Week at Windsor 10.13.19
Looking back and ahead at Windsor news and happenings...
Dear Windsor Families,
We were glad to see the sun again this weekend, but the colder temperatures have taken us by surprise! Here is our Week at Windsor.
Dress for the Weather
This weekend's weather is a reminder to keep sending students ready to dress for outdoor recess. The fresh air and play is always preferred, so students will continue go outside as weather permits. It's much more fun when they are comfortably dressed for cooler temperatures. We just turned off our air conditioning and turned on the heat, so we will inevitably still face some warmer days again in October. We recommend wearing layers during these fall days!
Windsor Drop & Go Procedures
With inclement and colder weather, we see an increase in our daily morning traffic on those days. We so appreciate those who consistently follow our daily procedures. On busier days, we need families to pull all the way forward in the Drop & Go lines and not allow children to get out too early. It backs up traffic for all. If the weather is inclement and line up is inside, children can always enter the nearest door from their Drop & Go location. (Parents should not try to pull up to their exact entrance door.) As we see more traffic, we sometimes suggest everyone move up their morning routine to ensure your children are on time for school. We include our Traffic Procedures in each Week at Windsor, so please make sure any family or friends who are helping with drop off or pick up know what to do.
No Student Attendance on Monday 10.14.19
As a reminder, students do not attend school this Monday 10.14.19. The Windsor staff will be here, though, for a School Improvement Day! A focus of our work together will be to review all spring/fall school and classroom data to monitor academic progress, inform/refine our instructional goals and plans for individual students and grade levels, and engage in school improvement activities. Next week's conferences will be an opportunity for teachers to connect with parents on their child's overall progress to date.
Principal Coffees and Conversations
During these opening days/months of school, I have prioritized getting to know staff, students, and the in's and out's of Windsor School. I haven't even begun to know everyone or everything...YET! Still, I have enjoyed the journey and continue to feel so fortunate to work each day with this fantastic team of educators and your amazing children. At Curriculum Night, I shared a desire to set up a series of Principal Coffees and Conversations dates/times with parents/guardians. These first meetings are meant to help interested parents get to know me better and help me get to know/hear from all of you. This coming week, I will send out future dates/RSVP information.
Wishing you and your children a wonderful long weekend!
Warmest regards,
Piper Boston, Principal
Lindsay Anastacio, Assistant Principal
Check out our Windsor Twitter page for different insights into our school days!
You can tell the school year is underway. Our Twitter page provides lots of great highlights into each school day!
Thank You Windsor Custodial Team!
As part of the Wildcat Way, we reinforce being Responsible and Kind. We have been reminding students by picking up after themselves when visiting the bathrooms and during the lunch hour and by treating all school facilities and equipment respectfully, these actions show our daily appreciation for all the Windsor custodians do to keep our building safe and clean!
More Great Windsor Twitter Follows...
Mrs. Kathleen Corely and Mrs. Vicky Stella both collaborate with teachers and work with students on different problem-solving, cooperative learning challenges, personalized learning experiences, integrated technology projects, etc.
You check out their Twitter pages anytime!
Halloween at Windsor
We would like to invite families to our school-wide Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31st beginning at approximately 1:40 PM. (Morning Kindergarten will have their parade in the morning with their families.)
Students can stay at school or go home during an extended lunch period this day from approximately 12:10-1:20 PM in order to dress for the afternoon.
We want Halloween to be fun for all of those celebrating and ask that costumes are school appropriate. Please select costumes that avoid pretend sharp objects, weapons, blood, gore, mature content, etc.
Parent-Teacher Conferences-Sign Up Links Close Sunday 10/20
Here is our Windsor Parent-Teacher Conferences letter with all teacher sign-up links.
- Fall conferences are scheduled for Thursday 10/24 and Friday 10/25. The conference times on Thursday include morning, day, and evening 20-minute appointments. The conference times on Friday only include morning appointments.
- If you are unable to make an in person time on our two conference days, you may sign up for a phone conference or email teachers to schedule a phone conference during their regular school days/hours of 8:15 AM to 3:45 PM.
Fifth Grade Robert Crown Parent Night 2019
School Safety Drills
Unannounced Evacuation Drill
We will have an unannounced evacuation drill this week with the Arlington Heights Fire Department as part of Fire Prevention Month and our annual safety drills and procedures. Here is a flyer from the AHFD as a reminder for annual home safety tips.
This will be the last of all our planned safety drills for the fall!
School Access/Arrival Door Entrances
School Access
We want to remind all parents/guardians that your only school access is through our front door/main entrance, unless specifically directed otherwise for unique school activities. You cannot accompany your children into the school through any of our other doors for any reason, even during arrival time. You must consistently enter through the main entrance and stop at the front office. We will ask your name and business in visiting the school. All staff will approach any adults (even parents) without visitor badges and have them immediately exit the building. We appreciate your support in following these important procedures and making our school safe for all.
Kindergarten and Fifth Grade Arrival Door Changes
This letter was sent to Kindergarten and fifth grade families last week explaining some changes we are making to those students' entrance doors during arrival time starting next week. We are sharing with all so that you know our main entrances in the morning. On inclement weather days, children can enter the nearest doors to their car from the Drop & Go and walk to their classrooms.
Fall Assessment Updates
Here is a previously sent district assessment letter for your reference.
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is administered to all third and fifth grade students in the fall. Children began testing last week. Results will be sent home later this fall. We will alert families in advance.
Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR)
Third, fourth, and fifth grade students took the IAR test last spring. The state sends us individual test results in the fall. Current fourth and fifth grade students will be going home with their spring IAR results this Friday, October 18th. If you prefer not to have your child's test results to go home with her/him via backpack on Friday, please contact Mrs. Kathie Avvisati at kavvisati@sd25.org by this Wednesday. You can pick them up from our school office after school on Friday or anytime next week from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
Any grades 3-5 new students or students being progress monitored received NWEA MAP assessment reports on Friday, October 11th.
Windsor PTA
- This flyer (link) was sent home Friday with students for our upcoming Kindergarten Activity Night on Tuesday, October 22nd from 6:30 PM to 7:30 PM. Parents/guardians need to RSVP by Friday, October 18th via the paper form or online. All kindergarteners attending need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
- Here is a Save-the-Date for the First Grade Activity Night.
- The Windsor PTA's Veteran's Day Breakfast has reached capacity and a waitlist started on Friday (10/11). Emails will be sent this week to confirm attendees. Those on the waitlist will be notified.
- Here is a link/note from our Picture Day Committee. https://windsorpta.org/2019/10/04/picture-day-follow-up/
- Check out the Windsor PTA website link for more information and updates!
Calendar Updates
We have updated our website calendar (always featured below in each Week at Windsor) with key events. Below are key immediate and future dates.
- Monday 10/14-School Improvement Day (No Student Attendance)
- Thursday 10/17-District 25 BOE Meeting @ 7:30 PM
- Tuesday 10/22-Windsor PTA Kindergarten Activity Night @ 6:30 PM
- Thursday 10/24 to Friday 10/25-Parent-Teacher Conferences (No Student Attendance)
- Thursday 10/31-Windsor Halloween Parade @ 1:40 PM (Classroom Parties to Follow)
- Wednesday 11/6-Picture Retakes
- Thursday 11/7-Windsor PTA First Grade Activity Night @ 6:30 PM
- Monday 11/11-Windsor Veteran's Day Breakfast and School Parade (Morning)
- Thursday 2/6-Windsor Book, Science, and Engineering Fair @ 6:30 PM
- Wednesday 2/12-Valentine's Day Classroom Parties
- Thursday 2/13 to Friday 2/14-Parent-Teacher Conferences (No Student Attendance)
- Thursday 4/16-TMS Incoming Sixth Grade Orientation @ 7:00 PM for Parents/Students
- Thursday 4/30-Windsor K-5 Open House @ 6:30 PM
- Wednesday 5/6-SMS Incoming Sixth Grade Orientation @ 6:30 PM for Parents/Students
We encourage you to keep referencing our school calendar, as this preview does not include all Windsor happenings!
District 25 Parent-Student Handbook
Wildcat Way and Mission
We value our Windsor community that is strengthened by diversity, inclusion, and a growth mindset.
- We believe in a kind, safe and responsible community because our students are important.
- We believe in designing lessons that promote inquiry, academic risk taking, and flexible thinking.
- We believe in supporting cultural, emotional, social, and academic diversity.
- We believe in working collaboratively as a school community for continuous improvement in a trusting environment.