Rome City Elementary School
Roman News December 2023
From the Principal's Desk...
I absolutely love this time of year! I love being with family and building memories. The magic of the season is just so powerful! This month we have lots of fun things planned for the kiddos. We hope when they look back on their time in school, they remember these memories.
As a parent, I know the season can be stressful, trying to juggle different events, spending money for the holidays, the winter weather and dark evenings bring us down. Please take time to shut down your devices, play games with your kiddos, laugh, do a tradition or build a new one. Whatever it is, give your child/children the gift of time with you! That is what is more important than anything in this world. I am finding the older I get, the more I truly realize time is a thief!
I wish everyone a wonderful holiday season! Stay healthy and safe!
Heather Green
Robotics Club every Monday until 3:45PM
Top Fundraiser Seller Party!
December 6th
PAC Meeting
December 7th at 8:30AM
Popcorn Day!
December 8th Popcorn is $1.00
Winter Cheer! DRESS UP DAYS!
December 11th Superhero Day!
December 12th Dress Your Best Day!
December 13th Cozy flannel day!
December 14th Light Up Day – show your sparkle and shine!
December 15th Ugly Sweater Day!
December 18th Winter Sock and Hat Day!
December 19th PAJAMA DAY! (don’t forget recess clothing)
Holiday Shop Shopping!
December 11th -15th!
Winter Music Program
December 12th for 1st, 3rd, and 5th Grades
Zoo Mobile
December 15th - KDG & 2nd
December 18th - 1st & 3rd
Ugly Christmas Sweater!
December 15th
Winter Socks and Hats PLUS an Hour of Play!
December 18th - Wear your favorite winter socks or hat and bring a game for an hour of play - no electronics!
Turkey Bowl and Pajama Day!
December 19th