Estabrook Buzz
News and Notes from Estabrook School | October 6, 2016
Principal's Message
Reading, writing and math are usually what come to mind when we rattle off the core work of an elementary school. Increasingly, however, schools are focusing attention on the social and emotional health of their students as well. One of Estabrook's growth goals this year is to continue strengthening our students social and emotional well-being.
In classrooms, teachers are utilizing Class Meeting time each week to teach pro-social skills and explore issues that arise in class, seizing the opportunity to problem solve as a community. Throughout our building you will see teachers highlighting and positive behaviors and offering reminders or redirections when an unexpected behavior occurs.
This fall, Estabrook staff members are taking part in various professional development opportunities that focus on supporting students' mental health. Courses include the popular Responsive Classroom and Social Thinking programs, as well as a course focusing on the impact of trauma on learning.
Beyond what we're doing in school and the professional learning our faculty and staff are undertaking on the topic, we hope to bring information to our families as well. In addition to regular news and updates, this edition of Estabrook Buzz features several activities and events this month that serve to start or continue the conversation around supporting our students' whole-self development. I encourage you to consider attending one or more of these events, all great opportunities to learn more about the topic or engage in discussion around the topic with other Estabrook families.
Jeff LaBroad
Being Estabees
Spirit Days at Estabrook
Walking Wednesdays Return October 19
One Wednesday each month, Estabrook celebrates all the ways we can get to school, as part of Lexington's Safe Routes to School initiative. Our first Walking Wednesday of the year is Wednesday, October 19. Upon arriving to school, students will get the chance to record how they came to school. We will track arrival routes on Walking Wednesdays all year. What's more, the classroom with the highest participation rate will receive the prestigious Golden Sneaker Award!
Here is the complete list of Walking Wednesdays for 2016-2107:
October 19
November 9
December 14
January 11
February 8
March 8
April 12
May 10
June 14
Principal Coffee to Explore At-Home Reading
Are you excited, concerned, or at a loss for how to support at-home reading? Please join us for our Principal Coffee on Wednesday, October 19 at 8:45 a.m. as we explore this topic. Our librarian and literacy specialists will join Mr. LaBroad, and will share what your role supporting your child's reading at home can look like and how you can help select appropriate reading materials. They will also be on hand to answer your questions.
Exploring the Impact of Social Media
The explosion in preteens' use of social media represents one of the most challenging parenting tasks today. Social media not only features its own interactions, on the Internet, but also consistently impacts social interactions in person. Join Lexington parents on Wednesday, October 19 at 6:30 at Diamond Middle School for an important discussion on the impact of social media on children. Dr. Elizabeth Englander from MARC (Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center) will present on the use of social media and how it impacts children on a daily basis. Problems such as cyberbullying and cyber-fighting are consistently identified by pre-teens and teens as one of their greatest areas of educational need. You don't need to become a computer expert to help your children learn the social pitfalls on digital communication; this event will focus on practical mistakes, cyberbullying, and the spill-over of bullying in school.
Playful Parenting Comes to Estabrook
Join the Estabrook PTO on Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. for an evening of discussion with Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, author of Playful Parenting! This parent lecture will focus on connecting with children through play and emotional understanding. These strategies will help parents in the effort to lower stress and anxiety, reduce power struggles and family challenges, and build confidence. The evening will feature Q & A, and Dr. Cohen will have books available for sale and signing. This talk is open to all Lexington parents, and Dr. Cohen’s work is relevant to parents of children of all ages. The event is free, however, attendees are asked to register to ensure a space.
If you would like to send questions ahead of time for Dr. Cohen to consider, including seeking practical tips for special situations or behavior, please send the question to All questions will be presented anonymously.
Dr. Cohen is a Boston-based psychologist who specializes in parenting, play therapy and child development. He is the author of Playful Parenting and The Opposite of Worry, and the co-author of The Art of Roughhousing, Mom They’re Teasing Me, and Best Friends, Worst Enemies.
Principal Roundtable
Keep Up with Estabrook!
Click here for the complete Estabrook School Calendar
Click here for the complete 2016-2017 Academic Calendar
COLUMBUS DAY | Monday, October 10
Schools and School Offices are CLOSED
YOM KIPPUR | Wednesday, October 12
Schools and School Offices are CLOSED
BRUINS SPIRIT DAY | Thursday, October 13
Come in your Bruins gear or black and yellow clothes to celebrate the home team's opening day.
BEYOND MEASURE SCREENING & AUTHOR VISIT | Tuesday, October 18, 7-9:30 pm
Join the Lexington community as we continue to explore this important topic.
WALKING WEDNESDAY | Wednesday, October 19
Join Estabrook families on our Safe Routes to School Day! Walk, bike, take the bus or carpool to get to school today.
PRINCIPAL COFFEE | Wednesday, October 19, 8:45-9:30 a.m.
Join our librarian, literacy specialists and principal for a conversation around independent reading at home.
IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON CHILDREN | Wednesday, October 19, 6:30 p.m., Diamond Middle School
Join parents from across Lexington to learn more about this important and timely topic.
SCHOOL COUNCIL | Monday, October 24, 3:45-5:00 p.m.
METCO FAMILY FRIENDS DAY | Thursday, October 27
PARENT CONFERENCES | Wednesday & Thursday, October 26 & 27
Early dismissal at 12:15 p.m. each day.
PLAYFUL PARENTING | Thursday, October 27, 7pm, Estabrook School
Dr. Larry Cohen, author of Playful Parenting will be our guest as we explore the important role of play and emotional understanding in parenting.
PRINCIPAL ROUNDTABLE | Sunday, November 6, 2 p.m.
Estabrook BUZZ
Location: 117 Grove Street, Lexington, MA, United States
Phone: 781-861-2520