Little Trojan News
Centerburg Elementary Newsletter - November/December 2023
We will miss you Mrs. Ross!
From the Principal - Mr. Thompson
Please check PowerSchool often to keep informed of you child's progress in each of his/her classes. If you need help logging in to PowerSchool, please contact the school.
As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child is coming to school with a jacket, hat, and gloves. We go out to recess if the 'feel like' temperature is 20 degrees or higher.
We are pleased to announce that Mr. Cody Lunder will be taking over Mrs. Ross' class for the remainder of the school year. Cody is a Centerburg graduate, class of 2018, and Ohio Wesleyan University graduate, class of 2022.
This school year we have a District Wide initiative to weave in more Career Advising into the Curriculum. In Elementary, it is Career Awareness, exposing students to the basics of different careers that are out there. Some that have been discussed this school year already include firefighter, civil engineer, nurse, police officer, small business owner, farmer, etc.
Welcome New Staff!
Laurel Foreman, a former substitute teacher, is now serving as an aide in K-2. She is enjoying assisting teachers and working one on one with students. Laurel is a Capital University graduate and worked as a paralegal for most of her career. She has been married to her husband, Gary, for 21 years and has two children, Kailee and Garrett that attend Centerburg Schools. When she is not at school, she enjoys spending time with her family, friends, dog, horses and gardening.
5th Grade Grandparents' Day
We enjoyed having 5th grade Grandparents come visit us at school at the end of October. We had coffee and donuts, picture with Grandparents, and a little dance.
Pictures with Grandparents
Dancing with Grandparents
Time to Chat
School Social Work Corner - Mrs. Mann
15 Ways to Build a Child’s Confidence
Make sure they know your love is unconditional.
Practice positive self-talk with them.
Give them age appropriate tasks to help you out.
Make special time together.
Teach them how to set and achieve goals.
Give them your undivided attention - put down your phone!
Praise them the right way - be genuine and specific.
Resist comparing them to others -especially their siblings..
Let them make age appropriate choices.
Encourage them to try new things to develop new skills.
Help them discover their interests and passions.
Help them overcome the fear of failure.
Encourage them to express their feelings.
Make sure that they know you’re upset with their choices, not with them.
Shower them with hugs!
Upcoming Events
December 13 - 2nd Grade Music Program & Orff and 5th grade Band Concert
December 14 - Student of the Month
December 15 - Secret Santa Shop
December 21st - January 2nd - No School - Winter Break
January 12 - End of 2nd Quarter
January 15 - No School - MLK Jr. Day
January 16 - No School - Teacher Professional Day
January 25 - Student of the Month
Happenings in the Classroom
STEM in Mrs. DiMarco's Class
Nurse Visit
Miss Kim, our school nurse, came to our second grade class to talk about her career in nursing. She brought many hands-on items for the students to explore. They were very engaged and had lots of excellent questions.