October Bowlesburg Newsletter
Staff Spotlight
Congratulations to Mrs. Docherty for being chosen as the RIROE Bowlesburg Staff Member of the Month!
Mrs. Docherty is a fabulous PE teacher and has been teaching at Bowlesburg for 29 years. We have chosen Mrs. Docherty for her dedication to Bowlesburg students. Here are just a few things that Mrs. Docherty has accomplished for our school:
Developed and proposed the plan for our track and continues to promote the upkeep of the track
Girls on the Run-Coordinator and Coach
Field Day Organizer
Coordinates and plans the Great Pumpkin Run
Promotes and Plans activities for Kids Heart Challenge
Birthday Snacks and School Wellness Policy
If you or your student is planning to bring snacks to school, please follow the District Wellness Policy.
In accordance with the Wellness Policy:
1. ALL SNACKS PROVIDED AT SCHOOL WILL COMPLY WITH THE FEDERAL SMART SNACK GUIDELINES This means that we have to make sure that we are giving students healthy items such as: *fruits and vegetables *low sugar snacks *low fat snacks
2. ALL SNACKS/TREATS BROUGHT INTO THE SCHOOLS MUST BE PREPACKAGED (no homemade treats). Due to the increase in severe food allergies, all food must not only comply with the Smart Snack guidelines but they must also be packaged with a listing of ingredients. Fruits and vegetables do not have to follow this guideline. Healthy snacks are available to purchase from the Food Service Office on the district website.
3. WE ARE MOVING AWAY FROM USING FOOD AS INCENTIVES and FOODS FOR CELEBRATIONS. We want our students to know that celebrating a birthday doesn’t have to mean treats. It can be as simple as a teacher offering a special activity for that child to celebrate a birthday. Please see our website for more information regarding our new wellness initiatives.
Fall Celebration and Halloween Parties
On Tuesday, October 31st Bowlesburg will be celebrating Halloween by having a costume parade and classroom parties. The parade will begin at 1:30 and will make a lap around our track, weather permitting. Classroom parties will begin immediately following the parade. Please remember that all costumes must be elementary school appropriate. No blood, gore, or weapons allowed. Students should not wear their costumes or make-up to school. There will be time for students to change into their costumes before the parade.
If your students is bringing snacks for the party, please follow the district wellness/snack policy listed above in this newsletter.
Supporting Your Student at Home
The Science of Reading
You may be hearing a lot about this lately. The Science of Reading refers to research from the past 20 years conducted by reading experts and cognitive scientists. This research has shown us the best methods for teaching students to read. Following are some important words:
Phoneme - The smallest unit of sound represented by a letter or letters. There are 44 phonemes in the English language.
Grapheme - The letter or letters that represent a phoneme.
Word Mapping - The process of breaking a word down into its phonemes and writing the graphemes that represent the phoneme.
Heart Words - High frequency words that have a "tricky part that cannot be decoded.
How you can help your student:
Decoding is a child's ability to look at the letter & words on a page and turn it into speech.
Discuss letters from speech to print:
- Verbalize a letter sound and ask your child what letter represents that sound.
Segment words to build phonemic awareness:
- Choose a word and say it aloud (example: seat)
- Talk about the meaning of the word.
- Tap the phonemes of the word together (/s/-/ē/-/t/)
- Ask how many sounds does this word have? (3)
- Say the word together again (seat)
If you have questions please call the school or ask your child how to do this. They do this regularly at school and I am sure they would love to teach you how they decode words by "chopping words" into the individual sounds.
From the PTA
Fall Fest is just around the corner on Saturday October 21st! Please sign up for a shift to help us run this event and make it successful by clicking on the following link.
We hope you can attend Fall Fest and enjoy a blow up obstacle course, games, food, raffles, and buy a chance to pie a staff member in the face!
Any questions, please email pta.bowlesburg@gmail.com
Calendar of Events
- October 10th - PTA Meeting 6:00 P.M. in Bowlesburg Library
- October 20th - End of 1st Quarter
- October 21st - PTA Fall Fest 12:00-2:00 P.M.
- October 25th - 1st Quarter Report Cards Sent Home
- November 2nd &3rd - Parent/Teacher Conferences
- November 21st - Early Dismissal 11:30 a.m.
- November 22nd-24th - Thanksgiving Break