Mid-July Update
Back to School Updates 7/12/2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year
As we prepare for the 2023-2024 school year, we ask that you make sure all contact information is up-to-date in Final Forms. This will ensure that you receive communication from school in a timely manner.
More information with dates for back to school events will be coming soon (most likely from Dr. Arnold).
Thank you for entrusting your students to us for their high school experience. We are grateful to be a part of every Eagle's path to success.
Mr. Yeager and the MHS NGC Team
While students are in class in the NGC, devices are to remain in the student’s book bag and/or locker, and powered off. Use of such devices is prohibited during class time except under the request and supervision of instructional staff.
Devices may be accessed before school, between classes, during lunch, and after school.
CP English 9
Students enrolled in CP English 9 will read The Inheritance Games (or a sequel) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes. The Bookmatters in Milford will have copies of this book for purchase. You can also see this ordering information from Amazon (link).
Students enrolled in Honors English 9 will read The Inheritance Games (or a sequel) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes AND select a book that you have not read before that is included on the Michael L. Printz award list. Books on this list, according to the Young Adult Library Services Association, are ones that exemplify “literary excellence in young adult literature.” You may select a winner or an honor book from the list. Should you have questions about the nature of the content of the book, you can find an overview of it at commonsensemedia.org. Be sure to discuss your book choice with your parents/guardians.
Milford's Transportation Department will share bus routes electronically via ELinks.
- MEVSD parents use your child's student ID number for both the username and password.
- Click on “work with students.”
- Click on “view my students.”
- Click on your “student's name” to view transportation record.
*The system is still being updated for the 2023-2024 school year and may not yet be accurate or up-to-date.
Counseling Notes
What's a School Counselor?
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kaitlyn Richter and I will serve as the NGC school counselor for your student this year. School counselors are licensed educators who improve the success of students through the domains of college/career readiness, academic success, and social/emotional support. It is my goal to support ALL students, and foster an environment that allows them to create a future where they can thrive. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me this year if you have any questions.
Before you know it the school year will be here and we want our student athletes to be prepared!! Here is all the information for the 23-24 FALL SEASON TRYOUTS!!
Director of Athletics - Mr. Aaron Zupka
Milford Events Coming Soon
The goal and purpose of this dress code is to set standards and expectations of dress which serve to support a learning environment that is safe and focused upon learning. A primary focus of Milford High School is to appropriately prepare students for life beyond the school environment and the standards listed below will prepare students to engage, adapt, and demonstrate responsibility safely both in the school environment as well as in life beyond the classroom walls.
- Student dress shall not compromise the safety of students or staff. Items/Accesories containing spikes/studs/chains/are not permitted to be worn.
- Any garment or attire containing, referencing, promoting or glorifying alcohol, tobacco, drugs, gangs, violence, death, suicide, gore and/or blood are strictly prohibited.
- Garments and attire shall not be harassing in nature nor discriminate against any ethnicity, culture, gender, sexuality or religion.
- Student faces shall be fully and clearly visible at all times while on school property.
- Appropriate footwear shall be worn at all times while on school property.
- Outer layer of clothing should cover the torso of the body.
- Costumes should only be worn as approved or on spirit days.
Daily Announcements
NGC Office Team Contacts
The office staff of the Ninth Grade Community includes:
Daniel Yeager- Associate Principal Ninth Grade Community yeager_d@milfordschools.org
Kaitlyn Richter- Counselor Ninth Grade Community richter_k@milfordschools.org
Paula Harvey-Administrative Assistant harvey_p@milfordschools.org
High School Twitter Accounts to Follow
Milford Schools - @Milford_Schools
Mr. Spieser (MEVSD Superintendent) - @Milford_Super
Dr. Arnold (MHS Principal) - @Dr_Tyler_Arnold
Mr. Yeager (NGC Associate Principal) - @MrDYeager
Mr. Haluga (MHS Assistant Principal - 10th) - @MHS_Haluga
Mrs. Kauffman (MHS Assistant Principal - 12th) - @MHS_KKauffman
Mr. Hatfield (Milford Academy Principal) - @MHS_SuccessAcad
Milford Athletics - @Milford_Eagles
Milford Ninth Grade Community
Email: yeager_d@milfordschools.org
Website: https://www.milfordschools.org/ninth-grade-community/
Location: 1 Eagles Way, Milford, OH, USA
Phone: 513-576-2278
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MHSNGC
Twitter: @MrDYeager