Emmott Eagle News
Friday, Dec. 8, 2023
Emmott parents, over the next 2 weeks Emmott staff and PTO have activities planned to celebrate the holiday season. Our newsletter will highlight those activites with informational flyers. If you have any questions regarding any of the activities, please reach out to the school at 281-897-4500.
Happy Holidays!!
Homeroom Winter Parties
Homeroom winter parties will be a student event only. Teachers will be sending home information on how parents/guardians can donate items to be used during the party. When reviewing the list, we ask that donations reflect what is on the list. Thank you in advance for helping us make this an enjoyable event.
Emmott "Only" Early Release Flyer
PTO Breakfast with Santa ~ Saturday, Dec. 16
On Saturday, Dec. 16th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Emmott 's fabulous PTO has arranged "Breakfast with Santa"!! Families will be able to a enjoy breakfast, take pictures with Santa and take part in crafts. COME JOIN US!!!
See flyer below for details.
Crisis Drill Information
Parent Lunch Visits
Parent lunch visit have begun and we are so excited to have parents/guardians visit their students during lunch. We will have two days available for lunch visitors, Tuesdays and Thursdays. This year we will be encouraging our parent/student lunch tables to serve as a PHONE FREE ZONE. We ask that if you choose to have lunch with your child during their lunch period, that our EAGLE PRIDE continues and you allow your child to teach you our EMMOTT ways and share the great things happening in their classrooms through positive conversations!
Please remember that ALL Visitors must have a form of Identification (ID) in order to visit the campus. IDs must be present and given to the receptionist upon check in. No cell phone ID pictures permitted.
Please refer to the following per CFISD Student Handbook:
- 3.1 Adult Visitors on Campus All non-district visitors (including parents/guardians) should enter a building through the front/designated entrance, state their reason for visiting the campus prior to entering the secured vestibule, and receive a name badge to be visibly displayed at all times while the visitor is in the building. The principal may require any person not having legitimate business to leave. All visitors, regardless of how frequently they are in a building, will be required to sign in at the front desk and wear a visitor’s badge for the duration of their visit. Visitors will be required to present a valid driver’s license or government issued picture ID, and each visitor’s name will be processed through the RAPTOR database. Parents or legal guardians who volunteer as chaperones/drivers for after-hour activities will be required to present a valid driver’s license or government issued picture ID and be processed through the RAPTOR database.
Thank you for your continued support as we ensure safety for all of our Eagle Community.
Transportation Changes
If you are needing to change your child's transportation, please contact the front office at
281-897-4500 before 2:45 p.m. Reminder from our Parent Reference Guide:
- in order to maintain a safe and secure method of dismissal, no changes will occur after 2:45 p.m.
Lost & Found
As our weather becomes cooler, please label student jackets, hats, mittens, lunch kits, etc. Our lost and found has a tendency to grow during this time of the year. By labeling your child's garments, we as a staff can identify and return the lost items to the child's homeroom. You may also visit the front office to receive a visitors pass for the cafeteria, where the lost and found is located to search for lost items.
Dates To Remember
Dec. 11 - CFISD Board Meeting
Dec. 13 - Math Interim Assessment - 3rd - 5th Grades
Dec. 16 - PTO Breakfast with Santa
Dec. 20 - Emmott Spelling Bee
Dec. 21 - No Parent Lunches
Dec. 21 - Last Day of Instruction
Dec. 22 - Winter Break Begins
Jan. 8 - Classes Resume - Doors Open at 7:55 a.m.