On The Horizon
Welcome Horizon Suns!
A Note From the Principal
August 2023
We are very excited for another school year to begin at Horizon Elementary School. My Assistant Principal, Mr. Jared Melander, and I want to welcome everyone back and extend a "Sunny Welcome" to our new Horizon families. We are all very blessed to be part of such a phenomenal school! Our schoolwide theme at Horizon is "Going Above and Beyond." This is true in all we do at Horizon. Teachers, staff, administration, students, and parents ALL must work hard to maximize our students' learning opportunities. We NEED your partnership to ensure this happens.
This year we will be welcoming our students with a back to school theme: "Dive Into Learning." Mr. West always helps ensure arrival on the first day of school is exciting and welcoming for students and staff!
Before the official start on August 16th, (August 17th for ELA - Early Learning Academy and Kindergarten) I want to share some important information as we begin the year.
When I have something to communicate that is important, I will be sending out a "SMORE" newsletter, just like this one, entitled "On the Horizon." Please take the time to read my SMORES as there is always important information, upcoming events, and reminders that will be helpful to you throughout the school year! In addition, at the bottom is a "Need to Know Where to Go?" reference section that includes links to various sites that will help you all year long.
If you haven't created a Skyward account for your family, you need to do this. This is how you access your child's grades and update your personal information so the school always has current contact information and can reach you during the school day. There are also documents for updating emergency cards, applying for free/reduced lunch, consent to publish, etc. that ALL families must complete. Click the following link for directions on creating your Skyward Account: Create My Skyward Family Access Account.
We would like to welcome some new additions to our Horizon Family! Below are the wonderful new staff members who join us for the 2023-24 school year:
Mrs. Jennifer Miller - Music Teacher
Ms. Jennifer Chavez - ENL Teacher
Mrs. Linda Schrader - Media Aide (formerly a kinder activity aide)
Mrs. Shauna Betzer - Teaching Assistant
Ms. Caitlin Hicks - Educational Assistant
Mrs. Jessie Eubank - Universal Substitute
Mrs. Melissa Gerry - Universal Substitute
There are a few items I'd like to share with you regarding the new school year:
- The 2023-24 school calendar (a few changes have been made)
- Lunch Menus (also in the section below) Lunch-$2.25; Breakfast-$1.25
- Immunization Requirements for incoming Kindergarten students (listed below)
- Birthday Celebrations: We celebrate birthdays at the beginning of each month (and summer birthdays in June) with a treat and picture that is posted all year. Each child's birthday will also be announced over the WHSN morning news. Please do not send in birthday treats as we cannot distribute it.
Some upcoming dates that you will want to mark on your calendar are as follows:
- August 14th: Welcome Back Night; 4:30-6:00 pm
- August 16th: First student day for grades 1-5; (Tardy Bell rings at 7:55 am)
- August 16th: Kindergarten Orientation; 8:00-9:00 am (in the LGI)
- August 16th: Early Learning Academy Orientation: 9:30-10:30 am (in the LGI)
- August 17th: First student day for Early Learning Academy and Kindergarten students
- August 23rd; Picture Day (place your order online - link listed below)
- August 29th: Parent Information Night, Grades 1-5; grade level presentations listed below:
1st Grade: 5-5:30 pm
3rd Grade: 5:35-6:05 pm
5th Grade: 6:10 - 6:40 pm
2nd Grade: 6:45 - 7:15 pm
4th Grade: 7:30 - 8:00 pm
We are so looking forward to your child and family joining us for a fabulous year of learning and growing! Enjoy the last days of summer vacation, and we will see you at Welcome Back Night!
Warmest Regards,
Amy Fadorsen
Teacher Wish Lists
The following are the things teachers consider their "REAL WISH LIST." Only YOU can provide these things for us!!
Student Text Book Fees
We are hoping you have heard, but we have great news to share regarding student book fees! The Indiana General Assembly passed a bill (HEA 1001-2023) that eliminated textbook and curriculum costs at public schools, which includes school supplies like pencils, paper, and notebooks. Parents will no longer be asked to pay school fees. For more information on the specific details, click here.
Picture Day is Coming!
Order online using Code: 79168WF at https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/79168WF.
PHM Universal Screener K-2
Immunization Requirements & Recommendations For the 2023-24 School Year
Kids Club 2023-2024
All parents wanting to sign their child up for Kids Club during the 2023-2024 school year
must start by filling out the Kids Club Request for Registration Google Doc. Information about Kids Club can be found on the PHM Website here: Kids Club 2023-24 Request to Register
Please access the following link for information regarding Kids Club: PHM KIDS CLUB
Alexandria Link to Horizon Library
We wanted to share that legislation was passed (HB 1447) that all schools prepare a catalog of materials found in the school library Alexandria and a response and appeal procedure for materials parents find questionable.
We have that process in place already and it is posted on all school websites Instructional Material Feedback. In addition, secondary teachers will provide their syllabus to you with listed materials and classroom teachers have been asked to create a master list of titles in their classroom libraries. More information will be provided by your teacher in classroom newsletters. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact your classroom teacher or myself.
Need to Know Where to Go?
About Us
Horizon Elementary School
An Indiana 4-Star School, Rated "A"
Mrs. Amy Fadorsen, Principal
Mr. Jared Melander, Assistant to the Principal
Email: afadorsen@phm.k12.in.us
Website: horizon.phmschools.org
Location: 10060 Brummitt Rd. Granger, IN 46530
Phone: 574-679-9788
Facebook: Facebook.com/HorizonElementaryGranger
Twitter: @HorizonPHM