CHS Guidance Office Newsletter
Happy New Year
Buckle Down
For students who are wanting extra help with assignments then come to Buckle Down and meet with our amazing teachers who are willing to help you with any questions you have with your assignments.
WYTOPP Testing
Top Tests-Taking Tips for Students
Approach the test as you'd approach a giant jigsaw puzzle. It might be tough, but you can do it! A positive attitude goes a long way toward success.
2. The Nigh Before the Test
More tests are now using computers, so be sure if you have a school computer that you plug your computer in and charge it so it will have a full battery for the day of the test. Also make sure when you pack your computer that you also pack your charger just in case your computer needs to be charged.
3. The Morning of the Test
Did you know that you think better when you have a full stomach? So don't skip breakfast the morning of the test.
4. Test Time
Before the test begins, make sure you have everything you'll need - scratch paper, extra pencils, your calculator (if you're allowed to use it). Read the instructions! You want to make sure you marking answers correctly.
5. Manage Your Time
Scan through the test quickly before starting. Answering the easy questions first can be a time saver and a confidence builder.
6. I'm Stuck!
Those tricky problems can knock you off balance. don't get worried or frustrated. Reread the question to make sure you understand it , and then try to solve it the best way you know how. If you're still stuck, circle it and move on. You can come back to it later. What if you have no idea about the answer? Review your options and make the best guess you can.
7. Multiple-Choice Questions
The process of elimination can help you choose the correct answer in a multiple-choice question. Start by crossing off the answers that couldn't be right. Then spend your time focusing on the possible correct choices before selecting your answer.
8. I'm Done!
Not so fast - when you complete the last item on the test, remember that you're not done yet. First, check the clock and go back to review your answers, making sure that you didn't make any careless mistakes (such as putting the right answer int he wrong place of skipping a question). Spend the remaining time going over the hardest problems before your turn in your test.