Raider Nation Summer Newsletter
Gearing Up for a Virtual Opening --7/29/20
Summer Update #1
Greetings Atholton Families,
This summer email is the first of several that will come to provide updates regarding the virtual start of our 2020 - 2021 school year. There have been several decisions made within the last few weeks that you should be aware of:
The 2020 - 2021 school year will be VIRTUAL for the first semester (September 8, 2020 thru January 28, 2021)
The start date for students is now September 8, 2020
Spring Break will be shortened to three days
Friday, April 2, 2020
Monday, April 5, 2020
Tuesday, April 6, 2020
Last day of school will be June 15, 2020 (barring no inclement weather days)
The high school schedule will be a 4x4 model which means:
Students will have four courses in the fall semester and another four courses in the spring semester for a total of EIGHT courses over the course of the academic year
This is a change from our current schedule which offers seven courses over the academic year
All students will be assigned an additional course (an alternate) from their list in the original registration process completed in January of this past year. More information on this process below.
These decisions require swift actions on everyone’s part to ensure that the academic program for our students is the best fit. There are some actions to be taken to make sure that this is the case.
As mentioned above, the student schedule incorporates a 4x4 semester schedule, which allows students to take 8 courses, instead of the 7-course model that we have traditionally followed. To complete this schedule, students had already included alternates in their original course requests and the scheduling program has pulled these requests into each student's courseload. Once the scheduling process is completed, HCPSS will release student schedules and there will be a DROP/ADD timeframe during which students can work with counselors to make adjustments. At this time, I do not have that date to announce.
For those students who would like to have scheduled time for study and work completion, high schools will offer a study course first and second semester and an AP seminar second semester (Academic Seminar and AP Seminar). These two course offerings are non-weighted 1.0 elective credit, although attendance and grades will count. Students who might select one of these courses should be able to work independently in a structured setting. Additional tutorials and math/language arts seminars are provided for goal/content specific needs and students can register for these courses in consultation with a counselor; these courses are helpful for students who may need continuous math or English Language Arts instruction for a full-year.
Some students are currently enrolled in our summer program and will earn credit upon completion. If this is the case, once you have completed your summer course, please reach out to your counselor to make the appropriate adjustments to your schedule.
As we prepare for the upcoming year, it is important that every student have access to technology. If you are in need of a chromebook or a hotspot for internet access, please contact Ms. Nasir at ASAP. We want to make sure that everything is in place for a smooth start to the school year.
Additionally, for those individuals seeking early graduation, the deadline to submit your application is September 1, 2020. Please touch base with your counselor if this is an option you are exploring.
Lastly, please be sure to read the updated information on fall athletics below.
Enjoy the remainder of your summer and look for more updates in the upcoming weeks.
Warmest Regards,
Robert A. Motley
School Counselor Assignments
Ms. Wade -- 9th Grade ONLY (
Mr. Cohen -- Last Name A - E / Grades 10 - 12 (
Ms. Meledick -- Last Name F - Kj / Grades 10 - 12 (
Ms. Clearfield -- Last Name Kk - P / Grades 10 - 12 (
Ms. Rogers -- Last Name Q - Z / Grades 10 - 12 (
Fall Athletics Update
The HCPSS just recently announced that fall athletics will not begin on August 12, 2020, which is currently designated as the MPSSAA start date. As we await more direction, HCPSS will delay the start of the athletic season until at least September 8, 2020, when students are scheduled to begin virtual instruction.
At this time, coaches may continue engaging with student-athletes through virtual meeting sessions to provide conditioning routines and drills and promote health and well-being. The HCPSS Return to Play committee will continue planning for reopening to be ready for September 8 or when the state and school system determine that it is safe to do so.
We anticipate further direction by the Maryland State Department of Education and MPSSAA soon and hope to have a decision and timeline finalized and communicated to our student-athletes and families as soon as possible. Registration will be closed temporarily and the community will receive notice when registration reopens.
Information about athletics is provided on the HCPSS website and will be updated as new information becomes available.
Mark Your Calendar
September 1 -- Deadline for Early Graduation Application
September 8 -- First Day of School for Students
Atholton High School
Click Below for Boosters' Organization News
Location: 6520 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD, USA
Phone: (410) 313-7065