be issued a certificate.
Our course offerings:
- Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom - Dimensions 1 & 2
- Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom - Dimensions 3 & 4
- Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom - Dimensions 5 & 6
- Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom - Dimensions 7 & 8 - Coming Soon!
- Formative Assessment in the Math Classroom - Dimensions 9 & 10 - Coming Soon!
Standards for Mathematical Practice and SEL
Bring mathematics and social emotional learning together to support all students! If you are looking for a away to bring more SEL into the classroom without creating one more thing to do, we have the perfect tool for you. We recently designed a new resource that bridges the SMP's and SEL.
- Click here for the SMP's and SEL resource
- Click here for ADE's SEL Competencies and Framework
*This document is based of the work of the CASEL SEL Framework.
ADE Math Bookshelf
"So many books, so little time." - Frank Zappa
The ADE Math team would like to invite you to join in our reading adventures! These are all books that we have read over the last year or are currently reading. We highly encourage you to read one more book on this list to support your growth as a math educator. Please reach out to us if you have any questions.
Formative Conversation Starters - FREE from NWEA
Now Open - Nominations for 7th-12th Grade Teachers
If you know of an outstanding math educator please nominate them in upcoming window. The 2022-2023 will for 7th-12th grade teachers will be coming soon this fall, keep an eye out for more information.
To find out more information visit the PAEMST website. Or Join the information session at the AATM Conference of September 17th @ GCU!
Your FREE Discovery Education Account is here!
We’re excited to share a new statewide partnership between the Arizona Department of Education and Discovery Education to provide educators and students with the tools and resources they need to stay connected to learning in-person, online, or in hybrid learning environments.
All Arizona educators and students will receive access to the award-winning Discovery Education Experience at no cost for this school year, as costs will be covered by federal recovery dollars.
For more information on how to log in and use Discovery Education: click here
To access the September - Discovery Education Newsletter: click here
Instructional Routines Resources
Also check out the curated list from the CRR to find even more ideas.
Estimation 180
that make mathematical reasoning
accessible to students and enjoyable.
Slow Reveal Graphs
Get Involved, join a professional math association!
Arizona Association of Teachers of Mathematics
Arizona Mathematics Leaders
National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics
TODOS: Mathematics for ALL
Meet Your ADE Math Team
Eboney McKinney
Academic Standards:
Director of Math and Ed Tech StandardsEmail: Eboney.McKinney@azed.gov
Jenifer Fernandez
Math Specialist
Email: Jenifer.Fernandez@azed.gov