Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception + St. Joseph School
December 7,2023
From Mrs. Frick...
Merry Christmas from Mrs. Frick’s Fifth Grade Class
The fifth graders synergized together for their service projects by researching on the computers. They decided on helping the Cedar Bend Humane Society. Fifth grade felt passionate about helping animals in need. Our first task was to make Christmas presents for the dogs to open on Christmas Day. Every fifth grader brought a medium to small box to school. With a partner, they stuffed the boxes full of treats and toys. They hid the treats in crumpled pieces of newspaper to make the doggies work a little harder for their food. Each box was full of goodies and love!! Fifth grade is so excited to have another project helping the humane society this spring.
From our middle schoolers....
The middle school students earned the lock in as a Fun Run reward. The teachers and students spent the night at school on Nov. 20th. It was awesome! There were games, treats, and all sorts of stuff. The teachers set up different things in their rooms. Mrs. Bergfeld’s room had Mario Kart, Mr. C’s room had football on, and Mrs. Zimmerman had games. We also ate and played in the gym. Here are some of the students' favorite activities. Kinley said, “Annoying Mrs. Zimmerman with Ashton, Sophia, and Hailey from 11:00 PM until 2:30 AM”. Jake said, getting ready for bed and sleeping with his friends”. “Hailey's favorite thing was “playing games, “Running around in the halls, and being horrible at Mario Kart and giving up on the second round”.Ty said his favorite part was “Walking the hallways with my friends and Jake’s speech before we went to bed. It inspired me.” We woke up at around 6:00, ate donuts, and drank Sunny D and other juices. Everyone stayed up late and was very tired the next day, but we all pushed through it (even though it wasn't that hard to) and it was totally worth it. After a morning of a little bit of learning we got to watch a movie in the afternoon. The movie that the students watched was “Field of Dreams”. We think that everyone could agree that we wanted to do the lock-in next year. Even though it was a lot of work to earn the money, it was worth it!
By: Ty Martin and Hailey Etringer
St. Nicholas
St. Nicholas stopped by the school this week, to say hi and hand out candy canes!
First Reconciliation Parent Meeting
Parents of 2nd graders who will be receiving First Reconciliation this year are asked to attend a meeting on Wednesday, December 13 from 6:00-6:45pm in Mrs. Rosauer Room 105.
Give the Gift of Catholic Education
Education Savings Accounts, ESAs, have given parents a choice in their child's education. Catholic education is becoming more affordable for families. For more than 35% of families, the Our Faith Student Tuition Organization, or STO, is the first piece of financial assistance income qualified families rely on. Even with the ESA's this year, more than 3100 students in the Archdiocese of Dubuque received more than $5.5 million in tuition assistance from the STO.
Iowa taxpayers that donate to the STO receive a 75% Iowa tax credit, or 75 cents back for every dollar you contribute on your Iowa tax return. The 75% STO tax credit is the only tax credit of its kind, and it reduces the amount of taxes you pay to the state of Iowa at tax time. If you want to learn more about how to turn your taxes into tuition, call the school office or go to OurFaithSTO.org.
At Bosco Catholic School System, we are preparing our hearts for the birth of Christ…
Reconciliation this morning (middle school shown)
Weekly Advent prayer services for K-12 (grades 6-12 shown)
It was a wonderful day!
First Lego League
The Bosco First Lego League (FLL) team is looking for donations of sensory objects such as fidget spinners, zippers, large beads, latches, plastic gears, textured fabrics, etc… for a project we are working on. Any unused items will be donated to the fourth grade busy box service project. Donations can be dropped off at any of the school offices.
Lost and Found
Here is this weeks items
Weather Related Closings General Information
For school closings due to bad weather, Bosco Catholic School System follows Waterloo Public School, but will occasionally call it on their own as well.
In the case of a two hour late start due to weather, there will be no morning preschool and no morning activities.
In the case of an early dismissal due to weather, ABC will be closed for the afternoon, unless school closes for a high temperature day.
You will receive a call from SwiftReach. You may also watch KWWL or KCRG, or check their websites.
The Catholic Order of Foresters youth members Christmas party will be held Sunday December 17 at the St. Mary's Center starting at 5:30 pm . Santa will arrive around 5:10 pm. Each child will receive a bag of goodies and can visit with Santa.
Volunteer Hall Of Fam
The Bosco Catholic School PTO is looking for 2024 Volunteer Hall of Fame nominations. The individual(s) will be recognized during mass for Catholic Schools Week on Friday, February 2nd. We ask that you submit nominations by December 22nd to Jessica Steils (jess.steils@gmail.com) or Leah Reiter (lschmit2000@yahoo.com). Please provide a write-up/list of the volunteer activity for the nominee as to why they are deserving of this award. We have so many wonderful volunteers in this community please consider nominating someone!
Jess and Leah
Pee Wee Wrestling Practice
Pee Wee wrestling practice has begin on Wednesdays and runs through the end of January. Practices will be at 5:15 PM right after High School practice. Please have your student get ready in the weight room hallway and be respectful of the high school team until we're ready to let loose. If you have any questions about Pee Wee practices, feel free to contact Isaiah Corbin at 712-389-5174.
- December 8-9: Archery Tournament at St. Johns in Independence
- December 9: First Lego League Regional Qualifier
- December 20: Preschool Christmas Concert - SMC Gym - 6:00
- December 21: No school
- December 22 - Jan 2: Winter Break No school
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667