Mini Bobcat Bulletin
Jan. 11th, 2024
Happy New Year!!
December Bobcats of the Month
The following students were chosen as Bobcat of the Month for December. In December teachers were watching students who display generosity!
Henry Crabb
Ezra Anderson
Weston Neu
Nash Stroot
Amelia Brannan
Deklyn Stedman
Sawyer Schrock
Josie Collins
Bohde Henderson
Mataea Schultz
Emmett Firestone
Brian Murray
Aaliyah Caswell
Carma Clark
Mason Nakasone
Bridger Feasel
Josh Sims
The students celebrated by having boat races during lunch recess today!
4th Grade & Natural History Center
The fourth graders enjoyed learning about skulls during their monthly visit from the Montana Natural History Center!
Counselor's Corner
Students have been learning and practicing Bus Etiquette and Manners for riding in any vehicle. Some highlight prompts to ask your student about could include:
- What is the #1 Priority on the Bus? (Safety)
- What are the main manners we practiced on our imaginary classroom bus? (Hands to Self, Remain seated using Green Zone posture, Voice Level 1, Interacting with our Bus Driver)
- Who is the first passenger to get off the bus? (The passenger seated behind the Bus Driver, and alternate rows from the front to the rear of the bus)
- Where do the youngest students sit on the bus? Where do the oldest students sit on the bus? (Younger toward the front, and older toward the rear of the bus)
- What is the name of your Bus Driver?
Thank you for encouraging your student to ride safely. We will continue to practice Bus Etiquette throughout the year.
Secure Building Drill
Today we practiced another one of our Standard Response Protocols. We practiced a Secure Drill. We will use the Secure Protocol when there is a threat out side the building but is still safe for the school to conduct business as usual inside the building. When a Secure Response is in place all of the doors to the building are locked (this would include the front door which is the only door unlocked during the school day) and no one will be allowed to leave or enter the building until the Secure is lifted. The issue that this would most often be used for is an animal, such as a bear, on or near school property. This could also be used if there was a disturbance in town or on the interstate where it is important for all to stay inside the building.
Reading Groups
Mrs. Hopwood's reading group enjoys spending time reading with the kindergarten class!