03/09 McMicken Family Connection

Principal's Corner
A Word from Your Principal
Dear Families,
I had the pleasure of presenting at and attending the Council For Exceptional Children conference at the end of last week. There were many great sessions geared to support students with Individual Education Plans as well as strategies for promoting more effective Social Emotional Learning in the classroom. The great news is that when we have high expectations and supports for learners, it truly benefits all students. One of the most impactful strategy that was highlighted at the conference was mindfulness. Mindfulness has proven effective across various settings, including schools. You can also try it at home to reduce anxiety and help children learn and use calm down strategies in the moment! Two helpful guided mindfulness activities include Hot Cocoa and Name Game.
In collaboration,
😄 Principal Haas
PTA Update!
Thank you for all the families that came to volunteer and help make February’s Fun Friday a success! We were able to raise $740.30! We will be using the money raised to have a movie right here at McMicken at the end of April. More details to come! If you would like to help organize this event or help at this month’s fun Friday, email mcmh.pta@gmail.com or stop by the office to sign up!
Upcoming Events:
- March's Fun Friday will be on Friday, March 24th. Items on sale include popcorn for 50¢, fruit snacks for 50¢, and this month's speciality item, a mini-LED finger flashlight for $1.00.
- On Thursday, March 30th, join the PTA meeting at 5:45pm in the McMicken Heights library. Have a voice in decisions the PTA makes and bring your ideas to share!
Join Us for Monthly Tea Times!
Save the dates! Hosted by African Community Housing & Development, join us at McMicken Heights for our monthly tea times during the rest of the year. Learn about our goals for our students, staff, and community through our school plans. Share your ideas and hopes for our community and help grow our partnership! Bring Refreshments will be shared.
- Tuesday, March 14: 3:30-4:30pm
- Tuesday, April 18: 3:30-4:30pm
- Tuesday, May 16: 3:30-4:30pm
Kids Heart Challenge Update!
Dear Families –
Our Kids Heart Challenge is ending soon, and I am so proud of our students for Moving More and Being Kind! So far, 21 students have registered and taken the challenge, and together our school has raised $415 in lifesaving donations and helped to save 8 lives, and 2 families have learned the steps to Hands-Only CPR! Thank you so much for helping our school stay heart-healthy and save lives at the same time!
To do Today:
- If you have not yet, Register TODAY at http://www2.heart.org/goto/McMicken or on the Kids Hearts Challenge App to complete FINN’S MISSION, learn the steps to Hands-Only CPR as a family and Spread the Word: Send 10 (pre-written) emails from your KHC headquarters.
- If you have already Registered, thank you! Click on Connect to Facebook Fundraiser in your online headquarters to reach even more family and friends!
- Double your Gift! Check to see if your employer will match your donation today! Follow the steps and forward the confirmation to matchinggifts@heart.org to have it added to your fundraising page.
Special School Incentives:
When we raise $500, Ms. Wilson will get pied in the face! We are so close to unlocking the first PIE!!
When we raise $1,000 Mr. Jungblom will get silly stringed!
When we raise $1,500 something silly will happen to Ms. Haas!
ANY student who completes Finn’s Mission will earn an XL Finn The Shark Keychain!!
Engageable Designs, Saturdays on Zoom
Do you love math, and want to keep learning after school? Join us on Zoom, from 10:00-11:30am, every Saturday until May 27, 2023!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 8236 2169
Passcode: 654011
Staff Spotlight: Share Your Compliments!
Have you been following McMicken Heights on social media? If so, you might have noticed our weekly Thursday feature, #McMThankYouThursday! Once a week, we spotlight a staff member to show our appreciation for all the work they do.
You are invited to share your appreciation for our staff members by completing this form. Your comments may be shared on social media, but they will also be shared directly with the staff member you compliment.
Volunteer at McMicken!
Volunteers contribute greatly to the success of our students and schools. If you would like to go on a field trip or help during a PTA event, for example, a volunteer form needs to be on file with the school office. You can download and print a volunteer form from the volunteer page on the district website, or you can pick up a printed copy from the school office. Volunteer status is good for two school years. If you fill out one today, it will not expire until August 31, 2024. Thank you so much for taking the time to help our McMicken community!
Our Weekly Habit
March 13-17: Hold yourself accountable and help others be accountable.
March's Monthly Focus: We are AWARE.
Weekly Focus (March 13-17): Hold yourself accountable and help others be accountable.
A quote to think about: "We rise by lifting others." -Robert Ingersoll
When we hold ourselves accountable and help others be accountable, it looks like:
Checking in with our teacher about our goals,
Checking in with our learning partners about their goals,
Being responsible for our actions, and
Problem-solving first before asking for help.
When we hold ourselves accountable and help others be accountable, it sounds like:
- Reflecting on our mistakes and making a plan to improve,
- Reminding others of the expectations, and
- Using encouraging, kind words with others.
When we hold ourselves accountable and help others be accountable, it feels like:
- Being brave because we are trying something new, and
- Being supportive and inclusive.
Our Weekly Habit
March 20-24: Evaluate success and keep growing.
March's Monthly Focus: We are AWARE.
Weekly Focus (March 20-24): Evaluate success and keep growing.
A quote to think about: "It isn't where you come from, it's where you're going that counts." -Ella Fitzgerald
When we evaluate success and keep growing, it looks like:
Tracking our progress, and
Using rubrics and checklists to monitor our work.
When we evaluate success and keep growing, it sounds like:
Sharing our next steps and setting goals, and
Giving feedback to partners or ourselves.
When we evaluate success and keep growing, it feels like:
Always trying to grow and not giving up, and
Perseverance when things are challenging.
Friday, March 10: No School
Monday, April 3-Friday, April 7: Spring Break, No School
Special Education Information Session (Mar. 28)
Families, students and staff are invited to attend an information session to learn about what types of community and disability resources are available in our area and how to navigate and access them.
Date: Tuesday, March 28
Time: 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Location: Central Office Board Room, 15675 Ambaum Blvd SW, Burien
Or you can join virtually: Zoom link
Please submit language interpretation requests by March 20.
Learn more on our Family Liaisons for Special Education webpage or contact your special education family liaisons Ellen.McGuire@highlineschools.org or Kate.Calamatta@highlineschools.org
Learn American Sign Language for Free!
From March 13-April 15, we are celebrating and recognizing National Deaf History Month. National Deaf History Month is celebrated to commemorate the achievements of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. It spans across March and April in recognition of three turning points in deaf education history, dating back to the early 1800s.
The Oklahoma School for the Deaf has FREE ASL courses available on their website. You can access ASL I and ASL II (and sign up) here.
5 Fun Ways to Instill a Love of History in Kids
History tells the story of how we got to where we are today as a society - and it's chock full of lessons that inspire us to make a difference in the world around us. Use these fun ideas to help your child learn about history!
- Visit a museum or historical site. Was an inspiring historical figure born in your town? Is your town known for something famous? Whatever makes your town unique, there's bound to be a museum or historical site to celebrate it.
- Listen to a kid-friendly podcast. You name it, there's a podcast for it - including podcasts for budding history buffs. Ask questions about a favorite fact they learned, how it makes them feel, and why the topic interests them.
- Read about historical figures. Many people in history have made a lasting impact on society. Learning about them enables kids to see themsleves in others, learn about different cultures, be inspired, and grow their minds.
- Celebrate your family history. Everyone has a story - your family included. Encourage your child to learn about your family's history and culture and share their stories, too.
- Cook up a history lesson. Find a recipe that is meaningful to a different country or culture. Learn about things like how the meal is prepared and presented, and when the dish is traditionally served. Then, eat up!
Kindergarten Enrollment Open for 23-24!
Do you know a child who will be 5 years old on or before August 31? Maybe it's a current student's sibling, your neighbor, family friend or even your own child. Help us spread the word: families can enroll their incoming kindergarten student for the 2023-24 school year now.
We encourage new students to enroll as early as possible. This helps us to connect with students early and ensures we hire the right number of staff at each school. Kindergarten Jump Start is offered August 23-25 to all registered incoming kindergarten students.
What Do Families Need?
Families should have the following ready:
- Birth certificate
- Proof of address (rental agreement, purchase agreement, or utility bill)
- Immunization records
Families can upload all these documents to our registration system. (Tip: Scan or take a photo with a mobile phone to upload.)
If the documents aren't readily available, families can start registration and email the documents to their school to complete their enrollment application.
For more information, please see this website.
See the full year's Heritage Month calendar and think about how you can continue to celebrate these groups and holidays at home. In addition, you can access the Heritage Month calendar in Spanish, Somali, or Vietnamese.
Explore resources, events, book lists, and more for March's Heritage Months in English or Spanish.
Women's History Month
Women’s History Month is celebrated each March to highlight and honor the many contributions women have made in our past and our present. Since 1995, presidents have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.” These proclamations celebrate the contributions women have made to the United States and recognize the specific achievements women have made over the course of American history in a variety of fields.
Gender Equality Month
During Gender Equality Month, individuals and groups of people work to bring awareness to others around the topic of gender equality. Gender equality focuses on allowing every individual, regardless of gender, equal opportunities and access to resources, opportunities, and rewards. The month is dedicated to celebrating the social, political, cultural, and academic achievements of women in the world.
Irish American Heritage Month
March was designated as Irish-American Heritage Month in 1992 by Congress, but first proclaimed by the President in 1991. It is a time to honor the achievements and contributions of Irish immigrants and their descendants living in the United States.
International Women’s Day (March 8)
International Women’s Day is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women’s equality. The 2023 campaign theme is #EmbraceEquity.
National Deaf History Month (March 13-April 15)
National Deaf History Month is celebrated to commemorate the achievements of people who are deaf and hard of hearing. It spans across March and April in recognition of three turning points in deaf education history, dating back to the early 1800s.
International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21)
International Day of Elimination of Racial Discrimination is an opportunity for women and men to renew their commitment to building a world of justice, equality, and dignity. It is observed on the day the police in Sharpeville, South Africa, opened fire and killed 69 people at a peaceful demonstration in 1960.
Intl. Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery
& the Transatlantic Slave Trade (March 25)
For over 400 years, more than 15 million men, women, and children were the victims of the tragic transatlantic slave trade. The International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and Transatlantic Trade gives us an opportunity to honor and remember those who suffered and died due to slavery as well as raise awareness to the dangers of racism and prejudice today.
Transgender Day of Visibility (March 31)
International Transgender Day of Visibility is dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide, as well as a celebration of their contributions to society.
Contact us for support or with questions.
McMicken Heights Elementary School
Phone: (206) 631-4300
Sign up to volunteer at McMicken!
Follow us on social media!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMickenHeightsElementary/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mcmicken.heights
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mcm_heights
Click on the image to complete the consent form for COVID testing at school. This only needs to be completed once this school year.
Does your student have symptoms? Click on the image for a flowchart to know when to send your student to school.
Click on the image for information on COVID vaccination and upcoming vaccine clinics.
Click on the image for more up-to-date information about COVID safety in Highline Public Schools.
Keep updated on your student's grades, attendance, and more! Create or update your ParentVue account by clicking the image.
Click the image for current and past Book of the Months.