Nokesville News
News for Parents & Guardians from The Nokesville School
August 31, 2023
Important Updates
Second Week Update
Week two is continuing our great school year so far! We conducted both the lockdown and evacuation drill, learning some new ways to improve our safety procedures. Our students did absolutely fantastic in our evacuation drill today: orderly, quiet, and listening to directions, really nice job. Middle schoolers are getting used to their schedule and changing classes. Elementary students are forming strong bonds in their classrooms. We are very excited for this school year! Remember, no school tomorrow, 9/1/23, or Monday, 9/4/23, due to the Labor Day Holiday.
Behavior Assemblies
This week, we conducted grade level behavior assemblies for the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. We went over basic expectations and how to act in school. These went well and students seemed to pay attention and understand the importance of school safety. We can provide the slides and expectations upon request. We will start having behavior assemblies at the elementary level as well, although they will look different at the lower grade levels. We will also be reviewing the procedures for the new Evolv security system with our students.
Middle Level Student Handbook
We have created a Middle Level Student Handbook this year to help clarify expectations for conduct and procedures. We are reviewing the information to students in many ways including regular announcements, class lessons, and assemblies. This is also located on our website.
Metal Water Bottle/Thermoses Update
Parent Input Opportunities
Please be on the look out for meeting notices for those involved in the school's Discipline Task Force and Principal Advisory Council. We are getting these started back up in September and can't wait to show our families the positive progress we have made in our procedures and organization.
School Field Trips Update
Counselor Connection
Please review the Counseling Team Newsletter with important information on how to request support, change schedules, classroom lessons, and other great resources. -->
BDHS & TNS Dance Team Fundraiser
Please consider supporting our dance team as they prepare for another great year!
Nokesville Nexus Newsletter
Check out the latest Nokesville Nexus from Ms. Moul, TNS School Social Worker, and Ms. Lombardi, TNS Parent Liaison, updating families on local basic needs resources, mental health and parenting, SPED info and school anxiety. -->
New TNS Tiger Podcast Episode
Thank you to Ms. Parrott for interviewing Ms. Crowell and Ms. Qualls on their experience having their students write crime mysteries and record them into podcasts in our podcast studio. Look for this to be live online tonight or tomorrow. --> TNS Tiger Talk Podcast (link)
Upcoming Events
Rotation Days Next Week
Monday - No School
Tuesday - MS Orange Day, ES Day 5
Wednesday - MS Black Day, ES Day 1
Thursday - MS Orange Day, ES Day 2
Friday - MS Black Day, ES Day 3
School Calendar Reminders
- Friday, 9/1/23 - No School (Labor Day Holiday)
- Monday, 9/4/23 - No School (Labor Day Holiday)
- Tuesday, 9/5/23 - Social-Emotional Needs Assessment
- Friday, 9/15/23 - No School (Rosh Hashanah Holiday)
- Tuesday, 9/19/23 - Back to School Night (Grades 6-8)
- Monday, 9/25/23 - No School (Yom Kippur Holiday)
- Tuesday, 9/26/23 - Back to School Night (Grades K-2)
- Tuesday, 10/3/23 - Back to School Night (Grades 3-5)
TNS Admin Team
Assistant Principal, Mr. Geoff Brunson
Assistant Principal, Mrs. Abbey Martinez
Administrative Intern, Mrs. Brittney Giovannelli
The Nokesville School
Prince William County Public Schools
Location: 12375 Aden Road, Nokesville, VA 20181, USA
Phone: (571) 781-3040
Twitter: @NokesvilleSch