Borah High School
Fall 2023
From the College/Career Center
Seniors, October is the month to take action towards your future! View the link below to learn about Idaho's college applications and scholarships!
The Borah Theatre Department will be hosting a HAUNTED THEATRE October 24 & 25 from 6-8pm in Borah's Little Theatre. Admission is $3.00.
Borah High School Orchestra Fall Concert - Thursday, Oct. 26th - 7pm - Borah Auditorium
Boise Schools Music Week Concert featuring the Borah High School Chamber Orchestra - November 14th - 7pm - Morrison Center
Borah Music Department Holiday Concert (jazz band, choir, orchestra) - Thursday, December 14th - 7pm - Borah Auditorium
Lions Share Food Pantry
DONATIONS: For anyone wanting to support our Lions Share Food Pantry, you can donate items to Kris King in the Counselors' Office, or you can make monetary donations to the Lions Share Food Pantry account through the Boise Schools Foundation. Any kind of snacks, instant meals, peanut butter, jelly, canned meats, soups, canned pasta, and hygiene/feminine hygiene products are the most used items.
THANK YOU to the Ladies Philoptochos Society from the Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church and the Delta Kappa Gamma Women Educators for their generous donations and continued support of the Lions Share Food Pantry.
Well Being Survey
Borah High Families,
We are excited to announce that our school will participate again this year in Communities for Youth's Boise Student Wellness Survey. Thanks to our students, last year's survey results provided our mental health professionals and school administrators with evidence about student mental health and well-being.
What do we do with the results?
The results of the student well-being survey gave us valuable information, which identified areas of success as well as opportunities where we can focus. They also serve as an important measurement for our schools and our commitment to creating a responsive culture for learning.
For example, last year's survey data resulted in the District's first mental health summit, where junior and senior high school principals were provided with their school-specific data and encouraged to develop resources and activities directly related to student well-being and school culture.
Survey Questions & Parental Permission
The success of this survey will rely on engagement and trust. This year, you will have to opt-in your junior or senior high school student to participate in this survey, rather than opt-out. Your approval is required for your student to take the survey.
The survey, in its entirety, is available for parents to view
.Complete the opt-in form
. Without your permission, your student will not be able to participate.Only students in grades 7 through 12 will take the survey
.The survey will be administered during the school day, between October 23 - October 31, 2023.
The survey is expected to take less than one hour to administer.
Thank you for your support in helping to improve student overall well-being!
From the Library
The Borah Library is open every day 7:20-3:20. Students can enjoy after school study time at “Lions Den” in the Library, Mon-Thurs 3:20-5pm. We assist students daily in finding the perfect book, be it print and/or eBook/eAudiobook. Students complete, print and submit assignments here. Students can access a plethora of professional articles and research through the “Database” page on our website. This is a 21st century library commons and we encourage students and classes to make use of our diverse collection of technology and tools: audio/video recorders, editing software, iMac, Adobe Suite, tablets, programmable robots, 3D printer, cutting tools, craft supplies and games. Stop by or check out more about the library on our website: http://borah.boiseschools.org/students/library. We’re here for you 24/7! Also, if your student has any issue with their BSD issued Chromebook the Library is here to help!
October 20 -NO SCHOOL
November 20-24 - Thanksgiving Break
December 19-21 - Semester Finals - Early Release @ 12:30pm