SCH Weekly
Scott E. Miller, Superintendent
Issue 12 - May 12, 2020
Dear SCH Family,
I hope this finds you doing well. Work on graduation, summer school programming and the new school construction project continues to move forward. If you haven't yet, please take a moment to fill out the branding survey to have your opinion heard.
Have a great week!
Elementary Curriculum
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts
HAPA has two Talkbacks this week on Wednesday at 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. Our Guests are listed in the links below. We have Susan Eichorn Young, a professional voice teacher out of NYC who works with everyone from Broadway to Pop to Recording to Opera and Sam Samuelson, noted as one of the top theatrical agents in the nation. Additionally, we have our 2nd annual (though remote) HAPAPALOOZA event on Saturday from 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. on our YouTube and Facebook platforms. This is our end of the year event and it'll be great fun and a chance to see our artists shine. 'See' you there!
WEDNESDAY, May 13th - 1 PM
HAPA Talkback: Susan Eichhorn Young
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts presents a conversation with Susan Eichhorn Young, performer, writer and voice teacher. Susan has been performing all her life, and has turned that passion ...
Wednesday, May 13th - 2 PM
HAPA Talkback: Sam Samuelson
Hammond Academy for the Performing Arts presents a discussion with talent agent, Sam Samuelson. Sam has talent agencies in Chicago, New York, Los Angeles and...
Health Services
National Nurses Week (May 6th -12th)
The National Association of School Nurses would like to thank everyone that honored the more than 95,000 school nurses in the United States on National School Nurses Day, May 6th. School nurses make a difference in the lives of children every day and lead the way to support health, ensure that students are healthy, safe and ready to learn. Let us remember to celebrate nurses every day for their hard work and dedication.
The Health Services Department would like to recognize all the nurses and health care workers on the frontline of the Covid-19 Virus. They have displayed courage, dedication and relentless commitment. We honor them for going beyond the call of duty to help all patients across the country.
Human Resources
As we are slowly watching Indiana re-open and there will be more opportunities to enter the schools and other district properties. More information on our plan for re-entry will follow soon. However, we do have the upcoming classroom cleanout, bill pay and general summer preparation days on the May calendar. Please note the following reminders:
- Do not enter if you have a fever, cough or any other symptoms outlined by the CDC as COVID related
- Do stay home if you have been exposed to a COVID Positive individual
- Do stay home if you are recovering from COVID
- Please submit a Physician’s Clearance note to Human Resources before returning
- Do not spray or use harmful chemical agents in an attempt to sanitize your work areas. Many suffer for allergies and asthma.
- Do not congregate or try to have group meetings
- Do social distance while in the buildings
Anyone entering the buildings must wear a mask and gloves while on School City of Hammond property. This is for the protection of our employees as well as their families. Each office will have gloves and disposable masks for you to use while in the building.
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to all the staff members who have birthdays during the first two weeks of May!
Linda Ashley, Cassandra Baggett, Diana Barr, Rebecca Beem. Erin Benko. Jamie Bomba, Jacqueline Brasseur, Lisa Bridegroom, Marisela Bustamante, Nancy Caban-Morales, Elizabeth Corral, Anita Cox, Donald Davis, Vincent Dore, Jordan Galovich, Gwen Green, Charlena Gresham, Thomas Haluska, Norma Hernandez, Melissa Hidalgo, Sheila Hunt, Steven LaBuda, Gerri Lanter, Dawn Lewis, Sarah Ligon, Pamela Madson, Rose Maldonado, Alena Marquez, Jennifer Meyer, Denise Moore, Amy Nohos, Scott Oman, Zachary Pyle, Eric Ramos, Kristina Reding, Dirk Rivera, Makisha Robinson, Silvia Rodriguez, Shannon Shutko, Jerry Smith, Stacey Smith, Bruce Thomas, Jerry Upshaw, Megan Virosztko.
Lydia Aceviz, Shari Adamczyk-Barton, Erminia Alvarado, Patricia Barth, Rachel Bell, Toya Bogan, Maria Boyer, Lorinda Campbell, Rosalie Castro, Randolph Chavez, Rosalva Chavez, Veronica Childs, Susan Dabrowski, Donna Dobrijevich, Alisha Foor, Miguel Frausto, Tammy Gifford, Elizabeth Gonzalez. Triston Harris, Margaret Hernandez, Heather Horn, Annette Huseman, Nancy Johnson, Adam Johnston, Lonna Knight, Kalyn Learnard, Margree Lewis, Josiah Luttjeboer, Theresa Maciejewski, Oscar Maddox, Monica Mayorga, Christine McCollum, Raquel Melendez-Velez, Dan Miskus, Michael Monroe, Kevin Moynihan, Paulette Ogunti, Eleonila Padilla, Sonya Payton, Michelle Perdue-Williams, Nicte Perez-Lopez, Rhonda Price, Gloria Reyes, Jennifer SeDoris, Suzanne Sharp-Przekwas, Katherine Stevens, Carolyn Turkevich, Monte’ Williams, Beverly Yarusinsky, Jennifer Zatorski, Maria Zegaczewski.
Special Education
Apps for Students With Special Needs for Home Learning
Excerpts from an article by Jane Clare, March 20, 2020
Special Education is facing severe challenges as remote becomes the new norm for K–12 learning during the coronavirus pandemic. Delivering differentiated content in a well-equipped classroom can be difficult on a good day, but now that most schools are closed, educators who work with children with special needs often have to reinvent their approach to teaching.
One of the main concerns is keeping students on track to reach their individualized education program (IEP) goals and objectives. Teachers have to work with parents/caregivers to support this learning at home. In some cases, students are accustomed to having aides, in addition to teachers, in the classroom. It is a lot of responsibility for caregivers to bear, but luckily some of the digital tools now available can really help.
The Facebook Group called Education App Talk (E.A.T.), have reported their favorite digital apps. Remember, what may work for some students will only frustrate others. Parents and educators should be prepared to put in some time learning the program, including how to make modifications in the settings. Many of these apps come with great teacher-made materials, video tutorials, lesson plans, and extension activities.
Free Apps or Apps With a Free Trial
- My PlayHome is a free app that gives kids a digital doll family of up to 15 people in various skin tones with whom they can explore, play, and share stories with other people. These shared stories help to increase student verbalizations, provide a place for social and emotional learning, and teach necessary early language skills.
- SoundingBoard is a free mobile alternative communication (AAC) app designed for children who have limited speech to help them communicate. In order to meet the needs of this particular population, the app comes with preloaded boards using symbols with recorded messages. Students select and press images on the board to prompt a verbal message.
- LetterSchool promotes early literacy and numeracy skills by guiding children to tap, touch, and trace colorful animations. Children learn letter formation, letter sounds and names, spelling, counting, and other preschool and primary skills. This app, which offers a free trial, also does an excellent job of developing fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.
- Epic! is an e-library that is great for supporting reluctant or struggling readers. It provides access to more than 20,000 high-quality children’s books and educational videos and includes an assortment of both fiction and nonfiction books from prominent publishers. Epic is offering free access to schools during this time.
It seems that the bad guys don't ever stop!
One of the latest phishing attacks being used involves bad actors taking over someone's email account and saving a PDF file to their Microsoft OneDrive or Google drive. They then share this document to everyone they can. Inside the PDF is a link that leads to a website asking you to log in using Office 365, Google, or other services. Once the victim has entered their credentials to "log in," the bad actors take the credentials and wait a couple days to get a foothold in the victim's mailbox and attached services (like Google).
How can you protect yourselves when the original email looks legitimate? If you're logging in to a website, email, or other service, make it a habit to check the URL bar at the top of the browser. "Google.com," "office.com," and "microsoft.com" would be legitimate URLs asking for a logon. "nanxompa.com" would not! If you are suspicious of something, call the person that shared it and make sure it really came from them! As always, report anything suspicious to the Technology Department, and we'll investigate.
Stay safe!
Stay Informed
An update from the Superintendent is distributed at the beginning of the week.
View previous weekly updates from Mr. Miller here.
Follow us on Social Media
If you are on these platforms, please LIKE, FOLLOW or SUBSCRIBE to see the great things happening in our district!
Email: schadmin@hammond.k12.in.us
Website: www.hammond.k12.in.us
Location: 41 Williams Street, Hammond, IN, USA
Phone: (219) 933-2400
Facebook: facebook.com/SchoolCityofHammond/
Twitter: @SCHK12