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Home of the Mountain Lions
Weekly News - October 13, 2023
Dear Middlebrook Families,
While there are many things occurring during the school day that make Middlebrook unique, we have an equal number of opportunities outside of the school day to further engage and develop our school family. Whether it is Bingo Night, Zombiebrook, ASE, or a Cow Chip fundraiser, every event you attend as a family further fosters a connection between school and home.
A connection between home and school has many benefits; including improved academic achievement and a positive attitude toward learning. Furthermore, students gain confidence and enhance relationships with peers and staff. However and whenever you choose to engage and interact at Middlebrook, we welcome you as part of our school family.
Have a great weekend!
Kind regards,
Ms. Ponte and Ms. Molloy
And don't forget........
Conferences: If you have not done so already, please be sure to sign up for a conference time to meet with your child's teacher. Below is a link to assist you in scheduling your time. Conferences are on October 24 or 26, as well as November 2.
Conference link:
Upcoming Dates
Postponed to November 4 (due to rainy forecast)
Cow Chip Fundraiser Guardians Farm 3:15pm
National Dyslexia Awareness Month
Fire Prevention Month
Italian American Heritage Month
Friday, October 13
TONIGHT! BINGO - school cafeteria
Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day
Monday, October 16
PTA Meeting 7:00pm in the Library
Tuesday, October 17
Schoolwide Read Aloud
Tuesday, October 17 - Thursday, October 19
Vision Screenings for grades K, 1, 3, 4, and 5
Scoliosis screening for grade 5 girls only
Thursday, October 19
5th grade ice cream social - Plasko's Farm 5-7pm (rain date: October 24th)
****see flyer below
Friday, October 20
PTA Fundraiser - Charleston Wrap orders DUE
PINK PLEDGE - wear pink to school and bring $1.00 to donate to Norma Pfriem Breast Cancer Center
Trumbull High School Football game - MIDDLEBROOK Night! Game starts at 7:00 PM.
(Wear your Middlebrook spirit wear and join our school community to cheer on the Trumbull Eagles football team! )
Tuesday, October 24
Early Dismissal - 1:00 pm, Parent Conferences
United Nations Day
Thursday, October 26
Early Dismissal - 1:00 pm, Parent Conferences
Friday, October 27
School Store, grades 1-5
ZOMBIEBROOK students in grades K-2, 5:30-6:30pm and grades 3-5, 7:00-8:30pm
Tuesday, October 31
Halloween Day Reminders
On Halloween, Kindergarten and First grade students are invited to come to school dressed in costume; while Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth graders can bring a costume that can be put on in their classroom over their clothes.
Please know that costumes are OPTIONAL. Costumes cannot be violent in nature. Face paint or scary masks such as the “Evil Jester”, “It”, “Grim Reaper”, “Chucky”, “Scream” or any other costumes that contain blood/scars will not be allowed to be worn. No accessories of any kind are allowed.
Thank you for helping us to keep our students safe.
Classroom and School Highlights
Author Visit
On Tuesday, students had a blast attending the virtual author visit with Aaron Reynolds. “Energetic”, “hilarious”, and “inspiring” were some of the words students used to describe Aaron. One of the students commented, “Aaron has great books and a great personality. I am not a big fan of books, but he makes me want to read a lot more than I do.” Aaron shared that he did not like to read until his 5th grade teacher read aloud the book James and the Giant Peach. Aaron said, “Mr. Hunter then showed me other books written by him, and I was hooked!” After the visit, one student remarked that "Teachers can inspire you to do something you're not really fond of." Another added, “No matter how much you don't think you like something you should always try. If Aaron Reynolds didn't try reading, he would never be an author.”
Thank you to our PTA for sponsoring this fabulous event! Mrs. Balzano
Grade 5 Science
In the recently concluded school project, students delved deeply into the expansive realm of our solar system. Divided into small teams, each was entrusted with the exciting task of researching a specific planet. Armed with several resources, they set out on a journey of discovery, seeking answers to specific questions like the planet's proximity to the sun, its vastness, and its physical composition - whether gaseous or solid. The culmination of their diligent research was manifest in the vibrant posters they created.
A Message from Nurse Jeanne
Health Screening will be conducted on:
Tuesday October 17th, Wednesday October 18th, and Thursday October 19th.
Trumbull Schools provides health screenings based on recommendations from the Connecticut State Department of Education. Hearing and Vision Screening will be completed for students in grades K, 1, 3, 4, 5. Postural Scoliosis will be completed for female students in grade 5 (please have your child wear a tank top/bra under clothing).
Any of the mandated screenings which are documented on a Physical Examination form submitted to the school nurse performed during the current school year will be used as the valid screening for that year. If the results of any screening tests indicate further evaluation, the school will notify the parent/guardian and recommend further medical evaluation of the suspected problem. If the nurse is unable to test a student the parent/guardian will be notified.
If a parent/guardian does not want a student to participate in any of the screenings they should notify the school nurse in writing.
PTA/Father's Club
Parents of Grade 5- Ice Cream Social Information
PTA Fundraisers
Charleston Wrap Fundraiser
Orders due by Friday, October 20th
Click the wrapping paper to the right to go straight to the website link.
Use the Organization ID: 19255
Sneaker Drive!
Did you know that your gently worn sneakers could help Middlebrook?
Well, they can and here’s how…Our school is participating in a fundraiser where there is nothing to buy or sell; all we need is your support and your gently worn, used, or new sneakers (children's and adult's)!
Here’s how you can help:
Start in your closets at home and gather as many pairs of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. Every pair counts!
The sneakers that we collect will help raise money to support our program AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.
We will be setting up a box in the lobby soon, but start saving them now!
Spiritwear is Available- grab your favorite Middlebrook apparel!
Trumbull Public Schools provides parents and guardians with Infinite Campus access to view student's report card information, attendance and payments for field trips or school related fees. Families without an active Parent Portal account should have received an email with instructions and an activation code in August. If you have not yet activated your account, please use the link: Parent Portal.
Paraprofessional Substitutes Needed
Trumbull Public Schools is looking for teacher and paraeducator substitutes for the 2023-2024 school year. Click here to learn more about these exciting opportunities.
Inclement Weather Schedule
Delayed Opening Hours
1 ½ hour Delay – 10: 05 AM – 3:20 PM
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
CHET Dream Big
The CHET Dream Big! Competition will launch on September 7! This competition is brought to you by the Connecticut State Treasurer’s Office as Trustee of the Connecticut Higher Education Trust (CHET). Dream Big! is open to all Connecticut residents in grades K-12.
We need your help to make sure students and their families know about this opportunity to win contributions to their CHET 529 college savings plans!
This year, we will be awarding more than $450,000 in CHET 529 College Savings Plan – Direct Plan (“CHET 529 Direct Plan”) account contributions to students in grades K-12 and technology prizes to schools. For the winning students, we will be awarding:
- Three $20,000 prizes
- 24 $6,000 prizes
- 336 $500 prizes
To enter, students are asked to answer a question in the form of a drawing, essay or video. Younger students will be asked to answer a question focused on improving their communities and the lives of others, and older students will be asked to describe a lesson they’ve learned and how it will influence their future.
Submissions must be uploaded by 5:00 p.m. on November 6. There is no cost to enter. For program details and entry process visit:
Thank you for your support!
The CHET Dream Big! Competition Team
Community News
2023-2024 Trumbull Public Schools Calendar
School Hours
Middlebrook School Hours
Doors open at 8:20 AM
Regular School Hours: 8:35 AM - 3:20 PM
Early Dismissal Hours: 8:35 AM - 1:00 PM
Delayed Opening Hours
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
Middlebrook WEBSITE LINK: https://mes.trumbullps.org