Cypress Elementary
January 2024 Newsletter
Cypress Elementary is a learning community dedicated to developing resilient, lifelong learners who will work towards reaching their highest potential.
Jeanne Krapfl, Principal
Bridget Lovelle, Assistant Principal
Cypress Phone: 727-774-4500 Cypress Fax: 727-774-4591
Cypress Webpage: ces.pasco.k12.fl.us, Cypress Facebook: @ProudtobeaCub
Message from Jeanne Krapfl
As we kick off semester two, I want to ask that we continue to focus on learning and attendance. Our teachers have students in learning mode about 4 and a half hours each day (students also have lunch, recess, and specials time). Teachers plan for every minute of that instruction to ensure students are growing as learners and as little humans. However, if they are tardy, or absent, or checked out early then no matter what, they have missed instruction that is not able to be replicated when the student returns. If you must keep your child from this valuable time, then please know that you can ask the front office to have work ready for your child to do at home.
Parents did you know that Lexia on the computer is a program to help your child build foundational skills to learn how to read? Each level has many different skills. If your child gets stuck on a skill, then the computer moves them backwards and this can be frustrating for them. It’s all right to see the skill your child is practicing and help them learn the skill so that they can progress forward. If you want more help or a better understanding, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Getting on Lexia or Zearn (Math) are two great ways to continue to learn when your child must miss school.
Thank you for your support and know that every single Cypress staff member works for student growth each and every day.
Jeanne L. Krapfl
Principal Cypress Elementary
Cypress PTO
Join us for next PTO Meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 4:15 PM in the Media.
Popcorn Days
Primary Popcorn: Friday, January 12th
Intermediate Popcorn: Friday, January 19th
Save the Date! Sweetheart Gala Thursday February 8th from 5-7 PM
Staff in the Spotlight
Our 3rd grade team is amazing at working really hard to ensure we do our very best to promote every 3rd grade student by the end of the year. With the State mandate for every 3rd grader to score a level 2 or higher on the FAST assessment to move onto the next grade level, this is an extra layer of pressure for the teachers on the 3rd grade team. Our teachers put their heads together to make intervention plans, offer before/after school Lexia club support, and provide very differentiated reading support to every student in the grade. I am super proud and thankful for all their hard work. You are appreciated Mrs. Credo, Ms. Bodemuller, Ms. Cabral, Mrs. Deblare, Mrs. Perez, and Ms. Lewis!
November Staff Birthdays
January 7 Kathy Griner
January 10 Dawn Mounts
January 11 Vannesa Fox
January 17 Jeanne Krapfl
Do you want to celebrate a staff member? Please email the Principal at jkrapfl@pasco.k12.fl.us with what you would like to share, and she’ll be sure to acknowledge the staff member.
Cypress Business and Community Partners
We would like to thank the following members of our Cypress Community for partnering with us. Through donations from the community; our students, staff, and families benefit from necessary resources for a successful school year!
Riverwalk Publix
River Ridge McDonald's
The Urban Oak Brick Oven
Culver's Ridge Road and US 19
Sonny's BBQ (Little Road)
Banko Garage Doors
Trinity Target
Sioux City
Priceless Inflatables
The Kessell Family
Sioux City
The Lincoln Family
River Ridge High School Interact
The Toymakers of Pasco County
Lost and Found
All lost and found items without a name will be donated to a local charity while we are on Winter Break.