Have a Great Summer!
Message from Mr. Wright
Happy last day of school! Serving as your principal for the 21/22 SY has been an honor. Thank you for your endless support, collaboration, and participation this school year. It has been my goal to take time to learn the community, build relationships, and increase the number of programs offered to our students. I am pleased with the progress we have made.
At the beginning of the school year, less than half of our student population read on grade level according to HMH and PALs. Currently, because of the hard work from our teachers, students, and families, majority of our students are reading on or above grade level! In addition, students demonstrated measurable growth in the area of math. Please be on the lookout for our continuous improvement plan next school year. It will detail our next steps to accelerate learning impacted by the pandemic.
Also, another major focus for our school was to identify students eligible for the gifted program. Students who are found eligible for gifted education services demonstrate high levels of academic accomplishment or show exceptional academic potential beyond their age peers of similar experience or environment in one or more specific academic areas. A student may be referred at any time by a parent, professional, Division-wide screening tool, or self-referral. I am pleased to share that our program has grown from around 4% to nearly 10% of our student population being identified as gifted. Thank you to everyone for your contributions and Ms. Haselton for leading the charge!
Lastly, if you are interested or know anyone interested in working as a teacher, instructional staff, bus driver, security, finance, human resource, or information technology professionals, please have them apply to the Division. We also seek volunteers for the 22/23 SY. Please apply!
It has been a pleasure working with you this year. We are off to a great start at Fitzgerald. Please take a moment to view pictures from our end of year festivities below. The best is yet to come!
Have a great summer! I will see you on August 22 for the first day of school.
George Wright, principal
Fannie W. Fitzgerald Elementary