Our Lady of the Cape Primary School
Newsletter - Thursday 26th August 2021
MATTHEW 5:13-16
2021 Important Dates
Week 6
Fri 27 Aug: Student Free Day
Week 7
Tues 31 Aug: OLC's Got Talent Auditions
Fri 3 Sept: Yr1K Father's Day Assembly
Week 8:
Thurs 9 Sept: School Photos
Fri 10 Sept: School Photos; OLC's Got Talent
Please go to our calendar for more dates: https://www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au/calendar.php
School Faction Carnival
There was enough electricity to light up Tasmania for a fortnight with the excitement created before school yesterday. There was lots of encouragement, fun, with personal bests and active participation all before the serious rain arrived. Thanks to the parents that were able to be agile and come in to support their children at the athletics carnival.
Well done to Mrs. Sinclair for running another well organsied carnival allowing for maximum participation.
Well done to our hard-working P&F for raising over $1200 for our school with the sausage sizzle and raffle.
We will now be able to work with our students representing OLC in the interschool sports at a date still to be decided.
School Feast Day and Mission Markets
Our Mission Markets raised over $2,200 for those less fortunate than ourselves. They were sustainable, no waste or sugary foods. Top job everyone
Early Arrivals at School
Classrooms are open from 8.30am. Students are welcome to sit quietly from 8.20am.
Book week 2022
Book Week at OLC for this year will be held during the last week of term. Our assembly is being held on Wednesday 22 September commencing at 9am. There will be various activities during the week with buddy classes sharing activities, buddy teachers sharing their favourite book with their opposite class.
School Uniform
A big thank you to the students who consistently wear their school uniform so proudly and their parents who ensure they are dressed appropriately. There are a few areas that need to be addressed regarding uniforms. The main areas of concern are listed below with the correct uniform requirements explained.
· Hair should be natural (no dyes, colours) and well groomed.
· Long hair (over the collar) must be tied back.
· Hair should not be coloured or contain ‘tracks’.
· Hair needs to be a (near) consistent length all over.
· Hair should not be spiked or shaved shorter than a number two.
· Radical hairstyles are not acceptable.
Whilst it is not explicitly stated in the Uniform List, hair must be brushed and presented in a tidy fashion. Please ensure that your child’s fringe is not too long and hanging in his/her face, affecting their ability to complete their classwork without interference.
Past Uniforms
We have a lot of white polo shirts and sport jumpers remaining from previous uniform seasons. We would like to see these used rather than disposed of, so are selling them off cheaply. Polos $5ea (can be worn on sport days) in sizes 6 - 12 and Sport Jumpers $10ea. If you would like to purchase these items to keep as spares, they will be entirely acceptable uniform items.
Registration Plate Fundraiser
Our CAPE Registration Plates are selling really well. All profits go towards our new playground to be constructed on the hill overlooking the oval. They cost $300 and take approximately 2 - 3 weeks to arrive. Please go to our auctions site should you want one of the single digit and double digit numbers, as well as numbers 000 to 009. https://airauctioneer.com/olc
Spare Rolls of Grass
If anyone is laying grass over the next few weeks and have a few rolls left over, we are in need of some for a few small lawn patching jobs at school.
Pastoral Care Fridge
If you are able to leave a frozen home cooked meal or purchased meal, they will certainly go to good use.
Did you know
- Sian (6) has a new horse named Jasper. Jasper is 14 years old and loves barrel racing. Sian is also going to be doing “Whip Cracking” at OLC’s got talent on Friday 10 September.
- Liam Hutton (1) was busily munching into his sushi at lunchtime on Wednesday. After demolishing his mum made fresh sushi, he was doing his bit for the nation making a citizen's arrest on the shady Fletcher Brierty and Beau Goodall (1)
- 14% of 50 is the same as 50% of 14.
- There is no ‘ph’ in Sofie McGarry’s name. Sofie will happily tell you that she is named after her grandma.
- It was Miss McFarlane’s birthday on Monday.
- Cooper McNeill was eating carrot sticks amongst playing footy, chatting and wrestling during an average lunchtime for an active year 2 student.
- Bendigo Bank has been in Dunsborough for ten years.
- On Wednesday the Kindy bus stopped on the way home from their excursion to watch an echidna walk across the road.
- Ryan Butterly and Craig Saunders were lighting fires on Friday afternoon. It was all okay as they were making our school safe for summer and making our Indigenous Mia area safe for us all to use.
- Mr Xavier Hahow (Y4)said ‘seyya Mr AT’ (to Adrian Torrese) when he was leaving school on Wednesday.
- On Thursday the kindy crew saw a whale breeching.
- Imogen Phipps and Billie Rose Kirby (Y4) came to visit Mr Lee on Wednesday to share an excellent persuasive text.
- Darcy Archer’s footy team trained at OLC last week.
- Emmerson, Holland, Hudson, Freda, Piper, Lulu, Tim, Mila and Aurelia (Y5) were doing what all kids should do at lunchtimes, just have great fun. This was discovered after Holland Sweet was seen creeping suspiciously through the playground.
God Moments
- Watching the years 3 classes work outside on their audiobooks.
- Watching Mrs Leahy "hard at it" on her birthday.
OLC Dancers
A huge congratulations to the 42 students who performed in the Act-Belong-Commit YOH Fest held at Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre Friday night. The commitment, enthusiasm and joy was clear on stage and I couldn’t be prouder of each and every one of you! Special mention to Lara Murray for her stellar singing solo performance, what a talent!
Thank you to the parents and family members who came and supported their children and the school.
If any year 5 & 6 Students would like to join the OLC Dance Crew, please come along every Friday morning at 8am. Our next performance will be at the end of year Christmas Concert. Mrs Haines :)
Attention all Year 3-6 Superstars! OLC's Got Talent Auditions will be running TUESDAY, WEEK 7 - 31ST AUGUST from 8.40am-1pm (once students have performed, they will return to their classroom).
Please practice your act and be ready to shine!
Successful audition acts will perform in the annual OLC's Got Talent, Friday Week 8! Please bring all props/equipment/music/costumes needed.
Thank you- Mrs Haines
Canteen News
Year 2 Mia Mia Incursion
This week the Year 2s had a privileged, wonderful and memory-making opportunity with Josh Whiteland, our local Wadandi custodian, in creating a traditional Mia Mia. Josh demonstrated how a Mia is built and the materials that are used. He also went through many other aspects of Wadandi culture.
The Mia is situated behind our water tanks near the school oval in an area that the school is currently working on to create an outdoor cultural classroom. With many ideas, such as signage of local flora, this is an exciting initiative in the pipeline.
OLC Digital Journals
We are delighted with the responses we’ve received so far using the Seesaw app with our new weekly Digital Journals.
Our OLC teachers have been busy adding examples of student learning that include photos, video and audio.
We’ve also had a great response from parents in accessing Seesaw. 90% of our OLC families are now on Seesaw. If you’re one of the remaining 10% please download the app and use your child’s QR code (that hopefully you’ve received) to access your child’s learning.
Adrian Torrese and OLC Curriculum Team
25 Years Then and Now
Staff Now
Stage 1
Stage 6
OLC Feast Day and Mission Markets
Last week, along with our 25th Anniversary we celebrated the feast of the Assumption of Mary. The day was a resounding success, with activities centred around Mary our mother and fundraising for the people of Thailand, the current focus of Catholic Mission Australia. Thank you to all families who contributed resources and money for this event. In the space of a few hours we were able to raise a massive $2233.00 for the missions! A fantastic effort. It was so beautiful seeing the Spirit of Jesus within our students, particularly at the end of the market when many children emptied their wallets for the children of Thailand without expecting any material gain in return. One of the greatest gifts we can develop in our children is philanthropy, and it was most evident on the day. The sense of Compassion, Appreciation, Respect and Excellence was palpable, and many of the parents in attendance commented on how beautiful it was watching the older students caring, leading, and looking after the younger students throughout the event. What a great community we have at OLC!
Vale Jenny Hansen, 1944-2021
With sadness we said goodbye to friend to Our Lady of the Cape Primary School, Jenny Hansen last week. In recent years Jenny became an honorary staff member at OLC, volunteering her time to read to our students and to listen to them read out loud to her. We can still see her on the couch, side by side with little ones who needed a little bit of encouragement to develop their confidence; listening to them read and laughing uproariously out loud at any opportunity. It was joyful to witness. Jenny will always be remembered for the contributions that she made to our school. Her love for our children was genuine and heartfelt, and it was reciprocated. She will be missed. Condolences to Pete, Libby and family. Rest in Peace Jenny: forever remembered as “A bright spark on a dreary landscape”.
Mrs Amie Meyer was asked by Jenny's family to deliver a eulogy on behalf of our school. A true honor for someone who is not a family member.
New Caped Crusaders
Our latest OLC Caped Crusaders have had a growth spurt! Students nominate each other when they show the Spirit of Jesus in the way they Greet, Treat and Speak to each other once a week. One of the students nominated from each faction gets to take home their Faction Caped Crusader to look after for a week to thank them for Making Jesus Real. If your child comes home with a Caped Crusader, please thank them for making the world a better place, and ensure it is returned to the front office by the following Thursday. Please help your child to take care of their Crusader by keeping it safe from puppies, dogs, babies, food and liquids. Thank you!
PS, our Leeuwin Caped Crusader is missing from the photo as he was having an extended vacation today! He will be back next week. 🙂
community news
To all cricket enthusiasts
Cricket season is almost upon us and to give you a feel about what Junior Blast cricket is about,the Dunsborough Junior Cricket Club is holding a free come and try promotion for all kids up to 10 years old.
The event will be held at OLC oval on the school grounds after school.
Time - 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Date - Thursday 2nd September 2021
The idea is to give the kids a chance to see how and what this year's cricket season has to offer for the 2021/2022 season.
Also attached is a couple of links to be included as well as information for parents about this cricket season.
More about us
Email: admin@ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Website: www.ladyofcape.wa.edu.au
Location: 245 Cape Naturaliste Road, Dunsborough WA, Australia
Phone: 9781 3200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCDunsborough/