Fang Family Newsletter
September 2021
We know COVID is still affecting many students and families. At school, we are encouraging frequent handwashing, use of sanitizer, and we are wiping down high touch areas. Face coverings are not required, but students can certainly wear them to help protect themselves and others while the cases are still high. If your child is sick, please keep him/her home. Contact our school nurse if you have any questions.
-Monica Guerrero
-Monica Guerrero
Student Registration
Online registration must be completed for each student for the 2021-2022 school year.
Click here to get started.
Note— there is a link for NEW (new to NISD) students and a link for RETURNING students.
Se debe completar el registro en línea para cada estudiante para el año escolar 2021-2022. Haz clic para comenzar. Nota: hay un enlace para los estudiantes NUEVOS (nuevos en NISD) y un enlace para los estudiantes que REGRESAN.
Important Dates in September /Fechas importantes en septiembre
Sept. 6th - Labor Day Holiday
Sept. 9th - NJH Volleyball @ Home (Brenham) 5:30 PM
Sept. 14th - NJH Pep Rally (7th Grade football) 3:20PM
Sept. 14th - NJH Football vs CSMS (8th grade at home/7th grade away) 6PM
Sept. 14th - Progress Reports
Sept. 15th - JH Cross Country Meet (Rattler Invitational)
Sept. 16th - NJH Volleyball @ CSMS 5:30PM
Sept. 21st - JH Football vs AMCMS (7th grade at home/8th grade away)
Sept. 22nd - JH Cross Country Meet @Anderson High School
Sept. 23rd - NJH Volleyball @ Home (Huntsville) 5:30PM
Sept. 24th - NJH Fall Picture Day
Sept. 27th - Student Holiday
Sept. 28th - NJH Pep Rally (8th Grade football) 3:20 PM
Sept. 28th - JH Football vs SFA (7th grade at home/8th grade away) 6PM
Sept. 30th - NJH Volleyball @ AMCMS 5:30PM
Save the date for Family Night!
Vision Statement
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About Us
Location: 9038 Hwy 90 South Navasota, T
Phone: 9368254225
Twitter: @navasotajh