MTMS Wolf Wire
September 1, 2023
Important Dates
September 1 - Band Night during the half time of the Mill Valley HS Jaguar football game
September 5 - 7th vs Wheatridge
September 5 - 8th @ Wheatridge
September 7 - 7th @ Basehor
September 7 - 8th vs Basehor
September 6 - 7th grade @ Basehor
September 6 - 8th grade vs Basehor
Cross Country
September 9 - @ Olathe Twilight Run (Optional)
Restaurant Fundraiser
September 12 - Goodcents 9am-9pm
Picture Retakes - October 5, 2023
A Few Words From The Principal
Timberwolf Success Program is also a way for students to get additional support in their classes. This after-school program is available Tuesday - Thursday from 3:05 - 4:30 to provide an opportunity for students to work and get teacher assistance on homework/ projects. Encourage your student to take advantage of this opportunity if they need additional time to complete their work or don't understand a concept and need it retaught to them. We have several teachers available to work in small groups or one-on-one with students at the Timberwolf Success Program Tuesday - Thursday 3:05 - 4:30. Students attending need to report to the Media Center by 3:05 and have a way home at 4:30.
Student IDs Have Arrived
If a student did not get their picture taken on the first day of school then they will not have an ID. The ticket tackers will have a list of these students so they may enter the game.
Remember: if students are attending the game they need to report directly to the commons after school gets out. If a student goes home or leaves the building they must return with an adult who is planning on attending the game. Athletes in other sports may enter the game as soon as they finish practice. If they go home and then return, they must have an adult in attendance with them.
Thank you for helping to make sure everyone if safe.
Science Olympiad
Welcome Back to the Library
**Unlocking Adventures in Learning: Library Week Ahead!**
We had an exciting week filled with exploration, engagement, and the joy of reading! All students had the opportunity to visit our school library and dive into a world of enriching experiences this week.
**Discover Library Services and Student Groups:**
During this special library week, our students had the chance to discover the array of services our library offers. From reference materials that spark curiosity to cozy corners that encourage quiet contemplation, our library is a haven for all types of learners. Students also learned about the dynamic student groups that thrive within our library community.
**Ignite Your Imagination with Reading Programs:**
At Monticello Trails, we believe in nurturing a love for reading. Our library is proud to offer captivating reading programs that inspire students to explore diverse literary genres, embark on imaginative journeys, and build strong reading habits.
**Embark on Literary Adventures: Book Checkouts:**
What's a library visit without the magic of bringing a book home? During this library week, students had the opportunity to check out books that capture their interest. Whether it's a thrilling adventure, a heartwarming tale, or an informative guide, these borrowed treasures will transport students to new worlds.
**Stay Informed with @MTWolvesREAD:**
To stay updated on all things related to our library, we invite you to follow us on Instagram @MTWolvesREAD. Discover insightful book talks, engage in lively book club discussions, gain insight into the workings of our Library Student Advisory Board, and stay tuned for announcements about the eagerly anticipated Scholastic Book Fairs.
We're excited to share this enriching library week with our students, and we thank you for your ongoing support in fostering a love for learning and reading. Let's unlock the doors to imagination and exploration together!
The Timberwolf Success Program will resume on September 5 and be available to support students on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of most weeks from 3:05 - 4:30.
More about the Timberwolf Success Program (TSP)
- TSP is an after school support program open to all students.
- There will be several teachers available to help students finish homework, answer questions, provide small group reteaching, and much more.
- Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday starting at 3:05 in the MTMS Media Center there will be teachers available to assist students.
- Students do not have to signup, they just need to plan on reporting to the Media Center by 3:05 and make sure that they have a way home at 4:30pm.
- Teachers may request students attend if they have missing work or are behind on a project.
- If students need to leave prior to 4:30pm, they just need to notify the teacher they are working with that day before they leave.
We have teachers at every grade level and core content that are excited to support our students during our Timberwolf Success times.
From PTA
Pura Vida Bracelets
MTMS themed Pura Via bracelet sales have begun. Check out the store on our PTA website. Orders will be delivered to school.
Band App for Reminders
This year we would like to use the Band App as another form of communication with families. By signing up, you will receive text style messages to your phone. We are excited about this way of communicating as text reminders are quick and easy. If you would like to sign up to receive Band App messages and reminders, follow the link. Click on “Join This Band.” To receive text reminders, you will need to download the Band App and allow cellular notifications.
Restaurant Givebacks
Wowzah Wolves, in queso you didn't know, we came together for our first fundraiser of the school year and raised a burrito-ful amount of money to support our fantastic staff, scholars and school for things like Parent Teacher Conference Staff Snacks, Student Socials, Teacher Grants and Staff Appreciation. Guac on! Thank you so much for your support! See you at the next one at our local Goodcents - 22724 Midland Dr.
From The Nurse
Seasonal Allergies
The nurse doesn’t have medication for seasonal allergies. Please give allergy medication at home. There are several over the counter brands that last 24 hours and there are eye drops specially formulated for seasonal allergies.
Thank you to everyone who has sent in immunization information. I will be continuing to update health records in Skyward for the next few weeks.
The Tdap vaccine (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis) and the Meningococcal vaccine dose 1 are required for 7th grade students.
Please use the following link for USD 232 Vaccination Policy and Requirements
If your student has received or when he/she receives these immunizations please send documentation to the MTMS school nurse. Documentation includes-records from health care provider, copy of immunization card, or a copy of the bill with name of immunization and date received noted on the bill.
Documentation can be mailed to MTMS, faxed to MTMS, e-mailed to school nurse, or brought to the school during school hours by parents or student.
Documentation of Immunizations must be turned into the school by the 2nd Monday of October, October 9, 2023. If vaccinations are not completed, students may not attend school after that date until the required immunization is completed.
Both of these vaccinations can be given at the same time.
If you have turned in immunizations please give the nurse a few weeks to enter into Skyward.
Please contact MTMS school nurse with questions. Vaccinations on file can be viewed in Skyward Family Access under Health Info then select Show Vaccinations in the Display Options.
Illness and Covid
Please report any symptoms of illness to the school. Please be specific.
Remember students are to be fever and/or symptom free 24 hours before returning after an illness.
Illness and Covid policy can be found by clicking on the following link:
Hearing and Vision Screening
Hearing and Vision Screening will take place throughout the school year. Screening are required for all 7th grade students and students new to the district. Any student may be screened by parent and/or teacher request. Please contact the school nurse with questions or concerns regarding screenings.
For more information about health screenings click the following link:
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves