AMMS Library Learning Commons
January, 2020 Newsletter
Welcome to 2020!
Sign-Up for Speed Dating with a Book
Let's expose our students to a new list of high-interest reads! I have done Speed Dating with a Book for a few years now with new releases or ‘hot’ books to expose students to some of our awesome books we have available in the library. Students usually find a new date and this would be perfect before a long weekend! The lesson typically takes 30 minutes and we could do book checkout afterwards.
If you would like to sign your class up this lesson, please do so here.
Exercise Bikes in the Library!
Exciting news! The library is now home to two stationary exercise bikes that students and staff members may use throughout the day. I am asking students read while riding during school hours. However, staff members may use the bikes at any time!
We're All Wonders Skype-A-Thon for World Read Aloud Day
World Read Aloud Day is on February 5th this year! To celebrate, AMMS is hosting a virtual read-in for other schools from FCS. More information will be coming, but start thinking about if you or some of your students would like to participate!
Thank you for a fun, enriching, and all around awesome 2019!
In 2019 we...
- traveled over 50,000 miles to participate in author visits, Skype-A-Scientist, and classroom collaborations!
- collaborated on research projects, BreakoutEDU lessons, reading programs, STEM challenges, embedded Compassionate Makers into our MakerSpace, and shared technology uses in professional development with teachers.
- hosted the Lions Literacy Alliance book club each month to build up the reading lives of our students, staff, and parents.
- hosted the AMMS Technology Fair, from which 6 teams are moving on to the state competition in March.
- celebrated Banned Books Week with every student at AMMS to teach students about our freedom to read and think critically about what they read.
- participated in the Hour of Code with coding challenge stations.
- hosted our Open Mic morning to celebrate the interests and talents of our community
- hosted a Harry Potter themed Book Fair & trivia day that ended in over 1,000 students walking away with a brand new book and gifted books to 15 students who could not afford a new book.
- added 400 new physical books and 300 new ebooks/audiobooks to our collection!
- continue to add high interest reads to our genrefied fiction selections to help motivate our reluctant readers and expose students to different types of reading materials.
- encouraged our students to participate in the 40 Book Challenge.
- hosted reading clubs during lunch for 90 students each week.
Check out the top 10 reasons you should visit the Autrey Mill Middle School Learning Commons and to work with your library media specialist in 2020. Our goal is to help enhance what you're doing in the classroom and help students become empowered learners and creators. Bring your students and let's have an awesome year!
Have you heard of Gimkit?
Gimkit can be used in any classroom to introduce or review concepts; it's like a mashup of Kahoot! and Quizlet. The live gameplay is fast-paced and engaging like a game show, but when it's assigned for independent practice, Gimkit functions more like flash cards. Speaking of Quizlet, you can import Quizlet sets (text only) into Gimkit with just a few clicks. Using either the Quizlet import feature or the collaborative quiz-building KitCollab mode, you can create a Gimkit game in a few minutes. This makes it easy to insert an interactive review game into your lesson with minimal prep. Teachers can also use the assignments feature to give homework. You set a due date, and students work through the kit at their own pace, answering questions until they reach a set goal.
Hacking STEM with Microsoft and NASA
Hacking STEM brings affordable hands-on inquiry-based lessons to K-12 classrooms across the globe. These free lesson plans infused with visualized data focus on the 21st-century skills students need to be successful in the jobs of today and the future.
Build affordable inquiry and project-based activities to visualize data across science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) curriculum.
Find Your Next Read
53 Ways to Check Understanding
Dates and Reminders from the LLC
- January 14th - January 17th - Mrs. Bongiorno is attending out of district PD
- January 16th - Religious Freedom Day
- February 5th - World Read Aloud Day Activities *more information coming*
- February 14th - #FCSMGEdCamp hosted at AMMS (register now if you haven't done so)
Martha Bongiorno
Email: bongiornom@fultonschools.org
Website: discoveringtheremarkable.com
Twitter: @mrs_bongi
Click on the pictures for the link!