MES Monday Messenger
September 7, 2021
Admin Corner
MES School Picture Day
Please don't forget that TOMORROW, 9/8/21 is MES school picture day. Forms went home with students last week, so please check your students' backpacks. You can also order online at www.rp-studio.com/online-ordering.html . Make up photo day is scheduled for October 18, 2021.
Parking Lot & Safety
Please drive safely to and from school. It is important to remember that the speed limit around all MUSD schools is 25MPH when children are present. We have many students and families walking and biking to school while the weather is nice. Please obey all traffic safety laws and be aware of students and families on the road.
Please do NOT drop off your students before 7:30am. There is no supervision available. Students must enter the MPR and exit to the lunch tables between 7:30-7:45. Breakfast is available before 8:00 or at recess for our students.
Back to School Night
Attendance Hotline
MUSD Illness Protocols and Attendance
We are providing the following information to clarify our protocols for attendance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Please see the flowchart below which has changed since last school year. (COVID Flow Charts Updated August 2021 is linked here.)
If your student is showing any symptoms that could be Covid-19, they are to remain home. Please do not send your student to school if they have symptoms.Once your student has had no fever in the last 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medications, there are three options to return to school. Your student may get a medical note clearing him/her to return safely to school. OR You can provide documentation of a negative COVID test (negative PCR results can be emailed to: cmoxley@mammothusd.org). OR, lastly, your student may remain out of school for 10 days since symptom onset.
Please see the Mono County Coronavirus Health & Testing Page linked here for updated testing availability. (Consulte la página del condado de Mono del coronavirus de pruebas y salud vinculada aquí para obtener información actualizada sobre la disponibilidad de las pruebas.)
2021-22 School Bus Schedule
Chamber Music Unbound - Strings
VIOLIN AND CELLO: Classes begin on Monday, September 13th. To receive more information, please email Felici@ChamberMusicUnbound.org or call 760 934 7015.
Chamber Music Unbound - Strings
Upcoming Events
9/8/21 - MES Picture Day
9/17/21 - MES Minimum Day
Mammoth Elementary School
Instagram - @mammothelementary
Attendance line - (760) 934-7162
Email: mmcmillian@mammothusd.org
Website: Mes.mammothusd.org
Location: 1500 Meridian Boulevard, Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA
Phone: 7609347545
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MammothES/?view_public_for=1432211007057906
For questions or complaints, contact Title IX Compliance Officer:
Dr. Jennifer Wildman, Superintendent, 461 Sierra Park Road, Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546,
760.934.6802, jwildman@mammothusd.org.