Principal's Weekly Newsletter
A Message from Dr. Nadjarian
St. Mary's successfully completed their final fire drill of the year! All students evacuated the building quietly and safely into our parking lot. Special thanks to the Brookline Fire Department for helping to keep our school safe and prepared for an emergency.
We encourage you to monitor school social media accounts for posts celebrating our 8th-grade students and their experiences at St. Mary's. We are exceedingly proud of this class and all that they have accomplished!
Congratulations to St. Mary's parishioner, Claire MacPherson, who has devotedly directs our students and pedestrians at the St Mary’s Church crosswalk for years. She’s a ray of sunshine in our community! Don’t forget to congratulate her if you see her.
Lastly during Monday's Parking Lot Prayers, we reflected on the following Bible verses on Perseverance:
Romans 5:3-5 (in summary perseverance makes you stronger)
Isaiah 40:31 (in summary God can give you strength to keep going)
Galatians 6:8 (in summary don't give up, you are almost there)
I encourage you reflect on these verses as a family as we approach the end of the school year.
I wish everyone a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend! May we never forget those who made the ultimate sacrafice for our freedom!
This Week's Featured Graduates!
This Week's Featured Graduates!
This Week's Featured Graduates!
Looking Ahead
May 29th
- No School- Memorial Day
May 31st
- Spring Concert at 8:45 a.m
- International Family Festival at 4:30 p.m
- Field Day 10a.m-1p.m at Larz Anderson Park
- Grade 8 Graduation and Convocation Mass at 10 a.m
- Band Concert at 8:30 a.m
June 14th:
- Uniform Swap 2:15-3:15
- Last Day of School
September 4th
- No School - Labor Day
September 5th
- No School- Student/Teacher Meet and Greet
September 6th
- First Day of School (Grades 1-8) & Early Dismissal: 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- First Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
- Orientation (PreK-K2), 9-10:30 a.m.
September 8th
- First Day of School with only PreK-K2 & Early Dismissal for PreK-K2 at 11:30 a.m. Bring a snack from home
- Second Full Day of School (Grades 1-8) Bring lunch from home
A Message from Nurse Catherine
Covid-19 cases: 0
Fevers: We had multiple children ( mostly in PreK & K1) out this week with fevers. This is not an unusual occurrence this time of year. A fever is anything 100.4 or higher. Students who have a fever must stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication and are feeling well enough to attend school.
Students should test for Covid-19 when they have a fever.
Call your doctor if a fever lasts more than 4-5 days, a fever over 105., your child is not eating or drinking, severe pain, headache, stiff neck, rash, weakness or shortness of breath.
Please let us know when your student is absent and the reason for the absence.
Enjoy your weekend
Faneiul Hall Performance
Field Day
Field Day Information
On Monday, June 5, 2023, Field Day will be at Larz Anderson Park.
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. PreK – Grade 8
Students are to be dropped off at the field (Goddard Ave. entrance) at 10:00 a.m. (There will be no supervision before 10:00 a.m.) All children must be picked up no later than 1:00 p.m. Please look out for permission slips and a Field Day Facts Sheet next week.
Each grade has been assigned a specific t-shirt color. The following are the team colors:
PreK, K1 – St Mary’s Tshirt
K2 - red, white & blue
Gr 1 - navy
Gr 2 - red
Gr 3 - white
Gr 4 - green
Gr 5 - yellow
Gr 6 - purple
Gr 7 - orange
Gr 8- brown
International Family Festival
Instructions for those making food:
Due to the number of students with varying degrees of severe allergies to nuts, we will have a NO NUTS policy for all dishes.
Please come at 3:00 pm (on the day of the event: June 2nd) with all your belongings to set up for your table. Each person will receive ½ of a table and will be sharing with another country so please keep this in mind as you set up.
Each table will have a sign with your country on it.
Clean up-Please stay and help us with clean up.
Instructions for those attending:
There is no parking in the parking lot. Please park on surrounding streets near the school.
For those attending please follow the signs (which say check-in) pointing where to go. In order to enter the event you must have your passport which you will collect at check-in.
Please DO NOT go to the tables. The tables are off limits until the event officially begins after the opening prayer. Until then please go around the building and enter from Harvard St.
A Message from Ms. Broley, our School Librarian
Happy Memorial Day weekend!
I know we’re all starting to think about summer and a well-deserved break. Sadly, that means it is time to call all the books back to the library for their summer rest. This was the last week of checking books out. Summer is the time to see what we’re missing, repair any books that need mending and generally catalog what we need for next year. I will let the students know which books they have out, and if you could take a look around your homes and send back any St. Mary’s books you find that would be great!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at
A Message from Ms. Whitten and Ms. Smith
We are two weeks away from our Spring concert, and our students are READY! As a staff, we could not be more proud of the work each grade has put in to make this concert a success. Below is some information regarding the Spring Concert:
When: Wednesday, May 31st at 8:45AM
Where: The Saint Mary’s Parking Lot (the same location where we have Parking Lot Prayers and other school events).
Student Dress Code:
PreK, K1, K2, 1st, and 2nd Grade: “Wear what makes you feel spectacular!” Please be advised that clothing must adhere to school dress code rules for dress down days. Families can see the SMS handbook for more information.
3rd, 4th, 5th Grade: Saint Mary’s School Uniforms
6th Grade: Black clothing “with Rock Empahsis”. Please be advised that clothing must adhere to school dress code rules for dress down days. Students can speak with Ms Smith for more information.
7th and 8th: Black clothing, and actors can wear an additional costume piece that describes their character. Please be advised that clothing must adhere to school dress code rules for dress down days. Students can speak with Ms Whitten and Ms Smith for more information.
Concert Order:
Pre-K/K1 - “Feelings Song”
1st/2nd - “Seasons of Love”
K2, 1st, 2nd, 3rd - “Breakaway”
K2, 1st, 2nd, 6th - “When I grow up”
3,4,5 - “Revolting Children”
7/8 - Original Musical Production entitled “Take back the Night”
6th - “Ultimate”
Practice Materials: Practice materials can be found on the concert page of Ms. Smith's Website- Link to concert materials"
Students enjoyed a delicious ice cream treat with a touch of sprinkles!
Grade 1
Grade 2 and 3 Field trip
Grade 4
In 4th grade, I had the privilege to look over some essays from the students and learn about some hopes and dreams the students have for the school. It was a joy to hear there well thought out ideas!
Grade 5
Grade 8 Literacy
Ms. Stroia's Grade 8 students began working on a Middle School Memories Scrapbook that includes poetry and writing thank you letters. Included in this scrapbook, students have the chance to reflect on their greatest lesson learned, reminisce on favorite middle school memories by creating projects such as a collage, a book dedication page, or a remember when page.
Grade 8 Science
World Language Update
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