Dolphin Newsletter
Message from the principal...
Hello Clifford Families,
Spring is in full action as the weather is heating up, and we are making plans for the end of the school year, and even beginning to think about next year. April has been a month full of joy as we have been able to welcome over 400 students back to campus. We cannot begin to express to you how wonderful a month it has been at Clifford!
Since students have returned to school, we have experienced some changes in the health directives that have resulted in a few changes for us here on site:
We no longer need to issue the Covid test for students and staff.
We are able to offer a modified in person graduation for our 8th graders.
This is exciting news for us as it represents opportunities to move forward in a positive direction. We have exciting things planned in the coming weeks, and as always, we value your partnership with us as we move forward towards a great finish to this school year!
More information from the CDPH in regards to testing for surveillance/screening
CDPH Guidance for Reopening Schools required asymptomatic (surveillance/screening) testing every two weeks while in the Purple and Red tier. **We are now in the Orange Tier and asymptomatic testing is not required. .
In partnership,
Jude Noyes-Principal
Tiffany Parrish- Assistant Principal
Family Survey Ends Today!
(if you've already taken the survey, you do not need to again)
Our district values your feedback! We are currently surveying our Clifford School families in order to gain insight into your perception of our school and district effectiveness. To ensure we continue to provide high quality, rigorous learning experiences that meet the needs of our learners and prepare them for college and career, we need your feedback. We want to know what you think.
To administer these surveys, we have partnered with Panorama Education to conduct our 2021 Family Survey. Panorama safeguards your privacy, keeping your responses confidential. The survey shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to complete, and will be a valuable source of information for us as we work to make our schools and district as good as they can be.
You may complete the survey online between April 19 and April 30 using a computer, tablet, or smartphone by visiting the website: surveys.panoramaed.com/redwood/family
We thank you in advance for your thoughtful responses. If you have any questions about the survey administration, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 650-482-2402 or by email jnoyes@rcsdk8.net.
Upcoming Dates
5/6: @ 3:30 Special Site Council Meeting (Link)(Agenda)(Meeting minutes from Nov and January attached)
5/7: No School (In Lieu of Lincoln’s Day)
5/14 @8:30: PTO Coffee
5/17 @ 8:30: Principal’s Coffee
5/19 @ 7:00: Regular Board Meeting
5/20 @ 6:00: PTO Meeting
5/26 @ Move-a-thon
5/31 No School (Memorial Day)
6/9 @ 10:00 am: 8th Grade Graduation
6/10: Last Day of School
6/10: Chromebook turn in (in person students)
6/11: Chromebook turn in (distance learning students)
End of Year Chromebook/iPad Turn In
At the end of the school year, each student will be returning their Chromebook. On the last day of school, Thursday June 10th, students who are learning on campus will need to bring their district assigned device, and charger, which will be left in their classroom with their teacher. Students who have remained in distance learning will be invited to come to the office at Clifford on Friday June 11th and drop off their device here with us. More information will be sent out by our technology department in the next few weeks.
8th Grade Graduation
iReady/Testing 1st-3rd Grade
As you may be aware, the Redwood City School District applied for a waiver from CAASPP testing that would normally take place in May, and that waiver was approved! Instead of CAASPP testing, we will administer the iReady assessment to students in 1st through 8th grade in both English and Math. This is the same assessment that students have had an opportunity to take twice this year, once in each trimester. The testing window for the iReady will be May 3rd-May 28th. Your student’s teacher will be communicating with you directly about when they will be administering each test as it will vary by grade level. The results of this assessment will give us an indication of our areas of focus next year, following a very unprecedented year of learning, mostly from a distance. For specific questions about when your child will be taking the test, please contact your student’s teacher.
Advanced Math Pathway at Clifford
Thank you to our parents and staff who attended our informational meeting this week about the work that RCSD and Clifford are doing to bring an advanced math pathway to our middle school students. Here is a recording of the meeting in case you were unable to attend. Additionally, attached is the opt out letter to not have your 5th grade student take the placement test this June.
Topic: Accerated Math Pathways Information Night
Start Time : Apr 29, 2021 05:20 PM
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: Dolphins2020!
RCEF and Bravemaker Present La Familia, La Comunidad
Join the Redwood City Education Foundation (RCEF) for the premiere of mini-documentary La Familia, La Comunidad on May 26th at 6:00 PM to raise funds for three full-time mental health counselors at RCSD's most underserved schools. RCEF and Bravemaker present this film to highlight the resilience of Redwood City families during the pandemic.
Purchase your 20-21 yearbook today!
You now have the opportunity to purchase our Clifford 20-21 yearbook! Our student leadership team has worked so collaboratively and creatively to make a wonderful TK-8 yearbook!
Purchase by clicking the link below!
Or enter the purchase code: 1013445510592750 on https://tr5.treering.com/validate
Have questions? Email our student leadership teachers: mterrito@rcsdk8.net or jtanti@rcsdk8.net
Happy yearbook buying!
Help Healthy Cities Tutoring kick off Give Where You Live at the Farmers Market this weekend!
Visit us this Sunday, May 2, at the San Carlos Farmers Market to hear how tutors are uplifting students during this difficult year and spin the wheel to win an HCT prize. We'd love to see you!
We're also kicking off our annual 24-hour Give Where You Live Day, on Tuesday, May 4th. Learn how you can help ensure our tutors remain ready to support students academic and social-emotional needs as they transition back to in-person learning. We hope you'll join our campaign and make a difference in the life of a child!
All donations raised during Give Where You Live will be doubled thanks to a generous matching gift from Mike and Beth Hunkapillar. Your support will go twice as far!
Donate now at our website and learn how your donation can honor a person who has made a difference in your life.
Wishing you well,
Healthy Cities Tutoring
Clifford School
Jude Noyes- Principal
Tiffany Parrish- Assistant Principal
Maria Stockton- Office Assistant
Mayra Guerra- Office Manager
Email: jnoyes@rcsdk8.net
Location: 225 Clifford Avenue, Redwood City, CA, USA
Phone: 650-482-2402