Willow Parent Bulletin # 7
October 1, 2021
settling in...
We had our first fire drill this week, too. We were able to get everyone out of the building and to their safe spot in in 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Thank you for pre-talking the drill with your wildcat!
We have moved Shield testing to during PE on Thursdays. The results have taken a few days the last couple of times, which usually means over the weekend. We will still follow our normal procedures of calling any positive cases or close contacts and emailing a letter to any impacted classrooms.
Since Open House was an outdoor event this year, I thought I would also share with you a few scenes from inside the building!
PTA Membership:
Hispanic Heritage Month
Foundation 153 Fund Run
females 6 and under:
1. Helena Holcomb
2. Quinn Danadio
3. Melody Holcomb
4. Haajar Ryan
males 6 and under:
1. Cameron Duffin
2. Luke Young
3. Peter Kempe
females 7-8 years old:
1. Emilia Leahy
2. Vivian Lewis
3. Liz Riley
4. Olivia Sanders Kim
males 7-8 years old:
1. Zachary Humm
2. Oliver Jacobsen
Congratulations to all who came out to help, participate, or cheer on the others!
Book Blurb: " The New Small Person"
Oct 1: Willow Wear orders due
Oct 4: Willow Wear orders due- really, we mean it today!
Oct 7: Picture day
Oct. 11: NO SCHOOL- Indigenous Peoples' Day
Oct 12-13: Fire Department Safety Days
Oct. 29: Halloween Parade outside at 8:30 AM
Nov. 7: Daylight saving time ends- change your clocks back
Nov. 11: Veterans' Day- we do have school
Nov. 12: End of 1st trimester
Nov. 22: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 23: Parent-Teacher conferences- NO SCHOOL for students
Nov. 24-26: Thanksgiving Break- NO SCHOOL for students
Dec. 17: 1:35 PM EARLY RELEASE
Dec. 20- Jan. 3: Winter break
Jan. 4: Students return to school
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153