AV District News
April 7, 2022
AV District Students Excel at HOSA
Students from Palmdale Prep Junior High, Eastside High School’s Biomedical Academy, and Palmdale High School’s Health Careers Academy competed at the Health Occupations Students of America’s State Leadership Conference in Long Beach recently.
Palmdale Prep’s Pacesetters took gold in Prepared Speaking, silver in our Mental Health and Wellness Project, bronze in Health Education, and 5th place in Health Careers Display. They were also recognized in the top category for the national service project, Be the Match, and for their school-wide mental health and wellness program.
HOSA Advisor, Ms. Jody Finks, was also honored as the California HOSA Advisor of the Year! Way to go, Ms. Finks!!
Eastside High School’s Crystal Chavez Barragan placed 2nd in the Medical Reading event!
Palmdale High School’s students placed 7th in Public Health, 4th in Health Career Photography, 6th in Mental Health and Wellness, 8th in EMT, and 6th in CERT. In the category of Medical Assistant, students placed 4th, 8th, and 9th!
Ruby Solis was awarded a $1000 Merit Scholarship and the Palmdale Chapter was recognized for its outstanding effort in volunteering and successful money raising for the “Be The Match” organization!
We are so proud of the efforts and accomplishments of all our students & staff!
AVUHSD Student Art Exhibition at MOAH Open Now
The 37th Annual High School Student Art Exhibition is taking place now at the MOAH in Lancaster. We invite you to visit Thursday through Sunday from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM through May 15th. Congratulations to the talented students representing their schools!
Aerospace Valley Regional FIRST Robotics Competition
The Aerospace Valley Regional 3rd annual FIRST Robotics Competition will take place this weekend, April 6 through April 9, at Eastside High School. 35 teams from around the world will compete. The event is free and open to the public! Check out this awesome video from the 2019 event:
Summer School
AVUHSD will offer general education summer school from July 5th to July 26th. Information on how to register will be sent from your school in the coming weeks.
Extended School Year for those students participating in this special education service will be held from June 29th through July 26th.
Quartz Hill High School Wins the Inaugural Black Knowledge Bowl
Congratulations to Quartz Hill High School on winning the District’s Inaugural Black Knowledge Bowl. Eastside High School placed 2nd in the event, with Highland High School wrapping up 3rd place. Thank you to all the students throughout the District who participated and our dedicated staff for supporting their efforts! We look forward to hosting this awesome event for years to come.
AV East Kern STEM Network Honors STEM Advocate of the Year & Teacher of the Year
STEM Advocate of the Year
Diane Walker an inexhaustible force in STEM in the Antelope Valley. For the past 23 years she has been working at various levels within AVUHSD to promote STEM learning at all levels. She has also fostered key relationships with industry, government and educational partners. She spearheaded the "Salute to Youth" and College Information Night programs giving local students critical career and college information. This continued even in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. She is serving as the Chair of the AV East Kern STEM Network Steering Committee (which she has served multiple times), and is the current Director of the California Association for Career and Technical Education. Diane is a force to be reckoned with in AV STEM.
Congratulations Diane!
STEM Teacher of the Year
Mr. Frias is an Engineering Teacher and Robotics advisor at Lancaster High School. As an engineering teacher, most of his class time and student interaction deals with hands-on projects. During COVID, and teaching remotely, the normal tasks and environment of his classroom was a real challenge. Mr. Frias, was very creative transferring his hands-on curriculum into the remote learning environment. He was able to keep his students engaged and interested in the curriculum by providing them alternative learning resources, and tools. Mr. Frias addressed all opportunities to give his students chances for hands-on and interactive projects. Conversely, during the early part of COVID, Mr. Frias volunteered his engineering skills and resources to the AV Taskforce. He and his students produced 3D PPE to be distributed in the AV and other medical organizations in LA County.
Congratulations Eryk!
Contact Us
Email: info@avhsd.org
Website: avdistrict.org
Location: 176 Holston Drive, Lancaster, CA, USA
Phone: 661.948.7655
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AVUHSD