The Wildcat Week(s) Ahead
August 21,2023
Welcome to A New Week!
School is almost here! Our classrooms are getting set up, teachers are in the building more and more, and our wonderful custodians are working hard to ensure everything is ready for August 30th!
There are a few updates on the curriculum in our classrooms, after-school programming, our September open house and Title 1 night, and your first family assignment!
As always, my door and inbox are always open,
Mrs. H
Letter From the Superintendent
Dismissal- Same as Last Year
- Buses load around 3 PM.
- Parents may wait for kids on the sidewalk outside of school.
- No student may cross the parking lot without an adult.
CIUUSD Safety Pledge
At CIUUSD, we take student and staff safety seriously. It is especially important during the school day when students and staff should be focused on learning. To support this, all CIUUSD schools have multiple supportive measures in place. During the day, visitors are only allowed on a limited and pre-scheduled basis. All visitors must sign in and receive a guest/visitor pass and will be walked to their meeting by a staff member. During arrival and dismissal time, we will continue to have safety measures in place, and to maintain building security, parents/guardians or other adults dropping students off/picking them up will only be permitted to walk down to the classroom with prior permission from the teacher. We ask that all visitors enter through the main entrance during the school day. Also, outside doors will not be propped open. We understand that classrooms can sometimes get warm and having a door open could provide a nice breeze; however, the safety of our students and staff is more important. These protocols apply during the student day from 8:00 AM to approximately 3:15 PM.
Improved Safety Measures at GIS
We have a new visitor check-in available in the main lobby. The following two signs are posted on our front doors.
Please note that there was not an event at GIS that prompted this improvement. The Director of Buildings, Grounds, and Safety saw an opportunity for increased security, and we are piloting it.
In addition to the daily safety measure described above, we participate in regular safety drills as mandated by the State of Vermont. We conduct two main types of drills: fire/evacuation and lockdown/options based.
Fire/Evacuation Drills:
Emergency evacuation plans are designed to evacuate the school most efficiently and safely without panic. We practice drills so everyone in the building knows how to implement these plans. School fires and other emergency conditions may arise, warranting the complete evacuation of the school promptly; thus, schools must be prepared to initiate emergency evacuations.
Lockdown/Options Based Response:
Schools practice drills in response to a violent intruder. No one-size response plan fits each violent incident. Therefore teachers, administrators, and students need to have an “options-based response approach” available to them based on the specific set of circumstances they are dealing with at the time of the incident. We usually practice this with a focus on the lockdown portion of the drill. However, faculty and students discuss other options, such as leaving the building and meeting at a designated location outside.
At the Grand Isle School, we utilize the standard response protocol and practice approximately one monthly drill, according to the Vermont Department of Public Safety's annual recommendations. Mountain Transit also holds bus evacuation drills twice a year for student bus riders.
PBIS is more for adults than students because adults determine the expectations they want to see and then support students in learning those expectations.
Positive Behavior:
When students demonstrate the behavioral expectations (Kind, Safe, and Engaged), they earn Paws. Classrooms work to earn 100 paws, and then, as a group, they earn a celebration. As a school, we set goals for school-wide celebrations. Celebrations are co-developed with students and are very special.
Negative Behavior:
Negative behaviors happen. While PBIS does not focus on the negative, it does address it when it happens. We focus on natural consequences as a result of negative behavior. For instance, a friend hits another friend. We talk to both students to understand the situation, repair the relationship, and understand perspectives. We root everything in what we want to see.
When we notice a trend in behavior, we support students with additional resources such as check-ins or learning skills. These decisions are made with families so you are aware of supports in place.
Fridays at GIS
All students in grades K-6 in CIUUSD (NH and GIS) will have opportunities to engage in 1/2 day experiential learning.
What is Experiential Learning?
Traditional learning models (sitting in a classroom) are not best suited to everyone's learning style. Experiential learning provides an alternative to traditional models by allowing kids to interact and engage with the world around them. Experiential learning considers emotions, cognition, and environmental factors- a more holistic approach.
What will this look like for my student?
Each grade will go 2 or 3 times during Trimester 1 with our Unified Arts and support staff out into the community to engage in hands-on learning. Fridays consist of a regular morning of academics, recess, and lunch (although sometimes lunch will be eaten once kids are in the community). Students will ride a bus to the location planned for that day, engage in activities, and be back at school for normal dismissal time.
Students will continue to have access to adult support, and we invite parents to join us! I will pass that information along to the Unified Arts team if you're interested.
What's the learning goal?
All learning in CIUUSD is rooted in skills we want students to practice and become proficient in. We also have essential questions we ask that help guide the planning of lessons. For Trimester 1, the essential question is, "How can I show kindness to myself and others?" All students will be engaged in various activities centered around this question.
We're very excited to bring this deep learning level to CIUUSD. You will be provided a schedule of when your student is heading out on a Friday learning adventure in the coming weeks. Our first Friday is September 8th and will include grades K and 6. Our Grand Isle Game Changers (6th) and new Kindergarten students will get some time to spend together as part of our mentoring program and experiential learning.
After-School Program
Our Curriculums
English Language Arts
- K-3 Fundations
- Fundations® utilizes a structured literacy approach grounded in the science of reading to make learning to read fun while laying the groundwork for lifelong literacy. The program’s research-based approach and extensive materials allow K–3 teachers to confidently present a carefully structured reading, spelling, and handwriting curriculum using engaging, multisensory techniques. Fundations are aligned with the science of reading and guide teachers to provide effective instructional practices.
- K-2 Geodoes
- Geodes® offer emerging readers the rich experience and knowledge they crave. The world isn’t one-dimensional, so why should texts for young readers be? Geodes create a multidimensional learning experience that unites phonics with rich content, accurate facts, and beautiful art to help students build knowledge of the world outside the classroom. With an explicit, systematic foundational skills program, Geodes supports evidence-based literacy instruction founded on the Science of Reading. Emerging readers are allowed to apply their developing decoding skills while building enduring knowledge in history, science, and the arts.
- k-6 Wit and Wisdom
- Wit & Wisdom® is a comprehensive K–8 English language arts program crafted to help students build the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers, exceptional writers, and effective communicators. Lessons are founded on exceptional texts, and all learners are empowered to tackle the rigor of grade-level content with confidence and joy. Core texts are wide-ranging and varied, providing exposure to a careful balance of literary, informational, and fine arts content.
- No formal curriculum currently, although teachers have access to science resources to supplement their lessons.
Social Studies
- No formal curriculum currently.
PTA Information and Our Fundraising Goal This Year
We're focusing our fundraising efforts on buying GIS a Book Vending Machine!
Kids will have the opportunity to earn book bucks to "buy" books from the machine. We're still working out the details on how kids will earn book bucks, and it will be tied into PBIS.
Open House and Title 1 Night
To be eligible for Title 1 and continue receiving funding, we must hold a family Title 1 night. Covid made this challenging in years past, but we're bringing it back!
Please join us from 5-5:30 for a small presentation, some door prizes, and an opportunity to ask questions. Open House will start promptly at 5:30 and end at 6:30.
Family Assignment
Please email Mrs. H with pictures from your summer time adventures. No adventures because of the rain? No problem! Send us any photo you want that is special to you.
Picture Day
Wednesday, Sep 13, 2023, 09:00 AM
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
GIS Open House and Title 1 Night
Thursday, Sep 28, 2023, 5:00 – 6:30 p
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Watermelon Welcome for K and 6th Grades
We hope to see all Kindergarten and 6th grade there :)
Thursday, Aug 24, 2023, 4:00 – 5:30 p
Grand Isle Elementary School, U.S. Route 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Important Links
CIUUSD Soccer Sign Ups
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Grand Isle School
Location: 224 U.S. Rte 2, Grand Isle, VT, USA
Phone: 802-372-6913