CCOG Newsletter
Weekly Updates
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Reflections from Pastor Jennifer
When is it okay to be salty? When you are fulfilling your responsibility to be the salt of the earth! We are the preservative, the disinfectant, the wisdom that could be the catalyst for someone's transformation. When Is it acceptable to show off your good works? When it brings glory to the heavenly Father! As Church, we are called to be in the world, but not of it. Salt changes the flavor of foods. Light changes the effects of the darkness. We are transformative forces! Because of what Christ did for us, we too can affect change in those around us.
Toothbrushes, plackers, and floss, oh my! For the month of February, please bring dental care items. Having LOTS of toothbrushes is a major goal, so bring them on. Shoeboxes and shipping costs are helpful, as well.
"Pal"entine's Day
You do not want to miss the movie this Saturday, Feb. 10! Bring your pals, a lawn chair, and anything else you would like at 6pm for concessions. The movie will begin at 6:30pm - outside, if the weather permits (the forecast is 65 degrees).
Share the love with the mothers and babies of the Lake Norman Crisis Pregnancy Center. If you have taken a baby bottle, fill it up and remember to return it on Sunday, Feb. 18. We also have an opportunity to minister at the Center on Tuesday, Feb. 20. If you can help with the meal, please contact Sis. Joyner. If you would like to attend the meeting, please let me know.
Gospel Concert
February Focus
National Random Acts of Kindness Day is Saturday, Feb. 17. Apply the monthly focus of "Share the Love" by doing a random kind act. Some suggestions are paying for a tank of gas for someone, washing the car/doing an extra chore/doing yardwork for someone, paying for the person behind you at a drive-thru. These are just a few ideas, but you can get creative!
Heart, Soul, and Mind
According to one theory, the left side of our brain helps us perform analytical reasoning for math, reading, and processing facts. In contrast, the right side is the center of creativity and feelings. These centers of thinking are still being researched, but any teacher will tell you that information sticks in our long-term memory better when the senses are involved. They have also found that we think more quickly when emotions are attached and that being in community brings us joy. Both areas—the left brain and right brain—work together to help us reason and make decisions.
So which side of the brain, if any, would help you love someone? Which side of the brain drives your compassion? Jesus showed us we need to go beyond just the brain to be fully in relationship with one another.
Jesus answered: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind.”
Matthew 22:37 (CEV)
Reflecting on what is included in your “heart, soul, and mind” reveals how all-encompassing this command is. Many of us have not been good at loving the Lord with all of ourselves—emotion, action, and thought. Too often, we compartmentalize our spiritual journey to Sunday school and reading a Bible story. But the Lord wants to be in every part of our lives. And for the sake of our children, God’s Word must be seen as more than a set of rules to memorize.
When you love the Lord God with your whole being, he becomes part of your every moment. Watch the clouds roll in and voice your awe of a mighty God. Turn on the Christian radio station and dance along to it in praise to the Lord. If you’re having a difficult day, stop right where you are, and ask your child to pray for you. Talk about what moves you to love God and what he teaches you. Enjoy works of art and entertainment together and discuss spiritual themes. Bring every little and big thing to God in prayer immediately. Let them hear you talk to God about your concerns and joys. And create a Christian community where your kids see you praying, weeping, and rejoicing with fellow believers.
Oh, Lord God, help me love you with my whole being—heart, soul, and mind. Help my children see you through me and grow closer to you every day. Amen.
Conversation starter for kids: Provides you with questions and prompts to facilitate a time of applicable discussion with children to lead them towards knowing God and His Word more deeply.
Question(s): What do you do when you love somebody? When you really love someone, how often do you think about them?
Apply: What are your kids’ entertainment interests? Can you find any spiritual themes in the lyrics or plot line to talk about, even something as simple as a longing for purpose and meaning?
Psalm 42:1-4
Philippians 3:10-11