ADE World & Native Language Updates
Including Partner Trainings and Events

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How Students can Leverage Their Global Seal
When individuals and organizations receive their packet of Global Seal of Biliteracy certificates, they'll find enclosed a letter. This letter will give them some tips on how to leverage their Global Seal and use it to highlight their language skills and open the door to future opportunities including advanced placement, scholarships, and more. Click on the highlighted text below to learn more about each opportunity. If you are an organization/school representative awarding the Global Seal, please share this information with your recipients.
From the Global Seal of Biliteracy March Newsletter
ADE Sessions Listed First - All others by date
Free for SWCOLT & CLTA members.
Non-members: $25 per session
Checkout www.swcolt.org for more information!
Instructional Strategies for Explicitly Teaching Language in Secondary Dual Language Immersion Education
Saturday, March 1, 2025 (10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. Central Time)
In order to support students toward high levels of bilingualism and biliteracy, secondary dual language immersion (DLI) teachers need to explicitly teach language features within their content-focused classes. In this interactive and practical workshop, participants will experience a variety of instructional strategies that can be used in any discipline - and with any language - to teach language while also engaging with content concepts. Participants will leave this workshop with a number of new tools for their instruction as well as clear first steps for implementing those strategies in their classrooms.
UO Center for Applied Second Language Studies
Visit The Center for Applied Second Language Studies' YouTube page for 200 videos about language modeling and learning.
PD on the Go Modules
CASLS understands the pressures of today’s teaching environment. Time and resource scarcities make finding time to engage in professional development difficult.
To help educators navigate this reality, CASLS is developing a series of free professional development modules. Each asynchronous module is comprised of several lessons and provides educators with an overview of the stated topic. All modules imbed a special focus on contemporary trends in language education, such as career-related connections, and include both opportunities to reflect and checks for understanding along the way. Also, because each lesson is mobile-friendly and designed to last for about 15 minutes, they are easy to complete on the go! Learn more HERE
Poetry and Creative Texts in Any Language Classroom was part of CERCLL’s Multiliteracies Takes on Language Teaching webinar series Dr. Shufflebarger demonstrates multiliteracies approaches to integrate poetry and creative texts into language classrooms. Drawing from her experience across K-12, university, and community-based adult language contexts, she presented theoretical foundations, practical teaching activities and curriculum integration strategies.
Nurturing Creativity and Agency in L2 through Digital Storytelling Projects explores digital storytelling in language learning, showing how students engage with language skills through multimedia narratives combining audio, visuals, and various genres. Participants will learn to define digital storytelling, address implementation challenges, and develop assessment strategies for their language classrooms.
Learning at, from, and with the art museum: A multiliteracies perspective explores three key questions about museums in language education:
- What defines a museum?
- How do museum-based approaches align with multiliteracy teaching methods?
- What are effective ways to engage second-language learners with museum texts?
Dedicated to addressing a critical national shortage by bolstering the pipeline of future language educators, this award provides merit-based scholarships to graduating high school seniors committed to pursuing the language teaching profession in languages other than English.
Launched in 2019, Language Connects Foundation's Teacher Scholarship Program provides recipients with an award of $1,500 per academic year. Scholarships may be renewed three times following the initial award, for a cumulative total of $6,000 per recipient.
Want to take your students on an adventure to visit a new place or space? With Geoliteracies and Place Based Learning you can transform your language classroom with a pedagogically designed lesson plan. Liudmila Klimanova (University of Arizona) received a CERCLL Faculty Fellowship with Lara Lomicka Anderson (University of South Carolina), and worked with Graduate Student Collaborators to create this web-guide for using maps and other tools to connect language teaching to students' immediate surroundings for the development of intercultural awareness and interpretation skills.
Friday April 4 - Sunday April 6, 2025
The Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Arizona in collaboration with UT-Austin’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Indiana’s Center for the Study of the Middle East, Georgetown University’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, SUNY-Binghamton University’s Center for Middle Eastern and North African Studies, along with the Center for Educational Resources in Culture, Language and Literacy, are pleased to announce the 2025 Consortium of Middle East National Resource Centers Language Workshop. With focus on Arabic, Hebrew, Persian, Turkish, and other related Middle East Languages, submissions are invited that focus on research and practice using AI and online tools. The conference organizers particularly invite abstracts relating to specific classroom projects that explore the potential of AI and online tools in ME languages and provide descriptive presentations.
The workshop will be held at the University of Arizona on April 4th – 6th, 2025 (in-person) and April 19th, 2025 (virtual).
Submission details and link to submit a proposal: tinyurl.com/CMEScfp
Fri., April 25, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
School leaders (principals, superintendents, curriculum coordinators, and more) are invited to come learn more about implementing the proficiency-based Arizona World & Native Languages state standards in your world language classes.
Skysong 1, 1475 N. Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale, AZ
Application deadline: Friday, Mar. 31, 2025
CLTA 2025 Conference Grant
Proposal Submission Deadline: July 21, 2025
ICC 2026: Call for Proposals
Intercultural Competence in a Rapidly Changing World:
Supporting Sustainable Futures for All
The Tenth International Conference on the
Development and Assessment of Intercultural Competence
Call for Proposals One Pager
Apply Online by March 14, 2025
The Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA) at the University of Minnesota has provided high-quality professional development for language teachers for 30 years. Launched in 1996, this internationally known program reflects CARLA's commitment to link research and theory with practical applications for the classroom. Each institute is highly interactive and includes discussion, hands-on activities, and networking.
Check out the 2025 CARLA Summer Institute schedule!
Secondary Dual Language Immersion June 23–27, 2025
TeachTok: Social Media Hacks to Level Up your Language Teaching Game July 8–10, 2025
Teaching for Proficiency in Dual Language Immersion July 8–10, 2025
Introduction to Dual Language Immersion July 14–18, 2025 July 14–August 1, 2025
Culture as the Core in the Second Language Classroom - Online Asynchronous July 14–August 1, 2025
Empowering Language Teachers to Leverage AI for Student Success–New! July 22–24, 2025
Seals of Biliteracy: Establishing and Expanding Programs in Schools or Districts–New! July 29–31, 2025
Learn more on the CARLA Summer Institute website.
Save the Date: June 2-5. 2025
Dr. Short will be running a four-day summer institute June 2-5, 2025, that will connect educators with literature related to refugee and immigrant communities. Expect to see an announcement on their website early next year!