News and events
September 29th, 2022

September 29, 2022
Upcoming events
NO School Monday October 3rd
Conferences: October 3, 4, 6 Sign up for times to meet with teachers at myconferencetime.com/jefferson ONLINE SIGN UP CLOSES on OCTOBER 2nd
P.T.O. Meeting: Tuesday, October 11th, 2022 at 6:30PM in our newly updated Library.
Picture Day: Mark your calendars now: October 18th - More information coming soon!
School highlights
Jefferson Jaunt
Jefferson PTO Fundraiser: Jefferson Jaunt Program LiveStream https://fb.watch/fT1s7Al6z7/
$22,137 raised - Jefferson families you are amazing!! It was a fun day of walking with students and many parents. Thank you to those of you who joined us for the walk!
Spirit Wear and Grade Level T-shirts: The links for the website that were sent home previously are no longer working. Please use this link to access their website now. Thanks for your patience!
Absences may be reported online in ParentVue!
Instructions for reporting absences or the simplified version
Book Fair- During conferences we have a book fair set up in our Media Center. We encourage families to use the online option for paying for books. You can find the "e-wallet" on their website. Scholastic Website Link
Child nutrition update
Anoka-Hennepin Schools families,
Due to a change by the USDA, school meals will not be free for all students in the upcoming school year.
Even if you have been approved for free meals in the past, a new application needs to be filled out each year. To receive free meals or other educational benefits, apply for free meals NOW to be prepared for the 2022-23 school year. To avoid accruing any debt on your students meal account, an application for free or reduced-price meals must be completed before the first day of school.
To complete an application online, please visit www.ahschools.us/freereduced or complete and return the paper application that will be mailed to you in early August.
If you have any questions, please call the Child Nutrition Program at 763-506-1240 or our Child Nutrition Supervisor will be available at Open House.
Thank you,
Anoka-Hennepin Schools Child Nutrition Program
Volunteer news
Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make the Jefferson Jaunt a success!! Here are some upcoming opportunities:
Book Fair Volunteer Sign Up - September 30th - October 6th
Staff Conference Dinner Sign Up - October 4th
This e-newsletter is published by Jefferson Elementary School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.