SAU #34 Community News
January 2024

SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Please scroll down to access a wide range of information and links about what is happening all across SAU #34.
If you have trouble opening any of the links, please scroll to the top and click on the picture of the SAU sign. That will bring you out of the email preview and into the actual newsletter, all the links will work from there.
Upcoming Important Dates
- February 5, 2024 (Snow Date February 6) Hillsboro-Deering Deliberative Session 7pm H-DMS Cafeteria
- February 14, 2024 (Snow Date February 15) Washington Budget Hearing and School Board Meeting 6pm WES Multipurpose Room
- February 15, 2024 (Snow Date February 16) Windsor Budget Public Hearing and Board Meeting 6pm Windsor Townhall
SAU #34 Website Calendar
The calendar on the SAU website provides a user-friendly way to selectable event views by building.
By clicking on the calendar name on the left-hand panel, you can hide that particular calendar's events from the larger view. You also can subscribe to a calendar to receive updates and changes to events.
News from Across SAU # 34
Student Recognitions Shared at Recent School Board Meetings
Raymond Ieni
Ray has been trying very hard to follow CARES and be a friend to his classmates. He works hard to meet the daily expectations and loves to share time with his friends!
Ava McDonough
Gwendolyn Caffrey
Seanna Lee Batanga-Cruite
They are members of the HDMS Kindness Project who coordinated collecting items to support the Santa's Helper Project. Enough items were collected to fill 139 stockings and 139 presents for local families.
Abigail Benn
Gavin Coombs
Gregory LeBlanc
Claire Doyle
Mason Fewerda
Signy Burke-Smith
Daniel Franklin
These seven H-DHS students each earned the NHIAA Scholar-Athlete Award and are invited to the ceremony in Concord on April 2, 2024.
School Food & Nutrition Program
Thank-you Hillsboro Lions Club for your very generous donation!
Hillsboro Lions Club treasurer Alan Ager presents check to Anna Muncy, Food and Nutrition Program Director in amount of $3000 for school lunch student debt relief.
If you have any questions about the School Food & Nutrition Program, or need assistance filling out forms or setting up an account, please contact Anna Muncy Food & Nutrition Program Director.
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
School District Budget Information
The Work to build the school budgets for the 2024-2025 School Year is underway. This is a complex process with four separate fiscal entities, each with their own budget across SAU #34. Each budget process has its own timeline, based on requirements outlined in state law.
The four fiscal entities in SAU#34 are:
- The School Administrative Unit (SAU) is responsible for the oversight, management, and accountability reporting for all operational, business, and human resource functions for the three school districts. The budget of the SAU is voted on as a separate warrant article in all four towns, and the cost is divided among the the three member districts using the apportionment formula.
- The Hillsboro-Deering Cooperative School District provides programming for students from pre-school through age 22, and operates three schools located on the main campus in Hillsboro, as well as an alternative program located on a rented property in Deering.
- The Washington School District provides programming from early learning through age 22, with early learning through grade five at Washington Elementary School and grades 6 and beyond tuitioned to Hillsboro-Deering.
- The Windsor School District provides programing for pre-school through age 22, with all students tutioned to the Hillsboro-Deering Schools.
As the budget process unfolds there are multiple opportunities for community members to provide input and share their comments with the school boards. Please click the links below a view the budget timelines, proposed 2024-2025 budgets, and other information. These pages will be consistently updated throughout the school budgeting process.
SAU # 34 Budget Information
Hillsboro-Deering Cooperative School District Budget Information
Washington School District Budget Information
Windsor School District Budget Information
Superintendent Mid-Year Performance Review
I am in the process of completing a mid-year self-reflection of my work to date on the three areas of performance responsibility and the two professional goals I have for the 2023-2024 school year.
The mid-year reflection is intended to provide me with some guidance for the remainder of the year.
I would very much appreciate your input. This form uses the format and wording of the SAU 34 Superintendent of School Evaluation Tool. Please provide any information you would like me to consider as part of this mid-year review.
The form will remain open and collect responses until noon on Saturday, February 3, 2024.
I know how busy everyone is and I deeply appreciate any time you are willing to invest in this.
Your responses are anonymous and the form will not collect email addresses.
Jennifer Crawford
Free Covid-19 Test Available for all US Households
As of November 20, 2023, residential households in the U.S. are eligible for additional 4 free at-home tests from USPS.com. If you have not yet ordered tests to your address you may order up to 8 per household.
Flu Season Is In Full Swing!
Dear SAU 34 Families:
Flu season is in full swing. We ask your help in preventing the spread of flu in our schools. The
flu spreads from person-to-person, and children in schools are among the most affected. We
want to keep school open during flu season and we cannot do it without you.
Here are a few ways you can help:
Know the signs of the flu.
- Signs may include; fever greater than 100 degrees, cough, sore throat, body aches, headache, and feeling very tired. Some people may also vomit or have diarrhea.
Keep sick children at home.
- Children should stay at home for at least 24 hours after the last signs of a fever without using medicine.
- Children should not return to school within 24 hours of the last sign of vomiting or diarrhea.
- Children with a constant cough should stay home until medicine relieves it.
- Any child who is sick at school, should go home.
Report their absence to the school nurse.
- If your child is out sick with the flu or flu-like illness, please let the nurse know.
- Washington Elementary School:
- James Rhodes 603-495-3463 mailto: jrhodes@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School:
- Diana Merriam 603-464-1311 mailto:dmerriam@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering Middle School:
- Sharon Gamache 603-464-1275 mailto:sgamache@hdsd.org
- Hillsboro-Deering High School:
- HeatherAnn Labier 603-464-1290 mailto:hlabier@hdsd.org
Teach your children recommend mitigation strategies.
- Hand washing with soap and water often is the best way to reduce the spread of germs.
- Teach your children to cover their coughs and sneezes (with a tissue or their elbow).
- Teach your children not share their personal items like their food or water bottles.
Our schools work closely with the NH Bureau of Infectious Disease Control (BIDC) to monitor flu
events. For more information, visit www.flu.gov, or call 1-800-CDC-INFO for the most current
information about the flu.
We are best able to keep everyone as healthy as possible by working together. We will notify you of any changes to our school’s plan to prevent the spread of the flu this season.
Powerschool Parent Portal
The Powerschool Parent Portal provides families with a wealth of up to date information about their student's school experience.
All families should have received an email with a personalized link to sign in to the Parent Portal.
It is very important that all families use the Parent Portal to update their student registration information and permissions.
If you are having any difficulty accessing the Parent Portal please reach out to Neal Richardson, Director of Technology at nrichardson@hdsd.org so he can assist you.
All Around SAU 34
Check out the school newsletters and facebook pages for lots of great pictures and information about what is happening all across SAU 34!
SAU # 34 Website
Winter Weather
We have reached the time of year when weather forecasts begin to call for things like snow, ice, wintry mixes, high winds and bitter cold. With that comes poor road conditions, power outages, safety concerns at bus stops, and other weather related issues that may lead to delayed openings, early releases, and cancellations for schools.
I am the one who makes the decision to close school due to inclement weather and emergencies, but not in isolation. Prior to making a decision, I monitor weather reports and often consult a variety of people including our town road agents, First Student Transportation, other area superintendents, and state and local emergency officials. I rely heavily upon the information I receive from our road agents and emergency officials. If I receive a report that conditions are too dangerous, I will not send students and staff to school.
Sometimes making the decision is not clear cut. Weather conditions often change quickly. For example the rate of snowfall per hour may be more than predicted, or a storm may start earlier or later than forecasted. Weather conditions can also vary widely across our SAU during the same weather event. Invariably, there is some disagreement with decisions regarding a particular weather storm. Every effort will always be made to announce a change in schedule as soon as possible to allow everyone time to plan, but this is New England, and weather and road conditions can shift quickly, so it is important we maintain flexibility to ensure everyone’s safety and best meet educational needs. Ultimately, we respect that families have the final say on whether or not they believe they should drive their child to school, send their child to school by bus, or allow their young adult to drive on questionable weather days.
Because access to information can be impacted by the weather conditions we put out information using a range of methods, to ensure the widest possible access. These methods include:
Phone calls and emails using the SAU 34 Mass Notifications System
Posting on the district website: www.hdsd.org
Posting on the SAU 34 Facebook Page
Television station WMUR (9)
Please know that the safety of our students and staff is the highest priority when it comes to making weather and emergency related decisions.
Thank you for your understanding, cooperation, and support.
Jennifer Crawford
Superintendent of Schools
Savings Account program
End 68 Hours of Hunger
Let's get ready for school!
Parents and Other Adults: How do we Support Children Who are Struggling?
Panelists discuss how to be part of the solution for young people with mental illness
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan
Revised Calendars for the 2023-2024 School Year
Both the Hillsboro-Deering and Washington School Boards have recently approved revisions to the 2023-2024 School DIstrict Calendars. PDFs of those calendars with the changes in red font with yellow highlighting are linked at the bottom of this newsletter.
The changes include:
- March 12th will be Parent Teacher Conferences from 10am - 6pm.
- Thursday, March 21st will be a regular school day
- Friday, March 22 will be a Professional Development Day, no school for students
- Wednesday, April 3rd will be a regular school day