MTSD Momentum Newsletter
September 22, 2022

Welcome Back Message from the MTSD Board of Education
Dear Mequon-Thiensville School District Families,
Welcome back to our returning families and a warm welcome to the new faces in our District! We are pleased you have chosen to join MTSD and our work together to ignite each child’s passion for learning, preparing for a life of infinite possibilities. Collaboration with parents and guardians is key to the success of any school district.
This school year, please take advantage of all the opportunities to be involved in your child(ren)’s school experience by attending school events, connecting via parent-teacher conferences, participating in surveys, volunteering in the classroom or at school events, or by joining PTO/PTSOs, Choir/Band/Orchestra parents, MTEF, VOICES, Boosters, and more. Your partnership and engagement with the school district is foundational to the successes of our students.
The Board of Education is excited for the start of our school year, particularly with our referendum building projects now completed and the children receiving the benefits of more collaborative classrooms, expanded gym, art, music, and cafeteria spaces, and increased safety, security, and access for all. Thank you for supporting the District as we work in concert with our mission. We all - parents/guardians, teachers and staff, students, the school board, and our broader community - play a role in providing a collaborative, nurturing, and continuously improving environment to encourage all children toward their full potential.
Again, welcome to the 2022-23 school year! We wish everyone a wonderful year, full of much learning, growth and fun.
President Shelley Burns
On behalf of the MTSD Board of Education
Homestead High School Announces Eight National Merit Semifinalists
The National Merit Scholarship Competition (NMSC) recently announced the names of over 16,000 Semifinalists in the 68th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. Homestead High School is excited to announce that eight of our senior students have qualified as National Merit Semifinalists.
Those students include: Isaac Bloomgarden, Abigail Horwitz, Henry Kroft, Jonathan Lim, Ilia Mikhailenko, Nathan Moldavsky, Maura Whitaker, and Adam Yesufu. This is the second consecutive year that Homestead High School has announced eight students as Semifinalists.
Cybersecurity in the Mequon-Thiensville School District
Recently, there has been an increase in the number of school districts who have been targeted in a ransomware attacks, resulting in the breach of private employee, student, and community member data. With cybersecurity at the top of mind, we wanted to create an opportunity to let you know about the security measures that the Mequon-Thiensville School District (MTSD) already has in place to ensure that the information entrusted to us by families, community members, and our employees, is kept as safe and secure as possible.
Notice of Threat & Risk Assessment Protocols
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and the Mequon-Thiensville School District (MTSD) acknowledge that in today's climate, there is a need to monitor individuals who may be showing signs of mental or emotional distress and potentially violent or threatening behavior.
We have worked very hard under the guidance of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to have protocols in place should such concerns arise beyond the scope of what our general embedded practices and supports may provide. Under the guidance of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, the MTSD has established protocols for concerns that arise beyond the scope of general embedded practices and supports.
Reminder: School Violence Threat Response
Along with an increase in cybersecurity threats, there has been a recent influx of false threats related to school shootings nationwide. Across the country, there have been numerous reports of schools receiving internet-based phone calls with these threats, which are unsubstantiated. We would like to take this opportunity to remind families of our response to threats of school violence.
As always, our top priority is the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff. We take any and all reports of potential threats seriously, and we make every effort to maintain an environment where students and staff feel safe. This includes working closely with local law enforcement to assist in those situations. We encourage all students and anyone in the greater school community to report anything that could constitute a threat to school safety. Please take a moment to remind your child that making a threat is never a joke. The consequences can have a lifelong impact.
The September Family Survey is Now Open
As part of the Mequon-Thiensville School District’s strategic plan, we strive to produce meaningful communication and engagement opportunities with all stakeholders to build strong relationships and trust across the school community. One of the ways we do this is to offer a variety of survey opportunities to our stakeholders to inform our planning and enhance the educational experience for all students and families while monitoring progress toward strategic goals.
All parents and guardians are invited to participate in the September Family Survey. This survey provides an opportunity to gather family feedback regarding the experience with the Mequon-Thiensville School District thus far in the school year. This information will help us continue to improve our approach to supporting students and their families as we prepare and plan to open our schools each year. Please click the link below to take the September Family Survey by Wednesday, Oct. 5. Only one response per family is needed. Thank you for your engagement in this important feedback opportunity!
Board Briefs
The Mequon-Thiensville Board of Education held two hybrid meetings this month. Policy Committee meetings were also held in-person in the Egelhoff Conference Room on Friday, September 16 and Wednesday, Sept. 21. A Legislative Commitee meeting was also held on Wednesday, Sept. 21.
September 12 Working Meeting
The Board heard a presentation by Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services and Brian Brewer, of Baird, and held discussion on Participation in the PMA Levy and Aid Anticipation Notes (PLAAN) Program.
September 19 Regular Business Meeting
The Board heard the Annual Report from the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation (MTEF) and the Superintendent’s Report from Dr. Matthew Joynt.
The Board approved the September Employee Transactions, including the hire of Ms. Liz Streubel, who will begin her role as the new assistant principal at Wilson on October 3.
The Board approved the action item: Action To Approve Resolution Authorizing Temporary Borrowing In An Amount Not To Exceed $5,800,000; Issuance of Tax And Revenue Anticipation Promissory Notes; And Participation In The PMA Levy And Aid Anticipation Notes Program
The Board heard and approved a fast-track reading of Policy #2020 - Title IX-Sexual Harrassment.
The Board discussed a first reading of Policy #6145 - Borrowing.
The Board approved a gift in the amount of $75,000 to Donges Bay Elementary School from James FitzPatrick through the Ladish Foundation.
Policy Committee Meetings
Sept. 16 - Policies discussed included: #6145 - Borrowing, #2020 - Title IX-Sexual Harassment, #5330.02 - Communicable Diseases/Life-Threatening Allergies, #5900 - Whole-Grade Acceleration Grades 2-8
Sept. 21 - Policies discussed included: #6145 - Borrowing, #5900 - Whole-Grade Acceleration Grades 2-8, and #5330.02 - Communicable Diseases/Life-Threatening Allergies
Legislative Committee Meeting
Topics discussed included: 3000 - Social-Emotional Learning and Support
As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website.
M-T Recreation Department News
Great news! The Mequon-Thiensville Recreation Department recently launched their very own newsletter. The newsletter will have highlights, information, and programs that the Rec. Department would like customers to be aware of. Click here and here to check out their September newsletters and take advantage of fun opportunities such as:
Fall programming registration
Halloween Costume Contest
Morning Fitness Program
Employment Opportunities
Bus Drivers
Access to consistent and timely bus transportation is extremely important to the success of our student academics, athletics, and co-curricular activities. Please help to minimize transportation disruptions for our students and consider applying to become a bus driver for MTSD and GO Riteway. Spread the word about how important this career is to our entire school community!
Substitute Teachers
Everyone knows a teacher or someone who loves children. Do you love working with kids? Become a Substitute Teacher and start making a difference in the lives of children! Teachers On Call is a substitute staffing company specializing in recruiting and retaining qualified staff who are willing to step into a classroom with minimal direction. There are many opportunities to sub at the schools in our district.
Positions Available Districtwide
MTSD has a variety of both certified and support staff career opportunities available for the 2022-2023 school year.
Please click here to review postings for certified positions including:
- Special Education Teacher - Wilson
- Building Substitutes (elementary and middle)
Click here to review postings for support staff positions including:
- Special Education Paraprofessionals (elementary and middle)
- Health Aide (elementary)
Connect With Us! 💻
Throughout the school year, be sure to check out the great things going on at your school building by following your school's page on Facebook, as well as the MTSD Facebook page, the District Twitter, and by finding us on LinkedIn.
Please note: The accounts linked above are the only official social media presence managed and moderated with support from MTSD Communications.
Important Dates 🗓️
NO SCHOOL - Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 26
Board of Education - Regular Business Meeting
Monday, October 3 @ 6:00 p.m., Range Line Community Center
NO SCHOOL - Yom Kippur
Wednesday, October 5
NO SCHOOL (Grades 4K-8 only) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thursday, October 13
NO SCHOOL (All students) - Staff Inservice
Friday, October 14
NO SCHOOL (4K only) - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, October 17
Parent/Teacher Conferences (Grades 4K-8) - Regular School Day
Tuesday, October 18
NO SCHOOL (Grades 4K-8 only) - Staff Inservice
Monday, October 31